essej 25bd5d8adb git subrepo clone --branch=sono6good deps/juce
  subdir:   "deps/juce"
  merged:   "b13f9084e"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "sono6good"
  commit:   "b13f9084e"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"
2022-04-18 17:51:22 -04:00

350 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef B2_WORLD_H
#define B2_WORLD_H
#include "../Common/b2Math.h"
#include "../Common/b2BlockAllocator.h"
#include "../Common/b2StackAllocator.h"
#include "b2ContactManager.h"
#include "b2WorldCallbacks.h"
#include "b2TimeStep.h"
struct b2AABB;
struct b2BodyDef;
struct b2Color;
struct b2JointDef;
class b2Body;
class b2Draw;
class b2Fixture;
class b2Joint;
/// The world class manages all physics entities, dynamic simulation,
/// and asynchronous queries. The world also contains efficient memory
/// management facilities.
class b2World
/// Construct a world object.
/// @param gravity the world gravity vector.
b2World(const b2Vec2& gravity);
/// Destruct the world. All physics entities are destroyed and all heap memory is released.
/// Register a destruction listener. The listener is owned by you and must
/// remain in scope.
void SetDestructionListener(b2DestructionListener* listener);
/// Register a contact filter to provide specific control over collision.
/// Otherwise the default filter is used (b2_defaultFilter). The listener is
/// owned by you and must remain in scope.
void SetContactFilter(b2ContactFilter* filter);
/// Register a contact event listener. The listener is owned by you and must
/// remain in scope.
void SetContactListener(b2ContactListener* listener);
/// Register a routine for debug drawing. The debug draw functions are called
/// inside with b2World::DrawDebugData method. The debug draw object is owned
/// by you and must remain in scope.
void SetDebugDraw(b2Draw* debugDraw);
/// Create a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition
/// is retained.
/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
b2Body* CreateBody(const b2BodyDef* def);
/// Destroy a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition
/// is retained. This function is locked during callbacks.
/// @warning This automatically deletes all associated shapes and joints.
/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
void DestroyBody(b2Body* body);
/// Create a joint to constrain bodies together. No reference to the definition
/// is retained. This may cause the connected bodies to cease colliding.
/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
b2Joint* CreateJoint(const b2JointDef* def);
/// Destroy a joint. This may cause the connected bodies to begin colliding.
/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
void DestroyJoint(b2Joint* joint);
/// Take a time step. This performs collision detection, integration,
/// and constraint solution.
/// @param timeStep the amount of time to simulate, this should not vary.
/// @param velocityIterations for the velocity constraint solver.
/// @param positionIterations for the position constraint solver.
void Step( float32 timeStep,
juce::int32 velocityIterations,
juce::int32 positionIterations);
/// Manually clear the force buffer on all bodies. By default, forces are cleared automatically
/// after each call to Step. The default behavior is modified by calling SetAutoClearForces.
/// The purpose of this function is to support sub-stepping. Sub-stepping is often used to maintain
/// a fixed sized time step under a variable frame-rate.
/// When you perform sub-stepping you will disable auto clearing of forces and instead call
/// ClearForces after all sub-steps are complete in one pass of your game loop.
/// @see SetAutoClearForces
void ClearForces();
/// Call this to draw shapes and other debug draw data.
void DrawDebugData();
/// Query the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the
/// provided AABB.
/// @param callback a user implemented callback class.
/// @param aabb the query box.
void QueryAABB(b2QueryCallback* callback, const b2AABB& aabb) const;
/// Ray-cast the world for all fixtures in the path of the ray. Your callback
/// controls whether you get the closest point, any point, or n-points.
/// The ray-cast ignores shapes that contain the starting point.
/// @param callback a user implemented callback class.
/// @param point1 the ray starting point
/// @param point2 the ray ending point
void RayCast(b2RayCastCallback* callback, const b2Vec2& point1, const b2Vec2& point2) const;
/// Get the world body list. With the returned body, use b2Body::GetNext to get
/// the next body in the world list. A NULL body indicates the end of the list.
/// @return the head of the world body list.
b2Body* GetBodyList();
const b2Body* GetBodyList() const;
/// Get the world joint list. With the returned joint, use b2Joint::GetNext to get
/// the next joint in the world list. A NULL joint indicates the end of the list.
/// @return the head of the world joint list.
b2Joint* GetJointList();
const b2Joint* GetJointList() const;
/// Get the world contact list. With the returned contact, use b2Contact::GetNext to get
/// the next contact in the world list. A NULL contact indicates the end of the list.
/// @return the head of the world contact list.
/// @warning contacts are created and destroyed in the middle of a time step.
/// Use b2ContactListener to avoid missing contacts.
b2Contact* GetContactList();
const b2Contact* GetContactList() const;
/// Enable/disable sleep.
void SetAllowSleeping(bool flag);
bool GetAllowSleeping() const { return m_allowSleep; }
/// Enable/disable warm starting. For testing.
void SetWarmStarting(bool flag) { m_warmStarting = flag; }
bool GetWarmStarting() const { return m_warmStarting; }
/// Enable/disable continuous physics. For testing.
void SetContinuousPhysics(bool flag) { m_continuousPhysics = flag; }
bool GetContinuousPhysics() const { return m_continuousPhysics; }
/// Enable/disable single stepped continuous physics. For testing.
void SetSubStepping(bool flag) { m_subStepping = flag; }
bool GetSubStepping() const { return m_subStepping; }
/// Get the number of broad-phase proxies.
juce::int32 GetProxyCount() const;
/// Get the number of bodies.
juce::int32 GetBodyCount() const;
/// Get the number of joints.
juce::int32 GetJointCount() const;
/// Get the number of contacts (each may have 0 or more contact points).
juce::int32 GetContactCount() const;
/// Get the height of the dynamic tree.
juce::int32 GetTreeHeight() const;
/// Get the balance of the dynamic tree.
juce::int32 GetTreeBalance() const;
/// Get the quality metric of the dynamic tree. The smaller the better.
/// The minimum is 1.
float32 GetTreeQuality() const;
/// Change the global gravity vector.
void SetGravity(const b2Vec2& gravity);
/// Get the global gravity vector.
b2Vec2 GetGravity() const;
/// Is the world locked (in the middle of a time step).
bool IsLocked() const;
/// Set flag to control automatic clearing of forces after each time step.
void SetAutoClearForces(bool flag);
/// Get the flag that controls automatic clearing of forces after each time step.
bool GetAutoClearForces() const;
/// Get the contact manager for testing.
const b2ContactManager& GetContactManager() const;
/// Get the current profile.
const b2Profile& GetProfile() const;
/// Dump the world into the log file.
/// @warning this should be called outside of a time step.
void Dump();
// m_flags
e_newFixture = 0x0001,
e_locked = 0x0002,
e_clearForces = 0x0004
friend class b2Body;
friend class b2Fixture;
friend class b2ContactManager;
friend class b2Controller;
void Solve(const b2TimeStep& step);
void SolveTOI(const b2TimeStep& step);
void DrawJoint(b2Joint* joint);
void DrawShape(b2Fixture* shape, const b2Transform& xf, const b2Color& color);
b2BlockAllocator m_blockAllocator;
b2StackAllocator m_stackAllocator;
juce::int32 m_flags;
b2ContactManager m_contactManager;
b2Body* m_bodyList;
b2Joint* m_jointList;
juce::int32 m_bodyCount;
juce::int32 m_jointCount;
b2Vec2 m_gravity;
bool m_allowSleep;
b2DestructionListener* m_destructionListener;
b2Draw* m_debugDraw;
// This is used to compute the time step ratio to
// support a variable time step.
float32 m_inv_dt0;
// These are for debugging the solver.
bool m_warmStarting;
bool m_continuousPhysics;
bool m_subStepping;
bool m_stepComplete;
b2Profile m_profile;
inline b2Body* b2World::GetBodyList()
return m_bodyList;
inline const b2Body* b2World::GetBodyList() const
return m_bodyList;
inline b2Joint* b2World::GetJointList()
return m_jointList;
inline const b2Joint* b2World::GetJointList() const
return m_jointList;
inline b2Contact* b2World::GetContactList()
return m_contactManager.m_contactList;
inline const b2Contact* b2World::GetContactList() const
return m_contactManager.m_contactList;
inline juce::int32 b2World::GetBodyCount() const
return m_bodyCount;
inline juce::int32 b2World::GetJointCount() const
return m_jointCount;
inline juce::int32 b2World::GetContactCount() const
return m_contactManager.m_contactCount;
inline void b2World::SetGravity(const b2Vec2& gravity)
m_gravity = gravity;
inline b2Vec2 b2World::GetGravity() const
return m_gravity;
inline bool b2World::IsLocked() const
return (m_flags & e_locked) == e_locked;
inline void b2World::SetAutoClearForces(bool flag)
if (flag)
m_flags |= e_clearForces;
m_flags &= ~e_clearForces;
/// Get the flag that controls automatic clearing of forces after each time step.
inline bool b2World::GetAutoClearForces() const
return (m_flags & e_clearForces) == e_clearForces;
inline const b2ContactManager& b2World::GetContactManager() const
return m_contactManager;
inline const b2Profile& b2World::GetProfile() const
return m_profile;