2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script is supposed to handle character movement logic
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class_name PlayerInput extends CharacterBody3D
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
@export var health: int = 100
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2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
const SPEED = 5.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = 4.5
var mouse_captured: bool = false
@onready var player_synchronizer: MultiplayerSynchronizer = $PlayerSynchronizer
@onready var first_view_camera_mount: Node3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount
@onready var first_view_camera: Camera3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount/Camera
@onready var model_mount: Node3D = $ModelMount
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
var model: Node3D = null
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# -- This node is supposed to be spawned per player, and since each
# -- player has an id, it is used for giving a node a name. So we can
# -- use it here to tell a controlled node from the rest models
@onready var owner_id: int = str($".".name).to_int()
var multiplayer_id: int = 0
# -- Character state
var alive: bool = true
func _ready() -> void:
multiplayer_id = multiplayer.get_unique_id()
# -- Separate logic for player and other models that are controlled
# -- by other players on the server
# -- TODO: If player is alive, it must not be able to see other
# -- cameras, but if player is dead, it must be able to
# -- switch between other players
if _is_current_player():
var err := _add_first_view_model()
if err != OK:
print("Error occured: " + str(err))
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
err = _add_legs_to_first_view()
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
if err != OK:
print("Error occured: " + str(err))
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
var world_model := _add_world_model()
if world_model == null:
print("Error occured: " + "couldn't load the world model")
var world_model := _add_world_model()
if world_model == null:
print("Error occured: " + "couldn't load the world model")
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# -- Add a world model to the player, that should be seen by other players
# -- on the server
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func _add_world_model() -> Node3D :
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# -- TODO: It should not be hardcoded
var path := "res://scenes/characters/blue/dummy.tscn"
if not ResourceLoader.exists(path):
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
return null
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
var scene: PackedScene = ResourceLoader.load(path)
if not scene.can_instantiate():
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
return null
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var node: Node3D = scene.instantiate()
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model = node
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2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
if _is_current_player():
first_view_camera.cull_mask &= ~(1 << 1)
return node
func _hide_camera_mount():
first_view_camera_mount.visible = 0
hud.visible = 0
func make_node_invisible_for_camera(node: Node3D, camera: Camera3D):
if node and camera:
# Set the node to Layer 2 (or any other layer you want)
node.visibility_layer = 1 << 1 # Assign the node to Layer 2
# Disable Layer 2 on the camera's culling mask (this makes it invisible to this camera)
camera.cull_mask &= ~(1 << 1) # Disable Layer 2 on this camera
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2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
var current_gun: String = "ak"
@onready var gun_mount: Node3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount/GunMount
@onready var gun_mount_anim: AnimationPlayer = $FirstPersonCameraMount/GunMount/AnimationPlayer
var gun_with_hands: Node3D = null
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2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# -- Add the first person view to pthe player
func _add_first_view_model() -> Error :
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
# -- TODO: It should not be hardcoded
# Define a format string with placeholder '%s'
var path_tmpl := "res://scenes/weapon/guns/%s/with_hands.tscn"
var path := path_tmpl % current_gun
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
if not ResourceLoader.exists(path):
var scene: PackedScene = ResourceLoader.load(path)
if not scene.can_instantiate():
var node: Node3D = scene.instantiate()
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
node.scale = Vector3(0.03,0.03,0.03)
node.position = Vector3(0.02, -0.03, -0.07)
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current_weapon_bullet_speed = node.bullet_speed
current_weapon_cooldown_interwal = node.cooldown
current_weapon_damage = node.damage
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
gun_with_hands = node
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
return OK
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
var first_view_legs_anim: AnimationPlayer = null
# -- Add a world model to the player, that should be seen by other players
# -- on the server
func _add_legs_to_first_view() -> Error :
# -- TODO: It should not be hardcoded
var path := "res://scenes/characters/blue/dummy.tscn"
if not ResourceLoader.exists(path):
var scene: PackedScene = ResourceLoader.load(path)
if not scene.can_instantiate():
var node: Node3D = scene.instantiate()
var skeleton: Skeleton3D = node.find_child("Skeleton3D")
var bone := skeleton.find_bone("mixamorig_Spine")
if bone != -1:
skeleton.set_bone_pose_scale(bone, Vector3(0, 0, 0))
var animation_node: AnimationPlayer = node.find_child("AnimationPlayer")
if animation_node != null:
first_view_legs_anim = animation_node
return OK
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
func _enable_camera():
func _capture_mouse() -> void:
mouse_captured = true
func _release_mouse() -> void:
mouse_captured = false
# -- Does the peer own the node
func _is_current_player() -> bool:
if owner_id == multiplayer_id:
return true
return false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Input controller
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
var move_dir: Vector2 # Input direction for movement
var look_dir: Vector2 # Input direction for look/aim
var walk_vel: Vector3 # Walking velocity
var grav_vel: Vector3 # Gravity velocity
var jump_vel: Vector3 # Jumping velocity
@export_range(0.1, 3.0, 0.1) var jump_height: float = 1 # m
@export_range(0.1, 3.0, 0.1, "or_greater") var camera_sens: float = 1
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if _is_current_player():
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
look_dir = event.relative * 0.001
if mouse_captured: _rotate_camera()
#if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"): jumping = true
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("exit"): get_tree().quit()
if Input.is_action_pressed("shot"): _shoot()
#if str($"..".name).to_int() == multiplayer.get_unique_id():
#if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shot"): $UpperTorso/ViewModelCamera.shot()
#if Input.is_action_just_pressed("reload"): $Body/UpperTorso/CameraMount/Camera.reload()
func _rotate_camera(sens_mod: float = 1.0) -> void:
#if str($"..".name).to_int() == multiplayer.get_unique_id():
rotation.y -= look_dir.x * camera_sens * sens_mod
first_view_camera_mount.rotation.x = clamp(first_view_camera_mount.rotation.x - look_dir.y * camera_sens * sens_mod, -1.5, 1.5)
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
@onready var hud = $FirstPersonCameraMount/HUD
@onready var health_indicator = $FirstPersonCameraMount/HUD/HealthIndicator
@onready var fps_indicator = $FirstPersonCameraMount/HUD/FPS
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
health_indicator.text = str(health)
fps_indicator.text = str(Engine.get_frames_per_second())
if health == 0:
alive = false
var world: Node3D = find_parent("ElTest")
var spawner: MultiplayerSpawner = world.find_child("ObjectsSpawner")
var objects_root: Node3D = world.find_child("Objects")
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# Add the gravity.
if not is_on_floor():
velocity += get_gravity() * delta
# Handle jump.
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor():
velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
#var input_dir := Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down")
# -- It shouldn't be possible to change direction during the jumps
if is_on_floor():
var input_dir := Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forward", "move_backwards")
var direction := (transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized()
if direction:
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
if first_view_legs_anim != null:
first_view_legs_anim.play("Run Forward")
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
velocity.x = direction.x * SPEED
velocity.z = direction.z * SPEED
2025-01-25 16:24:57 +00:00
if gun_mount_anim.is_playing():
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
if first_view_legs_anim != null and first_view_legs_anim.is_playing():
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)
velocity.z = move_toward(velocity.z, 0, SPEED)
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
if alive:
2025-01-25 08:03:06 +00:00
# -- TODO: It shouldn't be hardcoded
var bullet = load("res://scenes/weapon/bullet.tscn")
@onready var shooting_raycast: RayCast3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount/RayCast3D
@onready var bullet_starting_point: Node3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount/BulletStartingPoint
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@onready var aim_ray: RayCast3D = $FirstPersonCameraMount/BulletStartingPoint/AimRay
2025-01-28 09:51:45 +00:00
var current_weapon_damage: int
var current_weapon_bullet_speed: int
var current_weapon_cooldown_interwal: float
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# --find the gun node and exec shoot
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
var cant_shoot: bool = false
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func _shoot():
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
if not cant_shoot:
_send_shot_to_server.rpc_id(1, aim_ray.global_position)
if aim_ray.is_colliding():
var collider := aim_ray.get_collider()
if collider != null and collider.is_in_group("target"):
if collider != null and collider.is_in_group("body"):
2025-01-28 09:51:45 +00:00
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
var root := get_tree().get_root()
cant_shoot = true
2025-01-28 09:51:45 +00:00
await get_tree().create_timer(current_weapon_cooldown_interwal).timeout
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
cant_shoot = false
2025-01-26 09:59:59 +00:00
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
@rpc("any_peer", "call_local", "unreliable_ordered")
func _send_shot_to_server(start_position):
# -- TODO: Should not be hardcoded
var world: Node3D = find_parent("ElTest")
2025-01-28 09:51:45 +00:00
world.spawn_bullet(bullet_starting_point, current_weapon_bullet_speed, current_weapon_damage)
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2025-01-26 09:59:59 +00:00
func _get_camera_collision():
var viewport = get_viewport().size
var ray_origin = first_view_camera.project_ray_origin(viewport / 2)
var ray_end = ray_origin + first_view_camera.project_ray_normal(viewport / 2 * 100)
var new_intersection = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.create(ray_origin, ray_end)
var intersection = get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(new_intersection)
if not intersection.is_empty():
var collision_point = intersection.position
return collision_point
return ray_end
func _hit_scan_collision(collision_point):
var viewport = get_viewport().size
var ray_origin = first_view_camera.project_ray_origin(viewport / 2)
var ray_end = ray_origin + first_view_camera.project_ray_normal(viewport / 2 * 100)
var new_intersection = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.create(ray_origin, ray_end)
var bullet_collision = get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(new_intersection)
if bullet_collision:
func _hit_scan_damage(Collider):
#if Collider.is_in_group("target") and Collider.has_method("take_damage"):
2025-01-26 13:39:11 +00:00
func take_damage(dam: int):
var new_health = health - dam
if multiplayer.is_server():
@rpc("call_local", "reliable")
func set_health(val: int):
health = val