subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
const char* const Toolbar::toolbarDragDescriptor = "_toolbarItem_";
class Toolbar::Spacer : public ToolbarItemComponent
Spacer (int itemID, float sizeToUse, bool shouldDrawBar)
: ToolbarItemComponent (itemID, {}, false),
fixedSize (sizeToUse),
drawBar (shouldDrawBar)
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
bool getToolbarItemSizes (int toolbarThickness, bool /*isToolbarVertical*/,
int& preferredSize, int& minSize, int& maxSize) override
if (fixedSize <= 0)
preferredSize = toolbarThickness * 2;
minSize = 4;
maxSize = 32768;
maxSize = roundToInt ((float) toolbarThickness * fixedSize);
minSize = drawBar ? maxSize : jmin (4, maxSize);
preferredSize = maxSize;
if (getEditingMode() == editableOnPalette)
preferredSize = maxSize = toolbarThickness / (drawBar ? 3 : 2);
return true;
void paintButtonArea (Graphics&, int, int, bool, bool) override
void contentAreaChanged (const Rectangle<int>&) override
int getResizeOrder() const noexcept
return fixedSize <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
void paint (Graphics& g) override
auto w = getWidth();
auto h = getHeight();
if (drawBar)
g.setColour (findColour (Toolbar::separatorColourId, true));
auto thickness = 0.2f;
if (isToolbarVertical())
g.fillRect ((float) w * 0.1f, (float) h * (0.5f - thickness * 0.5f), (float) w * 0.8f, (float) h * thickness);
g.fillRect ((float) w * (0.5f - thickness * 0.5f), (float) h * 0.1f, (float) w * thickness, (float) h * 0.8f);
if (getEditingMode() != normalMode && ! drawBar)
g.setColour (findColour (Toolbar::separatorColourId, true));
auto indentX = jmin (2, (w - 3) / 2);
auto indentY = jmin (2, (h - 3) / 2);
g.drawRect (indentX, indentY, w - indentX * 2, h - indentY * 2, 1);
if (fixedSize <= 0)
float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, hw, hl;
if (isToolbarVertical())
x1 = (float) w * 0.5f;
y1 = (float) h * 0.4f;
x2 = x1;
y2 = (float) indentX * 2.0f;
x3 = x1;
y3 = (float) h * 0.6f;
x4 = x1;
y4 = (float) h - y2;
hw = (float) w * 0.15f;
hl = (float) w * 0.2f;
x1 = (float) w * 0.4f;
y1 = (float) h * 0.5f;
x2 = (float) indentX * 2.0f;
y2 = y1;
x3 = (float) w * 0.6f;
y3 = y1;
x4 = (float) w - x2;
y4 = y1;
hw = (float) h * 0.15f;
hl = (float) h * 0.2f;
Path p;
p.addArrow ({ x1, y1, x2, y2 }, 1.5f, hw, hl);
p.addArrow ({ x3, y3, x4, y4 }, 1.5f, hw, hl);
g.fillPath (p);
const float fixedSize;
const bool drawBar;
class Toolbar::MissingItemsComponent : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
MissingItemsComponent (Toolbar& bar, int h)
: PopupMenu::CustomComponent (true),
owner (&bar),
height (h)
for (int i = bar.items.size(); --i >= 0;)
auto* tc = bar.items.getUnchecked(i);
if (tc != nullptr && dynamic_cast<Spacer*> (tc) == nullptr && ! tc->isVisible())
oldIndexes.insert (0, i);
addAndMakeVisible (tc, 0);
layout (400);
~MissingItemsComponent() override
if (owner != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast<ToolbarItemComponent*> (getChildComponent (i)))
tc->setVisible (false);
auto index = oldIndexes.removeAndReturn (i);
owner->addChildComponent (tc, index);
void layout (const int preferredWidth)
const int indent = 8;
auto x = indent;
auto y = indent;
int maxX = 0;
for (auto* c : getChildren())
if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast<ToolbarItemComponent*> (c))
int preferredSize = 1, minSize = 1, maxSize = 1;
if (tc->getToolbarItemSizes (height, false, preferredSize, minSize, maxSize))
if (x + preferredSize > preferredWidth && x > indent)
x = indent;
y += height;
tc->setBounds (x, y, preferredSize, height);
x += preferredSize;
maxX = jmax (maxX, x);
setSize (maxX + 8, y + height + 8);
void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override
idealWidth = getWidth();
idealHeight = getHeight();
Component::SafePointer<Toolbar> owner;
const int height;
Array<int> oldIndexes;
addChildComponent (missingItemsButton.get());
missingItemsButton->setAlwaysOnTop (true);
missingItemsButton->onClick = [this] { showMissingItems(); };
void Toolbar::setVertical (const bool shouldBeVertical)
if (vertical != shouldBeVertical)
vertical = shouldBeVertical;
void Toolbar::clear()
ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::createItem (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, const int itemId)
if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::separatorBarId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.1f, true);
if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::spacerId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.5f, false);
if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::flexibleSpacerId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.0f, false);
return factory.createItem (itemId);
void Toolbar::addItemInternal (ToolbarItemFactory& factory,
const int itemId,
const int insertIndex)
// An ID can't be zero - this might indicate a mistake somewhere?
jassert (itemId != 0);
if (auto* tc = createItem (factory, itemId))
Array<int> allowedIds;
factory.getAllToolbarItemIds (allowedIds);
// If your factory can create an item for a given ID, it must also return
// that ID from its getAllToolbarItemIds() method!
jassert (allowedIds.contains (itemId));
items.insert (insertIndex, tc);
addAndMakeVisible (tc, insertIndex);
void Toolbar::addItem (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, int itemId, int insertIndex)
addItemInternal (factory, itemId, insertIndex);
void Toolbar::addDefaultItems (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse)
Array<int> ids;
factoryToUse.getDefaultItemSet (ids);
for (auto i : ids)
addItemInternal (factoryToUse, i, -1);
void Toolbar::removeToolbarItem (const int itemIndex)
items.remove (itemIndex);
ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::removeAndReturnItem (const int itemIndex)
if (auto* tc = items.removeAndReturn (itemIndex))
removeChildComponent (tc);
return tc;
return nullptr;
int Toolbar::getNumItems() const noexcept
return items.size();
int Toolbar::getItemId (const int itemIndex) const noexcept
if (auto* tc = getItemComponent (itemIndex))
return tc->getItemId();
return 0;
ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::getItemComponent (const int itemIndex) const noexcept
return items[itemIndex];
ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::getNextActiveComponent (int index, const int delta) const
for (;;)
index += delta;
if (auto* tc = getItemComponent (index))
if (tc->isActive)
return tc;
return nullptr;
void Toolbar::setStyle (const ToolbarItemStyle& newStyle)
if (toolbarStyle != newStyle)
toolbarStyle = newStyle;
updateAllItemPositions (false);
String Toolbar::toString() const
String s ("TB:");
for (int i = 0; i < getNumItems(); ++i)
s << getItemId(i) << ' ';
return s.trimEnd();
bool Toolbar::restoreFromString (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse,
const String& savedVersion)
if (! savedVersion.startsWith ("TB:"))
return false;
StringArray tokens;
tokens.addTokens (savedVersion.substring (3), false);
for (auto& t : tokens)
addItemInternal (factoryToUse, t.getIntValue(), -1);
return true;
void Toolbar::paint (Graphics& g)
getLookAndFeel().paintToolbarBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this);
int Toolbar::getThickness() const noexcept
return vertical ? getWidth() : getHeight();
int Toolbar::getLength() const noexcept
return vertical ? getHeight() : getWidth();
void Toolbar::setEditingActive (const bool active)
if (isEditingActive != active)
isEditingActive = active;
updateAllItemPositions (false);
void Toolbar::resized()
updateAllItemPositions (false);
void Toolbar::updateAllItemPositions (bool animate)
if (getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0)
StretchableObjectResizer resizer;
for (auto* tc : items)
tc->setEditingMode (isEditingActive ? ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar
: ToolbarItemComponent::normalMode);
tc->setStyle (toolbarStyle);
auto* spacer = dynamic_cast<Spacer*> (tc);
int preferredSize = 1, minSize = 1, maxSize = 1;
if (tc->getToolbarItemSizes (getThickness(), isVertical(),
preferredSize, minSize, maxSize))
tc->isActive = true;
resizer.addItem (preferredSize, minSize, maxSize,
spacer != nullptr ? spacer->getResizeOrder() : 2);
tc->isActive = false;
tc->setVisible (false);
resizer.resizeToFit (getLength());
int totalLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < resizer.getNumItems(); ++i)
totalLength += (int) resizer.getItemSize (i);
const bool itemsOffTheEnd = totalLength > getLength();
auto extrasButtonSize = getThickness() / 2;
missingItemsButton->setSize (extrasButtonSize, extrasButtonSize);
missingItemsButton->setVisible (itemsOffTheEnd);
missingItemsButton->setEnabled (! isEditingActive);
if (vertical)
missingItemsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() / 2,
getHeight() - 4 - extrasButtonSize / 2);
missingItemsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() - 4 - extrasButtonSize / 2,
getHeight() / 2);
auto maxLength = itemsOffTheEnd ? (vertical ? missingItemsButton->getY()
: missingItemsButton->getX()) - 4
: getLength();
int pos = 0, activeIndex = 0;
for (auto* tc : items)
if (tc->isActive)
auto size = (int) resizer.getItemSize (activeIndex++);
Rectangle<int> newBounds;
if (vertical)
newBounds.setBounds (0, pos, getWidth(), size);
newBounds.setBounds (pos, 0, size, getHeight());
auto& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator();
if (animate)
animator.animateComponent (tc, newBounds, 1.0f, 200, false, 3.0, 0.0);
animator.cancelAnimation (tc, false);
tc->setBounds (newBounds);
pos += size;
tc->setVisible (pos <= maxLength
&& ((! tc->isBeingDragged)
|| tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnPalette));
void Toolbar::showMissingItems()
jassert (missingItemsButton->isShowing());
if (missingItemsButton->isShowing())
PopupMenu m;
auto comp = std::make_unique<MissingItemsComponent> (*this, getThickness());
m.addCustomItem (1, std::move (comp));
m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options().withTargetComponent (missingItemsButton.get()));
bool Toolbar::isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails)
return dragSourceDetails.description == toolbarDragDescriptor && isEditingActive;
void Toolbar::itemDragMove (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails)
if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast<ToolbarItemComponent*> (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get()))
if (! items.contains (tc))
if (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnPalette)
if (auto* palette = tc->findParentComponentOfClass<ToolbarItemPalette>())
palette->replaceComponent (*tc);
jassert (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar);
items.add (tc);
addChildComponent (tc);
updateAllItemPositions (true);
auto& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator();
for (int i = getNumItems(); --i >= 0;)
auto currentIndex = items.indexOf (tc);
auto newIndex = currentIndex;
auto dragObjectLeft = vertical ? (dragSourceDetails.localPosition.getY() - tc->dragOffsetY)
: (dragSourceDetails.localPosition.getX() - tc->dragOffsetX);
auto dragObjectRight = dragObjectLeft + (vertical ? tc->getHeight() : tc->getWidth());
auto current = animator.getComponentDestination (getChildComponent (newIndex));
if (auto* prev = getNextActiveComponent (newIndex, -1))
auto previousPos = animator.getComponentDestination (prev);
if (std::abs (dragObjectLeft - (vertical ? previousPos.getY() : previousPos.getX()))
< std::abs (dragObjectRight - (vertical ? current.getBottom() : current.getRight())))
newIndex = getIndexOfChildComponent (prev);
if (auto* next = getNextActiveComponent (newIndex, 1))
auto nextPos = animator.getComponentDestination (next);
if (std::abs (dragObjectLeft - (vertical ? current.getY() : current.getX()))
> std::abs (dragObjectRight - (vertical ? nextPos.getBottom() : nextPos.getRight())))
newIndex = getIndexOfChildComponent (next) + 1;
if (newIndex == currentIndex)
items.removeObject (tc, false);
removeChildComponent (tc);
addChildComponent (tc, newIndex);
items.insert (newIndex, tc);
updateAllItemPositions (true);
void Toolbar::itemDragExit (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails)
if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast<ToolbarItemComponent*> (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get()))
if (isParentOf (tc))
items.removeObject (tc, false);
removeChildComponent (tc);
updateAllItemPositions (true);
void Toolbar::itemDropped (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails)
if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast<ToolbarItemComponent*> (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get()))
tc->setState (Button::buttonNormal);
void Toolbar::lookAndFeelChanged()
missingItemsButton.reset (getLookAndFeel().createToolbarMissingItemsButton (*this));
void Toolbar::mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) {}
class Toolbar::CustomisationDialog : public DialogWindow
CustomisationDialog (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, Toolbar& bar, int optionFlags)
: DialogWindow (TRANS("Add/remove items from toolbar"), Colours::white, true, true),
toolbar (bar)
setContentOwned (new CustomiserPanel (factory, toolbar, optionFlags), true);
setResizable (true, true);
setResizeLimits (400, 300, 1500, 1000);
~CustomisationDialog() override
toolbar.setEditingActive (false);
void closeButtonPressed() override
setVisible (false);
bool canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component* comp) override
return toolbar.isParentOf (comp)
|| dynamic_cast<const ToolbarItemComponent::ItemDragAndDropOverlayComponent*> (comp) != nullptr;
void positionNearBar()
auto screenSize = toolbar.getParentMonitorArea();
auto pos = toolbar.getScreenPosition();
const int gap = 8;
if (toolbar.isVertical())
if (pos.x > screenSize.getCentreX())
pos.x -= getWidth() - gap;
pos.x += toolbar.getWidth() + gap;
pos.x += (toolbar.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2;
if (pos.y > screenSize.getCentreY())
pos.y -= getHeight() - gap;
pos.y += toolbar.getHeight() + gap;
setTopLeftPosition (pos);
Toolbar& toolbar;
class CustomiserPanel : public Component
CustomiserPanel (ToolbarItemFactory& tbf, Toolbar& bar, int optionFlags)
: factory (tbf), toolbar (bar), palette (tbf, bar),
instructions ({}, TRANS ("You can drag the items above and drop them onto a toolbar to add them.")
+ "\n\n"
+ TRANS ("Items on the toolbar can also be dragged around to change their order, or dragged off the edge to delete them.")),
defaultButton (TRANS ("Restore to default set of items"))
addAndMakeVisible (palette);
if ((optionFlags & (Toolbar::allowIconsOnlyChoice
| Toolbar::allowIconsWithTextChoice
| Toolbar::allowTextOnlyChoice)) != 0)
addAndMakeVisible (styleBox);
styleBox.setEditableText (false);
if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowIconsOnlyChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show icons only"), 1);
if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowIconsWithTextChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show icons and descriptions"), 2);
if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowTextOnlyChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show descriptions only"), 3);
int selectedStyle = 0;
switch (bar.getStyle())
case Toolbar::iconsOnly: selectedStyle = 1; break;
case Toolbar::iconsWithText: selectedStyle = 2; break;
case Toolbar::textOnly: selectedStyle = 3; break;
default: break;
styleBox.setSelectedId (selectedStyle);
styleBox.onChange = [this] { updateStyle(); };
if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::showResetToDefaultsButton) != 0)
addAndMakeVisible (defaultButton);
defaultButton.onClick = [this] { toolbar.addDefaultItems (factory); };
addAndMakeVisible (instructions);
instructions.setFont (Font (13.0f));
setSize (500, 300);
void updateStyle()
switch (styleBox.getSelectedId())
case 1: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::iconsOnly); break;
case 2: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::iconsWithText); break;
case 3: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::textOnly); break;
default: break;
palette.resized(); // to make it update the styles
void paint (Graphics& g) override
Colour background;
if (auto* dw = findParentComponentOfClass<DialogWindow>())
background = dw->getBackgroundColour();
g.setColour (background.contrasting().withAlpha (0.3f));
g.fillRect (palette.getX(), palette.getBottom() - 1, palette.getWidth(), 1);
void resized() override
palette.setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() - 120);
styleBox.setBounds (10, getHeight() - 110, 200, 22);
defaultButton.changeWidthToFitText (22);
defaultButton.setTopLeftPosition (240, getHeight() - 110);
instructions.setBounds (10, getHeight() - 80, getWidth() - 20, 80);
ToolbarItemFactory& factory;
Toolbar& toolbar;
ToolbarItemPalette palette;
Label instructions;
ComboBox styleBox;
TextButton defaultButton;
void Toolbar::showCustomisationDialog (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, const int optionFlags)
setEditingActive (true);
(new CustomisationDialog (factory, *this, optionFlags))
->enterModalState (true, nullptr, true);
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityHandler> Toolbar::createAccessibilityHandler()
return std::make_unique<AccessibilityHandler> (*this, AccessibilityRole::group);
} // namespace juce