essej 25bd5d8adb git subrepo clone --branch=sono6good deps/juce
  subdir:   "deps/juce"
  merged:   "b13f9084e"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "sono6good"
  commit:   "b13f9084e"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"
2022-04-18 17:51:22 -04:00

505 lines
19 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
struct BlankCanvas : public AnimatedContent
String getName() const override { return "Blank Canvas"; }
void reset() override {}
void handleTouch (Point<float>) override {}
void generateCanvas (Graphics&, SharedCanvasDescription&, Rectangle<float>) override {}
struct GridLines : public AnimatedContent
String getName() const override { return "Grid Lines"; }
void reset() override {}
void handleTouch (Point<float>) override {}
void generateCanvas (Graphics& g, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float>) override
auto limits = canvas.getLimits();
float lineThickness = 0.1f;
g.setColour (Colours::blue);
g.drawRect (canvas.getLimits(), lineThickness);
for (float y = limits.getY(); y < limits.getBottom(); y += 2.0f)
g.drawLine (limits.getX(), y, limits.getRight(), y, lineThickness);
for (float x = limits.getX(); x < limits.getRight(); x += 2.0f)
g.drawLine (x, limits.getY(), x, limits.getBottom(), lineThickness);
g.setColour (Colours::darkred);
g.drawLine (limits.getX(), limits.getCentreY(), limits.getRight(), limits.getCentreY(), lineThickness);
g.drawLine (limits.getCentreX(), limits.getY(), limits.getCentreX(), limits.getBottom(), lineThickness);
g.setColour (Colours::lightgrey);
g.drawLine (limits.getX(), limits.getY(), limits.getRight(), limits.getBottom(), lineThickness);
g.drawLine (limits.getX(), limits.getBottom(), limits.getRight(), limits.getY(), lineThickness);
struct BackgroundLogo : public AnimatedContent
static const char logoData[] = R"blahblah(
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 239.2 239.2" enable-background="new 0 0 239.2 239.2" xml:space="preserve">
<path fill="#6CC04A" d="M118.8,201.3c-44.6,0-81-36.3-81-81s36.3-81,81-81s81,36.3,81,81S163.4,201.3,118.8,201.3z M118.8,44.8c-41.7,0-75.6,33.9-75.6,75.6s33.9,75.6,75.6,75.6s75.6-33.9,75.6-75.6S160.4,44.8,118.8,44.8z"/>
<path fill="#3B5CAD" d="M182.6,117.6c1.4,0,2.7-0.5,3.7-1.5c1.1-1.1,1.6-2.5,1.4-4c-1.5-12.7-6.5-24.7-14.4-34.8c-1-1.2-2.3-1.9-3.8-1.9c-1.3,0-2.6,0.5-3.6,1.5l-39,39c-0.6,0.6-0.2,1.6,0.7,1.6L182.6,117.6z"/>
<path fill="#E73E51" d="M169.5,165.2L169.5,165.2c1.5,0,2.8-0.7,3.8-1.9c7.9-10.1,12.9-22.1,14.4-34.8c0.2-1.5-0.3-2.9-1.4-4c-1-1-2.3-1.5-3.7-1.5l-55,0c-0.9,0-1.3,1-0.7,1.6l39,39C166.9,164.7,168.2,165.2,169.5,165.2z"/>
<path fill="#E67E3C" d="M122.9,188L122.9,188c1,1,2.5,1.5,4,1.3c12.7-1.5,24.8-6.5,34.8-14.4c1.2-0.9,1.8-2.3,1.9-3.8c0-1.4-0.6-2.7-1.6-3.7l-38.9-38.9c-0.6-0.6-1.6-0.2-1.6,0.7l0,55.2C121.4,185.8,122,187,122.9,188z"/>
<path fill="#F0E049" d="M68,75.4c-1.5,0-2.8,0.7-3.8,1.9c-7.9,10.1-12.9,22.1-14.4,34.8c-0.2,1.5,0.3,2.9,1.4,4c1,1,2.3,1.5,3.7,1.5l55,0c0.9,0,1.3-1,0.7-1.6l-39-39C70.6,76,69.3,75.4,68,75.4z"/>
<path fill="#D5D755" d="M114.6,52.7c-1-1-2.5-1.5-4-1.3c-12.7,1.5-24.8,6.5-34.8,14.4c-1.2,0.9-1.8,2.3-1.9,3.8c0,1.4,0.6,2.7,1.6,3.7l38.9,38.9c0.6,0.6,1.6,0.2,1.6-0.7l0-55.2C116.1,54.9,115.5,53.6,114.6,52.7z"/>
<path fill="#9CB6D3" d="M163.7,69.6c0-1.5-0.7-2.8-1.9-3.8c-10.1-7.9-22.1-12.9-34.8-14.4c-1.5-0.2-2.9,0.3-4,1.4c-1,1-1.5,2.3-1.5,3.7l0,55c0,0.9,1,1.3,1.6,0.7l39-39C163.1,72.1,163.7,70.9,163.7,69.6z"/>
<path fill="#F5BD47" d="M109.9,123l-55,0c-1.4,0-2.7,0.5-3.7,1.5c-1.1,1.1-1.6,2.5-1.4,4c1.5,12.7,6.5,24.7,14.4,34.8c1,1.2,2.3,1.9,3.8,1.9c1.3,0,2.6-0.5,3.5-1.5c0,0,0,0,0,0l39-39C111.2,124,110.8,123,109.9,123z"/>
<path fill="#F19F53" d="M114.4,128.5l-38.9,38.9c-1,1-1.6,2.3-1.6,3.7c0,1.5,0.7,2.9,1.9,3.8c10,7.9,22.1,12.9,34.8,14.4c1.6,0.2,3-0.3,4-1.3c0.9-0.9,1.4-2.2,1.4-3.6c0,0,0,0,0,0l0-55.2C116.1,128.3,115,127.9,114.4,128.5z"/>
logo = Drawable::createFromSVG (*parseXML (logoData));
String getName() const override { return "Background Image"; }
void reset() override {}
void handleTouch (Point<float>) override {}
void generateCanvas (Graphics& g, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float>) override
logo->drawWithin (g, canvas.getLimits().reduced (3.0f), RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred), 0.6f);
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> logo;
struct FlockDemo : public BackgroundLogo
String getName() const override { return "Flock"; }
void setNumBirds (int numBirds)
for (int i = numBirds; --i >= 0;)
birds.add ({});
centreOfGravity = {};
lastGravityMove = {};
fakeMouseTouchLengthToRun = 0;
fakeMouseTouchPosition = {};
fakeMouseTouchVelocity = {};
void reset() override
setNumBirds (100);
void generateCanvas (Graphics& g, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float> activeArea) override
BackgroundLogo::generateCanvas (g, canvas, activeArea);
if (Time::getCurrentTime() > lastGravityMove + RelativeTime::seconds (0.5))
if (fakeMouseTouchLengthToRun > 0)
fakeMouseTouchPosition += fakeMouseTouchVelocity;
centreOfGravity = fakeMouseTouchPosition;
centreOfGravity = {};
if (rng.nextInt (300) == 2 && canvas.clients.size() > 0)
fakeMouseTouchLengthToRun = 50;
fakeMouseTouchPosition = canvas.clients.getReference (rng.nextInt (canvas.clients.size())).centre;
fakeMouseTouchVelocity = { rng.nextFloat() * 0.3f - 0.15f,
rng.nextFloat() * 0.3f - 0.15f };
g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.2f));
if (! centreOfGravity.isOrigin())
g.fillEllipse (centreOfGravity.getX() - 1.0f, centreOfGravity.getY() - 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < birds.size(); ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < birds.size(); ++j)
attractBirds (birds.getReference(i), birds.getReference(j));
for (auto& b : birds)
if (! centreOfGravity.isOrigin())
b.move (centreOfGravity, 0.4f);
b.draw (g);
b.bounceOffEdges (canvas.getLimits().expanded (1.0f));
for (int i = rings.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (rings.getReference(i).update())
rings.getReference(i).draw (g);
rings.remove (i);
bool isRingNear (Point<float> p) const
for (auto& r : rings)
if (r.centre.getDistanceFrom (p) < 1.0f)
return true;
return false;
void handleTouch (Point<float> position) override
lastGravityMove = Time::getCurrentTime();
centreOfGravity = position;
fakeMouseTouchLengthToRun = 0;
if (! isRingNear (position))
rings.add ({ position, 1.0f, 0.5f });
struct Bird
Random randGen;
pos.x = randGen.nextFloat() * 10.0f - 5.0f;
pos.y = randGen.nextFloat() * 10.0f - 5.0f;
velocity.x = randGen.nextFloat() * 0.001f;
velocity.y = randGen.nextFloat() * 0.001f;
colour = Colour::fromHSV (randGen.nextFloat(), 0.2f, 0.9f, randGen.nextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.2f);
shape.addTriangle (0.0f, 0.0f, -0.3f, 1.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
shape = shape.createPathWithRoundedCorners (0.2f);
shape.applyTransform (AffineTransform::scale (randGen.nextFloat() + 1.0f));
Point<float> pos, velocity, acc;
Colour colour;
Path shape;
void move (Point<float> target, float strength)
auto r = target - pos;
float rSquared = jmax (0.1f, (r.x * r.x) + (r.y * r.y));
if (rSquared > 1.0f)
velocity += (r * strength / rSquared);
acc = {};
void accelerate (Point<float> acceleration)
acc += acceleration;
void bounceOffEdges (Rectangle<float> limits)
if (pos.x < limits.getX()) { velocity.x = std::abs (velocity.x); acc = {}; }
if (pos.x > limits.getRight()) { velocity.x = -std::abs (velocity.x); acc = {}; }
if (pos.y < limits.getY()) { velocity.y = std::abs (velocity.y); acc = {}; }
if (pos.y > limits.getBottom()) { velocity.y = -std::abs (velocity.y); acc = {}; }
void update()
velocity += acc;
float length = velocity.getDistanceFromOrigin();
const float maxSpeed = 0.5f;
if (length > maxSpeed)
velocity = getVectorWithLength (velocity, maxSpeed);
pos += velocity;
void draw (Graphics& g)
g.setColour (colour);
g.fillPath (shape, AffineTransform::rotation (Point<float>().getAngleToPoint (velocity)).translated (pos));
static Point<float> getVectorWithLength (Point<float> v, float newLength)
return v * (newLength / v.getDistanceFromOrigin());
static void attractBirds (Bird& b1, Bird& b2)
auto delta = b1.pos - b2.pos;
const float zoneRadius = 10.0f;
const float low = 0.4f;
const float high = 0.65f;
const float strength = 0.01f;
const float distanceSquared = (delta.x * delta.x) * (delta.y * delta.y);
if (distanceSquared < zoneRadius * zoneRadius && distanceSquared > 0.01f)
float proportion = distanceSquared / (zoneRadius * zoneRadius);
if (proportion < low)
const float F = (low / proportion - 1.0f) * strength * 0.003f;
delta = getVectorWithLength (delta, F);
b1.accelerate (delta);
b2.accelerate (-delta);
else if (proportion < high)
const float regionSize = high - low;
const float adjustedProportion = (proportion - low) / regionSize;
const float F = (0.5f - std::cos (adjustedProportion * MathConstants<float>::twoPi) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * strength;
b1.accelerate (getVectorWithLength (b2.velocity, F));
b2.accelerate (getVectorWithLength (b1.velocity, F));
const float regionSize = 1.0f - high;
const float adjustedProportion = (proportion - high) / regionSize;
const float F = (0.5f - std::cos (adjustedProportion * MathConstants<float>::twoPi) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * strength;
delta = getVectorWithLength (delta, F);
b1.accelerate (-delta);
b2.accelerate (delta);
Random rng;
Array<Bird> birds;
Point<float> centreOfGravity;
Time lastGravityMove;
int fakeMouseTouchLengthToRun = 0;
Point<float> fakeMouseTouchPosition, fakeMouseTouchVelocity;
struct Ring
Point<float> centre;
float diameter, opacity;
bool update()
diameter += 0.7f;
opacity -= 0.01f;
return opacity > 0;
void draw (Graphics& g)
const float thickness = 0.2f;
auto r = Rectangle<float> (diameter, diameter).withCentre (centre);
Path p;
p.addEllipse (r);
p.addEllipse (r.reduced (thickness));
p.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (opacity));
g.fillPath (p);
Array<Ring> rings;
struct FlockWithText : public FlockDemo
messages.add ("JUCE is our cross-platform C++ framework\n\n"
"In this demo, the same C++ app is running natively on NUMDEVICES devices,\n"
"which are sharing their graphic state via the network");
messages.add ("No other libraries were needed to create this demo.\n"
"JUCE provides thousands of classes for cross-platform GUI,\n"
"audio, networking, data-structures and many other common tasks");
messages.add ("As well as a code library, JUCE provides tools for managing\n"
"cross-platform projects that are built with Xcode,\n"
"Visual Studio, Android Studio, GCC and other compilers");
messages.add ("JUCE can be used to build desktop or mobile apps, and also\n"
"audio plug-ins in the VST2, VST3, AudioUnit, AAX and RTAS formats");
String getName() const override { return "Flock with text"; }
void reset() override
currentMessage = 0;
currentMessageStart = {};
clientIndex = 0;
void generateCanvas (Graphics& g, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float> activeArea) override
FlockDemo::generateCanvas (g, canvas, activeArea);
const float textSize = 0.5f; // inches
const float textBlockWidth = 20.0f; // inches
Graphics::ScopedSaveState ss (g);
const float scale = 20.0f; // scaled to allow the fonts to use more reasonable sizes
g.addTransform (AffineTransform::scale (1.0f / scale));
String text = String (messages[currentMessage]).replace ("NUMDEVICES", String (canvas.clients.size()));
AttributedString as;
as.append (text, Font (textSize * scale), Colour (0x80ffffff).withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
as.setJustification (Justification::centred);
auto middle = canvas.clients[clientIndex % canvas.clients.size()].centre * scale;
as.draw (g, Rectangle<float> (textBlockWidth * scale, textBlockWidth * scale).withCentre (middle));
void tick()
const double displayTimeSeconds = 5.0;
const double fadeTimeSeconds = 1.0;
Time now = Time::getCurrentTime();
const double secondsSinceStart = (now - currentMessageStart).inSeconds();
if (secondsSinceStart > displayTimeSeconds)
currentMessageStart = now;
currentMessage = (currentMessage + 1) % messages.size();
alpha = 0;
else if (secondsSinceStart > displayTimeSeconds - fadeTimeSeconds)
alpha = (float) jlimit (0.0, 1.0, (displayTimeSeconds - secondsSinceStart) / fadeTimeSeconds);
else if (secondsSinceStart < fadeTimeSeconds)
alpha = (float) jlimit (0.0, 1.0, secondsSinceStart / fadeTimeSeconds);
StringArray messages;
int currentMessage = 0, clientIndex = 0;
float alpha = 0;
Point<float> centre;
Time currentMessageStart;
struct SmallFlock : public FlockDemo
String getName() const override { return "Small Flock"; }
void reset() override
setNumBirds (20);
struct BigFlock : public FlockDemo
String getName() const override { return "Big Flock"; }
void reset() override
setNumBirds (200);
template <int numHorizontalLogos>
struct MultiLogo : public BackgroundLogo
String getName() const override { return "Multi-Logo " + String ((int) numHorizontalLogos); }
void generateCanvas (Graphics& g, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float>) override
float indent = 0.5f;
float logoSize = canvas.getLimits().getWidth() / numHorizontalLogos;
auto limits = canvas.getLimits();
for (float x = limits.getX(); x < limits.getRight(); x += logoSize)
for (float y = limits.getY(); y < limits.getBottom(); y += logoSize)
logo->drawWithin (g, Rectangle<float> (x, y, logoSize, logoSize).reduced (indent),
RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred), 0.5f);
void createAllDemos (OwnedArray<AnimatedContent>& demos)
demos.add (new FlockDemo());
demos.add (new FlockWithText());
demos.add (new SmallFlock());
demos.add (new BigFlock());
demos.add (new BackgroundLogo());
demos.add (new MultiLogo<5>());
demos.add (new MultiLogo<10>());
demos.add (new GridLines());
demos.add (new BlankCanvas());