PaulXStretch - Plugin for extreme time stretching and other spectral processing of audio
This application/plugin is based on the PaulStretch algorithm. (Paul’s Extreme Time Stretch, originally developed by Nasca Octavian Paul), and specifically the PaulXStretch version from Xenakios. The UI has been updated and adapted for various screen sizes.
PaulXStretch is only suitable for radical transformation of sounds. It is not suitable at all for subtle time or pitch corrections and such. Ambient music and sound design are probably the most suitable use cases. It can turn any short audio into an hours long ambient soundscape without batting an eye!
Works as a standalone application on macOS, Windows, Linux, and iOS, and as an audio plugin (AU, VST3) on macOS, Windows and iOS (AUv3).

Windows and Mac
There are binary releases for macOS and Windows available at or in the releases of this repository on GitHub.
For now, you can build it yourself following the build instructions below.
Source code is now maintained at:
To build from source on macOS and Windows, all of the dependencies are a part of this GIT repository, including prebuilt FFTW libraries (for Mac/Win only) The build now uses CMake 3.15 or above on macOS, Windows, and Linux platforms, see details below.
On macOS
Make sure you have CMake >= 3.15 and XCode. Then run:
The resulting application and plugins will end up under build/PaulXStretch_artefacts/Release
when the build completes. If you would rather have an Xcode project to look
at, use ./
instead and use the Xcode project that gets
produced at buildXcode/PaulXStretch.xcodeproj
On Windows
You will need CMake >= 3.15, and Visual Studio 2019 installed. You'll also need Cygwin installed if you want to use the scripts below, but you can also use CMake in other ways if you prefer.
The resulting application and plugins will end up under build/PaulXStretch_artefacts/Release
when the build completes. The MSVC project/solution can be found in
build/PaulXStretch_artefacts as well after the cmake setup step.
On Linux
The first thing to do in a terminal is go to the Linux directory:
cd linux
And read the file for further instructions.
Copyright (C) 2022 Jesse Chappell
Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Xenakios
Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul, Tg. Mures, Romania
License and 3rd Party Software
Released under GNU General Public License v.3 license with App Store license exception. The full license text is in the LICENSE file. Paul Nasca, Xenakios and Jesse Chappell all explicitly permitted the license exception clause.
It is built using JUCE 6 (slightly modified on a public fork), I'm using the very handy tool git-subrepo
to include the source code for my forks of those software libraries in this repository.
FFTW is required, but statically built libraries are included in deps
for easier building on Mac and Windows.
My github forks of these that are referenced via git-subrepo
in this repository are: in the sono6good branch.
The version distributed on the iOS App Store by Sonosaurus is not built with FFTW, and the JUCE commercial license applies there.