essej 25bd5d8adb git subrepo clone --branch=sono6good deps/juce
  subdir:   "deps/juce"
  merged:   "b13f9084e"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "sono6good"
  commit:   "b13f9084e"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"
2022-04-18 17:51:22 -04:00

225 lines
8.5 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
A class used by the LassoComponent to manage the things that it selects.
This allows the LassoComponent to find out which items are within the lasso,
and to change the list of selected items.
@see LassoComponent, SelectedItemSet
template <class SelectableItemType>
class LassoSource
/** Destructor. */
virtual ~LassoSource() = default;
/** Returns the set of items that lie within a given lassoable region.
Your implementation of this method must find all the relevant items that lie
within the given rectangle. and add them to the itemsFound array.
The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the lasso component's parent
component. (i.e. they are the same as the size and position of the lasso
component itself).
virtual void findLassoItemsInArea (Array<SelectableItemType>& itemsFound,
const Rectangle<int>& area) = 0;
/** Returns the SelectedItemSet that the lasso should update.
This set will be continuously updated by the LassoComponent as it gets
dragged around, so make sure that you've got a ChangeListener attached to
the set so that your UI objects will know when the selection changes and
be able to update themselves appropriately.
virtual SelectedItemSet<SelectableItemType>& getLassoSelection() = 0;
A component that acts as a rectangular selection region, which you drag with
the mouse to select groups of objects (in conjunction with a SelectedItemSet).
To use one of these:
- In your mouseDown or mouseDrag event, add the LassoComponent to your parent
component, and call its beginLasso() method, giving it a
suitable LassoSource object that it can use to find out which items are in
the active area.
- Each time your parent component gets a mouseDrag event, call dragLasso()
to update the lasso's position - it will use its LassoSource to calculate and
update the current selection.
- After the drag has finished and you get a mouseUp callback, you should call
endLasso() to clean up. This will make the lasso component invisible, and you
can remove it from the parent component, or delete it.
The class takes into account the modifier keys that are being held down while
the lasso is being dragged, so if shift is pressed, then any lassoed items will
be added to the original selection; if ctrl or command is pressed, they will be
xor'ed with any previously selected items.
@see LassoSource, SelectedItemSet
template <class SelectableItemType>
class LassoComponent : public Component
/** Creates a Lasso component. */
LassoComponent() = default;
/** Call this in your mouseDown event, to initialise a drag.
Pass in a suitable LassoSource object which the lasso will use to find
the items and change the selection.
After using this method to initialise the lasso, repeatedly call dragLasso()
in your component's mouseDrag callback.
@see dragLasso, endLasso, LassoSource
void beginLasso (const MouseEvent& e, LassoSource<SelectableItemType>* lassoSource)
jassert (source == nullptr); // this suggests that you didn't call endLasso() after the last drag...
jassert (lassoSource != nullptr); // the source can't be null!
jassert (getParentComponent() != nullptr); // you need to add this to a parent component for it to work!
source = lassoSource;
if (lassoSource != nullptr)
originalSelection = lassoSource->getLassoSelection().getItemArray();
setSize (0, 0);
dragStartPos = e.getMouseDownPosition();
/** Call this in your mouseDrag event, to update the lasso's position.
This must be repeatedly calling when the mouse is dragged, after you've
first initialised the lasso with beginLasso().
This method takes into account the modifier keys that are being held down, so
if shift is pressed, then the lassoed items will be added to any that were
previously selected; if ctrl or command is pressed, then they will be xor'ed
with previously selected items.
@see beginLasso, endLasso
void dragLasso (const MouseEvent& e)
if (source != nullptr)
setBounds (Rectangle<int> (dragStartPos, e.getPosition()));
setVisible (true);
Array<SelectableItemType> itemsInLasso;
source->findLassoItemsInArea (itemsInLasso, getBounds());
if (e.mods.isShiftDown())
itemsInLasso.removeValuesIn (originalSelection); // to avoid duplicates
itemsInLasso.addArray (originalSelection);
else if (e.mods.isCommandDown() || e.mods.isAltDown())
auto originalMinusNew = originalSelection;
originalMinusNew.removeValuesIn (itemsInLasso);
itemsInLasso.removeValuesIn (originalSelection);
itemsInLasso.addArray (originalMinusNew);
source->getLassoSelection() = SelectedItemSet<SelectableItemType> (itemsInLasso);
/** Call this in your mouseUp event, after the lasso has been dragged.
@see beginLasso, dragLasso
void endLasso()
source = nullptr;
setVisible (false);
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the label.
These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour()
Note that you can also use the constants from TextEditor::ColourIds to change the
colour of the text editor that is opened when a label is editable.
@see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour
enum ColourIds
lassoFillColourId = 0x1000440, /**< The colour to fill the lasso rectangle with. */
lassoOutlineColourId = 0x1000441, /**< The colour to draw the outline with. */
/** @internal */
void paint (Graphics& g) override
getLookAndFeel().drawLasso (g, *this);
// this suggests that you've left a lasso comp lying around after the
// mouse drag has finished.. Be careful to call endLasso() when you get a
// mouse-up event.
jassert (isMouseButtonDownAnywhere());
/** @internal */
bool hitTest (int, int) override { return false; }
Array<SelectableItemType> originalSelection;
LassoSource<SelectableItemType>* source = nullptr;
Point<int> dragStartPos;
} // namespace juce