essej 25bd5d8adb git subrepo clone --branch=sono6good deps/juce
  subdir:   "deps/juce"
  merged:   "b13f9084e"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "sono6good"
  commit:   "b13f9084e"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"
2022-04-18 17:51:22 -04:00

480 lines
21 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
#pragma once
#include "../Project/jucer_Project.h"
#include "../Utility/UI/PropertyComponents/jucer_PropertyComponentsWithEnablement.h"
#include "../Utility/Helpers/jucer_ValueWithDefaultWrapper.h"
#include "../Project/Modules/jucer_Modules.h"
class ProjectSaver;
class ProjectExporter : private Value::Listener
ProjectExporter (Project&, const ValueTree& settings);
virtual ~ProjectExporter() override = default;
struct ExporterTypeInfo
Identifier identifier;
String displayName;
String targetFolder;
Image icon;
static std::vector<ExporterTypeInfo> getExporterTypeInfos();
static ExporterTypeInfo getTypeInfoForExporter (const Identifier& exporterIdentifier);
static ExporterTypeInfo getCurrentPlatformExporterTypeInfo();
static std::unique_ptr<ProjectExporter> createNewExporter (Project&, const Identifier& exporterIdentifier);
static std::unique_ptr<ProjectExporter> createExporterFromSettings (Project&, const ValueTree& settings);
static bool canProjectBeLaunched (Project*);
virtual Identifier getExporterIdentifier() const = 0;
// capabilities of exporter
virtual bool usesMMFiles() const = 0;
virtual void createExporterProperties (PropertyListBuilder&) = 0;
virtual bool canLaunchProject() = 0;
virtual bool launchProject() = 0;
virtual void create (const OwnedArray<LibraryModule>&) const = 0; // may throw a SaveError
virtual bool shouldFileBeCompiledByDefault (const File& path) const;
virtual bool canCopeWithDuplicateFiles() = 0;
virtual bool supportsUserDefinedConfigurations() const = 0; // false if exporter only supports two configs Debug and Release
virtual void updateDeprecatedSettings() {}
virtual void updateDeprecatedSettingsInteractively() {}
virtual void initialiseDependencyPathValues() {}
// IDE targeted by exporter
virtual bool isXcode() const = 0;
virtual bool isVisualStudio() const = 0;
virtual bool isCodeBlocks() const = 0;
virtual bool isMakefile() const = 0;
virtual bool isAndroidStudio() const = 0;
virtual bool isCLion() const = 0;
// operating system targeted by exporter
virtual bool isAndroid() const = 0;
virtual bool isWindows() const = 0;
virtual bool isLinux() const = 0;
virtual bool isOSX() const = 0;
virtual bool isiOS() const = 0;
virtual String getNewLineString() const = 0;
virtual String getDescription() { return {}; }
virtual bool supportsPrecompiledHeaders() const { return false; }
// cross-platform audio plug-ins supported by exporter
virtual bool supportsTargetType (build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type type) const = 0;
inline bool shouldBuildTargetType (build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type type) const
return project.shouldBuildTargetType (type) && supportsTargetType (type);
inline void callForAllSupportedTargets (std::function<void (build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type)> callback)
for (int i = 0; i < build_tools::ProjectType::Target::unspecified; ++i)
if (shouldBuildTargetType (static_cast<build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type> (i)))
callback (static_cast<build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type> (i));
bool mayCompileOnCurrentOS() const
return isOSX() || isAndroid() || isiOS();
return isWindows() || isAndroid();
return isLinux() || isAndroid();
#elif JUCE_BSD
return isLinux();
String getUniqueName() const;
File getTargetFolder() const;
Project& getProject() noexcept { return project; }
const Project& getProject() const noexcept { return project; }
UndoManager* getUndoManager() const { return project.getUndoManagerFor (settings); }
Value getSetting (const Identifier& nm) { return settings.getPropertyAsValue (nm, project.getUndoManagerFor (settings)); }
String getSettingString (const Identifier& nm) const { return settings [nm]; }
Value getTargetLocationValue() { return targetLocationValue.getPropertyAsValue(); }
String getTargetLocationString() const { return targetLocationValue.get(); }
String getExtraCompilerFlagsString() const { return extraCompilerFlagsValue.get().toString().replaceCharacters ("\r\n", " "); }
String getExtraLinkerFlagsString() const { return extraLinkerFlagsValue.get().toString().replaceCharacters ("\r\n", " "); }
StringArray getExternalLibrariesStringArray() const { return getSearchPathsFromString (externalLibrariesValue.get().toString()); }
String getExternalLibrariesString() const { return getExternalLibrariesStringArray().joinIntoString (";"); }
bool shouldUseGNUExtensions() const { return gnuExtensionsValue.get(); }
String getVSTLegacyPathString() const { return vstLegacyPathValueWrapper.getCurrentValue(); }
String getAAXPathString() const { return aaxPathValueWrapper.getCurrentValue(); }
String getRTASPathString() const { return rtasPathValueWrapper.getCurrentValue(); }
// NB: this is the path to the parent "modules" folder that contains the named module, not the
// module folder itself.
ValueWithDefault getPathForModuleValue (const String& moduleID);
String getPathForModuleString (const String& moduleID) const;
void removePathForModule (const String& moduleID);
TargetOS::OS getTargetOSForExporter() const;
build_tools::RelativePath getLegacyModulePath (const String& moduleID) const;
String getLegacyModulePath() const;
// Returns a path to the actual module folder itself
build_tools::RelativePath getModuleFolderRelativeToProject (const String& moduleID) const;
void updateOldModulePaths();
build_tools::RelativePath rebaseFromProjectFolderToBuildTarget (const build_tools::RelativePath& path) const;
void addToExtraSearchPaths (const build_tools::RelativePath& pathFromProjectFolder, int index = -1);
void addToModuleLibPaths (const build_tools::RelativePath& pathFromProjectFolder);
void addProjectPathToBuildPathList (StringArray&, const build_tools::RelativePath&, int index = -1) const;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> getBigIcon() const;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> getSmallIcon() const;
build_tools::Icons getIcons() const { return { getSmallIcon(), getBigIcon() }; }
String getExporterIdentifierMacro() const
return "JUCER_" + settings.getType().toString() + "_"
+ String::toHexString (getTargetLocationString().hashCode()).toUpperCase();
// An exception that can be thrown by the create() method.
void createPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder&);
void addSettingsForProjectType (const build_tools::ProjectType&);
void copyMainGroupFromProject();
Array<Project::Item>& getAllGroups() noexcept { jassert (itemGroups.size() > 0); return itemGroups; }
const Array<Project::Item>& getAllGroups() const noexcept { jassert (itemGroups.size() > 0); return itemGroups; }
Project::Item& getModulesGroup();
StringArray linuxLibs, linuxPackages, makefileExtraLinkerFlags;
enum class PackageDependencyType
StringArray getLinuxPackages (PackageDependencyType type) const;
StringPairArray msvcExtraPreprocessorDefs;
String msvcDelayLoadedDLLs;
StringArray mingwLibs, windowsLibs;
StringArray androidLibs;
StringArray extraSearchPaths;
StringArray moduleLibSearchPaths;
class BuildConfiguration : public ReferenceCountedObject
BuildConfiguration (Project& project, const ValueTree& configNode, const ProjectExporter&);
using Ptr = ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<BuildConfiguration>;
virtual void createConfigProperties (PropertyListBuilder&) = 0;
virtual String getModuleLibraryArchName() const = 0;
String getName() const { return configNameValue.get(); }
bool isDebug() const { return isDebugValue.get(); }
String getTargetBinaryRelativePathString() const { return targetBinaryPathValue.get(); }
String getTargetBinaryNameString (bool isUnityPlugin = false) const
return (isUnityPlugin ? Project::addUnityPluginPrefixIfNecessary (targetNameValue.get().toString())
: targetNameValue.get().toString());
int getOptimisationLevelInt() const { return optimisationLevelValue.get(); }
String getGCCOptimisationFlag() const;
bool isLinkTimeOptimisationEnabled() const { return linkTimeOptimisationValue.get(); }
String getBuildConfigPreprocessorDefsString() const { return ppDefinesValue.get(); }
StringPairArray getAllPreprocessorDefs() const; // includes inherited definitions
StringPairArray getUniquePreprocessorDefs() const; // returns pre-processor definitions that are not already in the project pre-processor defs
String getHeaderSearchPathString() const { return headerSearchPathValue.get(); }
StringArray getHeaderSearchPaths() const;
String getLibrarySearchPathString() const { return librarySearchPathValue.get(); }
StringArray getLibrarySearchPaths() const;
String getPrecompiledHeaderFilename() const { return "JucePrecompiledHeader_" + getName(); }
static String getSkipPrecompiledHeaderDefine() { return "JUCE_SKIP_PRECOMPILED_HEADER"; }
bool shouldUsePrecompiledHeaderFile() const { return usePrecompiledHeaderFileValue.get(); }
String getPrecompiledHeaderFileContent() const;
Value getValue (const Identifier& nm) { return config.getPropertyAsValue (nm, getUndoManager()); }
UndoManager* getUndoManager() const { return project.getUndoManagerFor (config); }
void createPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder&);
void addRecommendedLinuxCompilerWarningsProperty (PropertyListBuilder&);
void addRecommendedLLVMCompilerWarningsProperty (PropertyListBuilder&);
struct CompilerNames
static constexpr const char* gcc = "GCC";
static constexpr const char* llvm = "LLVM";
struct CompilerWarningFlags
static CompilerWarningFlags getRecommendedForGCCAndLLVM()
CompilerWarningFlags result;
result.common = { "-Wall", "-Wstrict-aliasing", "-Wuninitialized", "-Wunused-parameter",
"-Wswitch-enum", "-Wsign-conversion", "-Wsign-compare",
"-Wunreachable-code", "-Wcast-align", "-Wno-ignored-qualifiers" };
result.cpp = { "-Woverloaded-virtual", "-Wreorder", "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" };
return result;
StringArray common;
StringArray cpp;
CompilerWarningFlags getRecommendedCompilerWarningFlags() const;
void addGCCOptimisationProperty (PropertyListBuilder&);
void removeFromExporter();
ValueTree config;
Project& project;
const ProjectExporter& exporter;
ValueWithDefault isDebugValue, configNameValue, targetNameValue, targetBinaryPathValue, recommendedWarningsValue, optimisationLevelValue,
linkTimeOptimisationValue, ppDefinesValue, headerSearchPathValue, librarySearchPathValue, userNotesValue,
usePrecompiledHeaderFileValue, precompiledHeaderFileValue;
std::map<String, CompilerWarningFlags> recommendedCompilerWarningFlags;
void addNewConfigurationFromExisting (const BuildConfiguration& configToCopy);
void addNewConfiguration (bool isDebugConfig);
bool hasConfigurationNamed (const String& name) const;
String getUniqueConfigName (String name) const;
String getExternalLibraryFlags (const BuildConfiguration& config) const;
struct ConfigIterator
ConfigIterator (ProjectExporter& exporter);
bool next();
BuildConfiguration& operator*() const { return *config; }
BuildConfiguration* operator->() const { return config.get(); }
BuildConfiguration::Ptr config;
int index;
ProjectExporter& exporter;
struct ConstConfigIterator
ConstConfigIterator (const ProjectExporter& exporter);
bool next();
const BuildConfiguration& operator*() const { return *config; }
const BuildConfiguration* operator->() const { return config.get(); }
BuildConfiguration::Ptr config;
int index;
const ProjectExporter& exporter;
int getNumConfigurations() const;
BuildConfiguration::Ptr getConfiguration (int index) const;
ValueTree getConfigurations() const;
virtual void createDefaultConfigs();
void createDefaultModulePaths();
Value getExporterPreprocessorDefsValue() { return extraPPDefsValue.getPropertyAsValue(); }
String getExporterPreprocessorDefsString() const { return extraPPDefsValue.get(); }
// includes exporter, project + config defs
StringPairArray getAllPreprocessorDefs (const BuildConfiguration& config, const build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type targetType) const;
// includes exporter + project defs
StringPairArray getAllPreprocessorDefs() const;
void addTargetSpecificPreprocessorDefs (StringPairArray& defs, const build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type targetType) const;
String replacePreprocessorTokens (const BuildConfiguration&, const String& sourceString) const;
ValueTree settings;
enum GCCOptimisationLevel
gccO0 = 1,
gccO1 = 4,
gccO2 = 5,
gccO3 = 3,
gccOs = 2,
gccOfast = 6
bool isPCHEnabledForAnyConfigurations() const
if (supportsPrecompiledHeaders())
for (ConstConfigIterator config (*this);;)
if (config->shouldUsePrecompiledHeaderFile())
return true;
return false;
String name;
Project& project;
const build_tools::ProjectType& projectType;
const String projectName;
const File projectFolder;
ValueWithDefaultWrapper vstLegacyPathValueWrapper, rtasPathValueWrapper, aaxPathValueWrapper;
ValueWithDefault targetLocationValue, extraCompilerFlagsValue, extraLinkerFlagsValue, externalLibrariesValue,
userNotesValue, gnuExtensionsValue, bigIconValue, smallIconValue, extraPPDefsValue;
Value projectCompilerFlagSchemesValue;
HashMap<String, ValueWithDefault> compilerFlagSchemesMap;
mutable Array<Project::Item> itemGroups;
Project::Item* modulesGroup = nullptr;
virtual BuildConfiguration::Ptr createBuildConfig (const ValueTree&) const = 0;
void addDefaultPreprocessorDefs (StringPairArray&) const;
static String getDefaultBuildsRootFolder() { return "Builds/"; }
static String getStaticLibbedFilename (String name) { return addSuffix (addLibPrefix (name), ".a"); }
static String getDynamicLibbedFilename (String name) { return addSuffix (addLibPrefix (name), ".so"); }
virtual void addPlatformSpecificSettingsForProjectType (const build_tools::ProjectType&) = 0;
static void createDirectoryOrThrow (const File& dirToCreate)
if (! dirToCreate.createDirectory())
throw build_tools::SaveError ("Can't create folder: " + dirToCreate.getFullPathName());
static void writeXmlOrThrow (const XmlElement& xml, const File& file, const String& encoding,
int maxCharsPerLine, bool useUnixNewLines = false)
XmlElement::TextFormat format;
format.customEncoding = encoding;
format.lineWrapLength = maxCharsPerLine;
format.newLineChars = useUnixNewLines ? "\n" : "\r\n";
MemoryOutputStream mo (8192);
xml.writeTo (mo, format);
build_tools::overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
void valueChanged (Value&) override { updateCompilerFlagValues(); }
void updateCompilerFlagValues();
static String addLibPrefix (const String name)
return name.startsWith ("lib") ? name
: "lib" + name;
static String addSuffix (const String name, const String suffix)
return name.endsWithIgnoreCase (suffix) ? name
: name + suffix;
void createDependencyPathProperties (PropertyListBuilder&);
void createIconProperties (PropertyListBuilder&);
void addVSTPathsIfPluginOrHost();
void addCommonAudioPluginSettings();
void addLegacyVSTFolderToPathIfSpecified();
build_tools::RelativePath getInternalVST3SDKPath();
void addAAXFoldersToPath();