Nikolai Rodionov dfe888a918
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline failed
Move the real player authority to server
- Add rust bindings for the server player controller
- Implement reconciliation loop for checking the player state
- Place spawners on the test map
- Add Containerfile and helm chart
2025-01-31 19:24:57 +00:00

36 lines
992 B

* This component should make it easier to create pvc
{{- define "" -}}
{{- include "lib.error.noCtx" . -}}
{{- range $k, $v := }}
{{- $customName := include "" (dict "ctx" $.ctx "name" $k) }}
{{- if $v.enabled }} {{- /* if[0] */}}
$labels := include "lib.metadata.mergeLabels"
"ctx" $.ctx
"global" ($.ctx.Values.metadata).labels
"local" ($v.metadata).labels
$metadata := include "lib.metadata"
"ctx" $.ctx
"annotations" ($v.metadata).annotations
"labels" $labels
"name" $customName
{{ include "lib.core.pvc" (dict "metadata" $metadata "spec" $v) }}
{{- end }} {{- /* /if[0] */}}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "" -}} {{- /* define[0] */ -}}
{{- include "lib.error.noCtx" . -}}
{{- include "lib.error.noKey" (dict "ctx" . "key" "name") -}}
{{ printf "%s-%s-storage" .ctx.Release.Name .name }}
{{- end -}} {{- /* /define[0] */ -}}