Nikolai Rodionov 57712751f1
chore: mirror k8s-monitoring-2.0.12
2025-02-21 09:42:13 +01:00

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Grafana Alloy Helm chart

Type: application Version: 0.11.0 AppVersion: v1.6.1

Helm chart for deploying Grafana Alloy to Kubernetes.


Setup Grafana chart repository

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update

Install chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install my-release grafana/alloy

This chart installs one instance of Grafana Alloy into your Kubernetes cluster using a specific Kubernetes controller. By default, DaemonSet is used. The controller.type value can be used to change the controller to either a StatefulSet or Deployment.

Creating multiple installations of the Helm chart with different controllers is useful if just using the default DaemonSet isn't sufficient.


Key Type Default Description
alloy.clustering.enabled bool false Deploy Alloy in a cluster to allow for load distribution. string "" Name for the Alloy cluster. Used for differentiating between clusters.
alloy.clustering.portName string "http" Name for the port used for clustering, useful if running inside an Istio Mesh
alloy.configMap.content string "" Content to assign to the new ConfigMap. This is passed into tpl allowing for templating from values.
alloy.configMap.create bool true Create a new ConfigMap for the config file.
alloy.configMap.key string nil Key in ConfigMap to get config from. string nil Name of existing ConfigMap to use. Used when create is false.
alloy.enableReporting bool true Enables sending Grafana Labs anonymous usage stats to help improve Grafana Alloy.
alloy.envFrom list [] Maps all the keys on a ConfigMap or Secret as environment variables.
alloy.extraArgs list [] Extra args to pass to alloy run:
alloy.extraEnv list [] Extra environment variables to pass to the Alloy container.
alloy.extraPorts list [] Extra ports to expose on the Alloy container.
alloy.hostAliases list [] Host aliases to add to the Alloy container.
alloy.lifecycle object {} Set lifecycle hooks for the Grafana Alloy container.
alloy.listenAddr string "" Address to listen for traffic on. exposes the UI to other containers.
alloy.listenPort int 12345 Port to listen for traffic on.
alloy.listenScheme string "HTTP" Scheme is needed for readiness probes. If enabling tls in your configs, set to "HTTPS"
alloy.mounts.dockercontainers bool false Mount /var/lib/docker/containers from the host into the container for log collection.
alloy.mounts.extra list [] Extra volume mounts to add into the Grafana Alloy container. Does not affect the watch container.
alloy.mounts.varlog bool false Mount /var/log from the host into the container for log collection.
alloy.resources object {} Resource requests and limits to apply to the Grafana Alloy container.
alloy.securityContext object {} Security context to apply to the Grafana Alloy container.
alloy.stabilityLevel string "generally-available" Minimum stability level of components and behavior to enable. Must be one of "experimental", "public-preview", or "generally-available".
alloy.storagePath string "/tmp/alloy" Path to where Grafana Alloy stores data (for example, the Write-Ahead Log). By default, data is lost between reboots.
alloy.uiPathPrefix string "/" Base path where the UI is exposed.
configReloader.customArgs list [] Override the args passed to the container.
configReloader.enabled bool true Enables automatically reloading when the Alloy config changes.
configReloader.image.digest string "" SHA256 digest of image to use for config reloading (either in format "sha256:XYZ" or "XYZ"). When set, will override configReloader.image.tag
configReloader.image.registry string "" Config reloader image registry (defaults to
configReloader.image.repository string "jimmidyson/configmap-reload" Repository to get config reloader image from.
configReloader.image.tag string "v0.14.0" Tag of image to use for config reloading.
configReloader.resources object {"requests":{"cpu":"1m","memory":"5Mi"}} Resource requests and limits to apply to the config reloader container.
configReloader.securityContext object {} Security context to apply to the Grafana configReloader container.
controller.affinity object {} Affinity configuration for pods.
controller.autoscaling.enabled bool false Creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for controller type deployment.
controller.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 5 The upper limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale up.
controller.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down.
controller.autoscaling.scaleDown.policies list [] List of policies to determine the scale-down behavior.
controller.autoscaling.scaleDown.selectPolicy string "Max" Determines which of the provided scaling-down policies to apply if multiple are specified.
controller.autoscaling.scaleDown.stabilizationWindowSeconds int 300 The duration that the autoscaling mechanism should look back on to make decisions about scaling down.
controller.autoscaling.scaleUp.policies list [] List of policies to determine the scale-up behavior.
controller.autoscaling.scaleUp.selectPolicy string "Max" Determines which of the provided scaling-up policies to apply if multiple are specified.
controller.autoscaling.scaleUp.stabilizationWindowSeconds int 0 The duration that the autoscaling mechanism should look back on to make decisions about scaling up.
controller.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 0 Average CPU utilization across all relevant pods, a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods. Setting targetCPUUtilizationPercentage to 0 will disable CPU scaling.
controller.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80 Average Memory utilization across all relevant pods, a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods. Setting targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage to 0 will disable Memory scaling.
controller.dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirst" Configures the DNS policy for the pod.
controller.enableStatefulSetAutoDeletePVC bool false Whether to enable automatic deletion of stale PVCs due to a scale down operation, when controller.type is 'statefulset'.
controller.extraAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to controller.
controller.extraContainers list [] Additional containers to run alongside the Alloy container and initContainers.
controller.hostNetwork bool false Configures Pods to use the host network. When set to true, the ports that will be used must be specified.
controller.hostPID bool false Configures Pods to use the host PID namespace.
controller.initContainers list []
controller.nodeSelector object {} nodeSelector to apply to Grafana Alloy pods.
controller.parallelRollout bool true Whether to deploy pods in parallel. Only used when controller.type is 'statefulset'.
controller.podAnnotations object {} Extra pod annotations to add.
controller.podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":false,"maxUnavailable":null,"minAvailable":null} PodDisruptionBudget configuration.
controller.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Whether to create a PodDisruptionBudget for the controller.
controller.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during a disruption. Note: Only one of minAvailable or maxUnavailable should be set.
controller.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable string nil Minimum number of pods that must be available during a disruption. Note: Only one of minAvailable or maxUnavailable should be set.
controller.podLabels object {} Extra pod labels to add.
controller.priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName to apply to Grafana Alloy pods.
controller.replicas int 1 Number of pods to deploy. Ignored when controller.type is 'daemonset'.
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds string nil Termination grace period in seconds for the Grafana Alloy pods. The default value used by Kubernetes if unspecifed is 30 seconds.
controller.tolerations list [] Tolerations to apply to Grafana Alloy pods.
controller.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology Spread Constraints to apply to Grafana Alloy pods.
controller.type string "daemonset" Type of controller to use for deploying Grafana Alloy in the cluster. Must be one of 'daemonset', 'deployment', or 'statefulset'.
controller.updateStrategy object {} Update strategy for updating deployed Pods.
controller.volumeClaimTemplates list [] volumeClaimTemplates to add when controller.type is 'statefulset'.
controller.volumes.extra list [] Extra volumes to add to the Grafana Alloy pod.
crds.create bool true Whether to install CRDs for monitoring.
extraObjects list [] Extra k8s manifests to deploy
fullnameOverride string nil Overrides the chart's computed fullname. Used to change the full prefix of resource names.
global.image.pullSecrets list [] Optional set of global image pull secrets.
global.image.registry string "" Global image registry to use if it needs to be overriden for some specific use cases (e.g local registries, custom images, ...)
global.podSecurityContext object {} Security context to apply to the Grafana Alloy pod.
image.digest string nil Grafana Alloy image's SHA256 digest (either in format "sha256:XYZ" or "XYZ"). When set, will override image.tag.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Grafana Alloy image pull policy.
image.pullSecrets list [] Optional set of image pull secrets.
image.registry string "" Grafana Alloy image registry (defaults to
image.repository string "grafana/alloy" Grafana Alloy image repository.
image.tag string nil Grafana Alloy image tag. When empty, the Chart's appVersion is used.
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false Enables ingress for Alloy (Faro port)
ingress.extraPaths list []
ingress.faroPort int 12347
ingress.hosts[0] string "chart-example.local"
ingress.labels object {}
ingress.path string "/"
ingress.pathType string "Prefix"
ingress.tls list []
nameOverride string nil Overrides the chart's name. Used to change the infix in the resource names.
rbac.create bool true Whether to create RBAC resources for Alloy.
service.annotations object {}
service.clusterIP string "" Cluster IP, can be set to None, empty "" or an IP address
service.enabled bool true Creates a Service for the controller's pods.
service.internalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" Value for internal traffic policy. 'Cluster' or 'Local'
service.nodePort int 31128 NodePort port. Only takes effect when service.type: NodePort
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
serviceAccount.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels to add to the created service account.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the created service account.
serviceAccount.create bool true Whether to create a service account for the Grafana Alloy deployment. string nil The name of the existing service account to use when serviceAccount.create is false.
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels for the service monitor.
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false
serviceMonitor.interval string "" Scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used.
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples after scraping, but before ingestion. ref:
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping ref:
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig object {} Customize tls parameters for the service monitor

Migrate from grafana/grafana-agent chart to grafana/alloy

The values.yaml file for the grafana/grafana-agent chart is compatible with the chart for grafana/alloy, with two exceptions:

  • The agent field in values.yaml is deprecated in favor of alloy. Support for the agent field will be removed in a future release.

  • The default value for alloy.listenPort is 12345 to align with the default listen port in other installations. To retain the previous default, set alloy.listenPort to 80 when installing.


alloy.stabilityLevel controls the minimum level of stability for what components can be created (directly or through imported modules). Note that setting this field to a lower stability may also enable internal behaviour of a lower stability, such as experimental memory optimizations.

Valid settings are experimental, public-preview, and generally-available.


alloy.extraArgs allows for passing extra arguments to the Grafana Alloy container. The list of available arguments is documented on alloy run.


: Using alloy.extraArgs does not have a stable API. Things may break between Chart upgrade if an argument gets added to the template.


alloy.extraPorts allows for configuring specific open ports.

The detained specification of ports can be found at the Kubernetes Pod documents.

Port numbers specified must be 0 < x < 65535.

ChartPort KubePort Description
targetPort containerPort Number of port to expose on the pod's IP address.
hostPort hostPort (Optional) Number of port to expose on the host. Daemonsets taking traffic might find this useful.
name name If specified, this must be an IANA_SVC_NAME and unique within the pod. Each named port in a pod must have a unique name. Name for the port that can be referred to by services.
protocol protocol Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Defaults to "TCP".
appProtocol appProtocol Hint on application protocol. This is used to expose Alloy externally on OpenShift clusters using "h2c". Optional. No default value.


alloy.listenAddr allows for restricting which address Alloy listens on for network traffic on its HTTP server. By default, this is to allow its UI to be exposed when port-forwarding and to expose its metrics to other Alloy instances in the cluster.


alloy.configMap.content holds the Grafana Alloy configuration to use.

If alloy.configMap.content is not provided, a default configuration file is used. When provided, alloy.configMap.content must hold a valid Alloy configuration file.


alloy.securityContext sets the securityContext passed to the Grafana Alloy container.

By default, Grafana Alloy containers are not able to collect telemetry from the host node or other specific types of privileged telemetry data. See [Collecting logs from other containers][#collecting-logs-from-other-containers] and [Collecting host node telemetry][#collecting-host-node-telemetry] below for more information on how to enable these capabilities.


rbac.create enables the creation of ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings for the Grafana Alloy containers to use. The default permission set allows components like discovery.kubernetes to work properly.


controller.autoscaling.enabled enables the creation of a HorizontalPodAutoscaler. It is only used when controller.type is set to deployment or statefulset.

controller.autoscaling is intended to be used with clustered mode.


: Using controller.autoscaling for any other Grafana Alloy configuration could lead to redundant or double telemetry collection.

When using autoscaling with a StatefulSet controller and have enabled volumeClaimTemplates to be created alongside the StatefulSet, it is possible to leak up to maxReplicas PVCs when the HPA is scaling down. If you're on Kubernetes version >=1.23-0 and your cluster has the StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature gate enabled, you can set enableStatefulSetAutoDeletePVC to true to automatically delete stale PVCs.

Using controller.autoscaling requires the target metric (cpu/memory) to have its resource requests set up for both the Alloy and config-reloader containers so that the HPA can use them to calculate the replica count from the actual resource utilization.

Collecting logs from other containers

There are two ways to collect logs from other containers within the cluster Alloy is deployed in.


The loki.source.kubernetes component may be used to collect logs from containers using the Kubernetes API. This component does not require mounting the hosts filesystem into Alloy, nor requires additional security contexts to work correctly.

File-based collection

Logs may also be collected by mounting the host's filesystem into the Alloy container, bypassing the need to communicate with the Kubrnetes API.

To mount logs from other containers to Grafana Alloy directly:

  • Set alloy.mounts.dockercontainers to true.
  • Set alloy.securityContext to:
    privileged: true
    runAsUser: 0

Collecting host node telemetry

Telemetry from the host, such as host-specific log files (from /var/logs) or metrics from /proc and /sys are not accessible to Grafana Alloy containers.

To expose this information to Grafana Alloy for telemetry collection:

  • Set alloy.mounts.dockercontainers to true.
  • Mount /proc and /sys from the host into the container.
  • Set alloy.securityContext to:
    privileged: true
    runAsUser: 0

Expose Alloy externally on OpenShift clusters

If you want to send telemetry from an Alloy instance outside of the OpenShift clusters over gRPC towards the Alloy instance on the OpenShift clusters, you need to:

  • Set the optional appProtocol on alloy.extraPorts to h2c
  • Expose the service via Ingress or Route within the OpenShift cluster. Example of a Route in OpenShift:
kind: Route
  name: route-otlp-alloy-h2c
    kind: Service
    name: test-grpc-h2c
    weight: 100
    targetPort: otlp-grpc
    termination: edge
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
  wildcardPolicy: None

Once this Ingress/Route is exposed it would then allow gRPC communication for (for example) traces. This allow an Alloy instance on a VM or another Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster to be able to communicate over gRPC via the exposed Ingress or Route.