1814 lines
66 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
class Slider::Pimpl : public AsyncUpdater, // this needs to be public otherwise it will cause an
// error when JUCE_DLL_BUILD=1
private Value::Listener
Pimpl (Slider& s, SliderStyle sliderStyle, TextEntryBoxPosition textBoxPosition)
: owner (s),
style (sliderStyle),
textBoxPos (textBoxPosition)
rotaryParams.startAngleRadians = MathConstants<float>::pi * 1.2f;
rotaryParams.endAngleRadians = MathConstants<float>::pi * 2.8f;
rotaryParams.stopAtEnd = true;
~Pimpl() override
currentValue.removeListener (this);
valueMin.removeListener (this);
valueMax.removeListener (this);
void registerListeners()
currentValue.addListener (this);
valueMin.addListener (this);
valueMax.addListener (this);
bool isHorizontal() const noexcept
return style == LinearHorizontal
|| style == LinearBar
|| style == TwoValueHorizontal
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal;
bool isVertical() const noexcept
return style == LinearVertical
|| style == LinearBarVertical
|| style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueVertical;
bool isRotary() const noexcept
return style == Rotary
|| style == RotaryHorizontalDrag
|| style == RotaryVerticalDrag
|| style == RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag;
bool isBar() const noexcept
return style == LinearBar
|| style == LinearBarVertical;
bool isTwoValue() const noexcept
return style == TwoValueHorizontal
|| style == TwoValueVertical;
bool isThreeValue() const noexcept
return style == ThreeValueHorizontal
|| style == ThreeValueVertical;
bool incDecDragDirectionIsHorizontal() const noexcept
return incDecButtonMode == incDecButtonsDraggable_Horizontal
|| (incDecButtonMode == incDecButtonsDraggable_AutoDirection && incDecButtonsSideBySide);
float getPositionOfValue (double value) const
if (isHorizontal() || isVertical())
return getLinearSliderPos (value);
jassertfalse; // not a valid call on a slider that doesn't work linearly!
return 0.0f;
void updateRange()
// figure out the number of DPs needed to display all values at this
// interval setting.
numDecimalPlaces = 7;
if (normRange.interval != 0.0)
int v = std::abs (roundToInt (normRange.interval * 10000000));
while ((v % 10) == 0 && numDecimalPlaces > 0)
v /= 10;
// keep the current values inside the new range..
if (style != TwoValueHorizontal && style != TwoValueVertical)
setValue (getValue(), dontSendNotification);
setMinValue (getMinValue(), dontSendNotification, false);
setMaxValue (getMaxValue(), dontSendNotification, false);
void setRange (double newMin, double newMax, double newInt)
normRange = NormalisableRange<double> (newMin, newMax, newInt,
normRange.skew, normRange.symmetricSkew);
void setNormalisableRange (NormalisableRange<double> newRange)
normRange = newRange;
double getValue() const
// for a two-value style slider, you should use the getMinValue() and getMaxValue()
// methods to get the two values.
jassert (style != TwoValueHorizontal && style != TwoValueVertical);
return currentValue.getValue();
void setValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification)
// for a two-value style slider, you should use the setMinValue() and setMaxValue()
// methods to set the two values.
jassert (style != TwoValueHorizontal && style != TwoValueVertical);
newValue = constrainedValue (newValue);
if (style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical)
jassert (static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue()) <= static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()));
newValue = jlimit (static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue()),
static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()),
if (newValue != lastCurrentValue)
if (valueBox != nullptr)
valueBox->hideEditor (true);
lastCurrentValue = newValue;
// (need to do this comparison because the Value will use equalsWithSameType to compare
// the new and old values, so will generate unwanted change events if the type changes)
if (currentValue != newValue)
currentValue = newValue;
updatePopupDisplay (newValue);
triggerChangeMessage (notification);
void setMinValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification, bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues)
// The minimum value only applies to sliders that are in two- or three-value mode.
// but since this can actually be called from an async updater after setting the min and max value,
// and changing the style, this should be checked and not asserted
if (!(style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical)) {
newValue = constrainedValue (newValue);
if (style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical)
if (allowNudgingOfOtherValues && newValue > static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()))
setMaxValue (newValue, notification, false);
newValue = jmin (static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()), newValue);
if (allowNudgingOfOtherValues && newValue > lastCurrentValue)
setValue (newValue, notification);
newValue = jmin (lastCurrentValue, newValue);
if (lastValueMin != newValue)
lastValueMin = newValue;
valueMin = newValue;
//updatePopupDisplay (newValue);
updatePopupDisplay(newValue, getMaxValue());
triggerChangeMessage (notification);
void setMaxValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification, bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues)
// The maximum value only applies to sliders that are in two- or three-value mode.
// but since this can actually be called from an async updater after setting the min and max value,
// and changing the style, this should be checked and not asserted
if (!(style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical)) {
newValue = constrainedValue (newValue);
if (style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical)
if (allowNudgingOfOtherValues && newValue < static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue()))
setMinValue (newValue, notification, false);
newValue = jmax (static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue()), newValue);
if (allowNudgingOfOtherValues && newValue < lastCurrentValue)
setValue (newValue, notification);
newValue = jmax (lastCurrentValue, newValue);
if (lastValueMax != newValue)
lastValueMax = newValue;
valueMax = newValue;
//updatePopupDisplay (valueMax.getValue());
updatePopupDisplay(getMinValue(), valueMax.getValue());
triggerChangeMessage (notification);
void setMinAndMaxValues (double newMinValue, double newMaxValue, NotificationType notification)
// The min and max value only applies to sliders that are in two- or three-value mode.
// but since this can actually be called from an async updater after setting the min and max value,
// and changing the style, this should be checked and not asserted
if (!(style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical)) {
if (newMaxValue < newMinValue)
std::swap (newMaxValue, newMinValue);
newMinValue = constrainedValue (newMinValue);
newMaxValue = constrainedValue (newMaxValue);
if (lastValueMax != newMaxValue || lastValueMin != newMinValue)
lastValueMax = newMaxValue;
lastValueMin = newMinValue;
valueMin = newMinValue;
valueMax = newMaxValue;
triggerChangeMessage (notification);
double getMinValue() const
// The minimum value only applies to sliders that are in two- or three-value mode.
jassert (style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical);
return valueMin.getValue();
double getMaxValue() const
// The maximum value only applies to sliders that are in two- or three-value mode.
jassert (style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical
|| style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical);
return valueMax.getValue();
void triggerChangeMessage (NotificationType notification)
if (notification != dontSendNotification)
if (notification == sendNotificationSync)
void handleAsyncUpdate() override
Component::BailOutChecker checker (&owner);
listeners.callChecked (checker, [&] (Slider::Listener& l) { l.sliderValueChanged (&owner); });
if (checker.shouldBailOut())
if (owner.onValueChange != nullptr)
if (auto* handler = owner.getAccessibilityHandler())
handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::valueChanged);
void sendDragStart()
Component::BailOutChecker checker (&owner);
listeners.callChecked (checker, [&] (Slider::Listener& l) { l.sliderDragStarted (&owner); });
if (checker.shouldBailOut())
if (owner.onDragStart != nullptr)
void sendDragEnd()
sliderBeingDragged = -1;
Component::BailOutChecker checker (&owner);
listeners.callChecked (checker, [&] (Slider::Listener& l) { l.sliderDragEnded (&owner); });
if (checker.shouldBailOut())
if (owner.onDragEnd != nullptr)
void incrementOrDecrement (double delta)
if (style == IncDecButtons)
auto newValue = owner.snapValue (getValue() + delta, notDragging);
if (currentDrag != nullptr)
setValue (newValue, sendNotificationSync);
ScopedDragNotification drag (owner);
setValue (newValue, sendNotificationSync);
void valueChanged (Value& value) override
if (value.refersToSameSourceAs (currentValue))
if (style != TwoValueHorizontal && style != TwoValueVertical)
setValue (currentValue.getValue(), dontSendNotification);
else if (value.refersToSameSourceAs (valueMin))
setMinValue (valueMin.getValue(), dontSendNotification, true);
else if (value.refersToSameSourceAs (valueMax))
setMaxValue (valueMax.getValue(), dontSendNotification, true);
void textChanged()
auto newValue = owner.snapValue (owner.getValueFromText (valueBox->getText()), notDragging);
if (newValue != static_cast<double> (currentValue.getValue()))
ScopedDragNotification drag (owner);
setValue (newValue, sendNotificationSync);
updateText(); // force a clean-up of the text, needed in case setValue() hasn't done this.
void updateText()
if (valueBox != nullptr)
auto newValue = owner.getTextFromValue (currentValue.getValue());
if (newValue != valueBox->getText())
valueBox->setText (newValue, dontSendNotification);
double constrainedValue (double value) const
return normRange.snapToLegalValue (value);
float getLinearSliderPos (double value) const
double pos;
if (normRange.end <= normRange.start)
pos = 0.5;
else if (value < normRange.start)
pos = 0.0;
else if (value > normRange.end)
pos = 1.0;
pos = owner.valueToProportionOfLength (value);
if (isVertical() || style == IncDecButtons)
pos = 1.0 - pos;
jassert (pos >= 0 && pos <= 1.0);
return (float) (sliderRegionStart + pos * sliderRegionSize);
void setSliderStyle (SliderStyle newStyle)
if (style != newStyle)
style = newStyle;
void setVelocityModeParameters (double sensitivity, int threshold,
double offset, bool userCanPressKeyToSwapMode,
ModifierKeys::Flags newModifierToSwapModes)
velocityModeSensitivity = sensitivity;
velocityModeOffset = offset;
velocityModeThreshold = threshold;
userKeyOverridesVelocity = userCanPressKeyToSwapMode;
modifierToSwapModes = newModifierToSwapModes;
void setIncDecButtonsMode (IncDecButtonMode mode)
if (incDecButtonMode != mode)
incDecButtonMode = mode;
void setTextBoxStyle (TextEntryBoxPosition newPosition,
bool isReadOnly,
int textEntryBoxWidth,
int textEntryBoxHeight)
if (textBoxPos != newPosition
|| editableText != (! isReadOnly)
|| textBoxWidth != textEntryBoxWidth
|| textBoxHeight != textEntryBoxHeight)
textBoxPos = newPosition;
editableText = ! isReadOnly;
textBoxWidth = textEntryBoxWidth;
textBoxHeight = textEntryBoxHeight;
void setTextBoxIsEditable (bool shouldBeEditable)
editableText = shouldBeEditable;
void showTextBox()
jassert (editableText); // this should probably be avoided in read-only sliders.
if (valueBox != nullptr)
void hideTextBox (bool discardCurrentEditorContents)
if (valueBox != nullptr)
valueBox->hideEditor (discardCurrentEditorContents);
if (discardCurrentEditorContents)
void setTextValueSuffix (const String& suffix)
if (textSuffix != suffix)
textSuffix = suffix;
void updateTextBoxEnablement()
if (valueBox != nullptr)
bool shouldBeEditable = editableText && owner.isEnabled();
if (valueBox->isEditable() != shouldBeEditable) // (to avoid changing the single/double click flags unless we need to)
valueBox->setEditable (shouldBeEditable);
void lookAndFeelChanged (LookAndFeel& lf)
if (textBoxPos != NoTextBox)
auto previousTextBoxContent = (valueBox != nullptr ? valueBox->getText()
: owner.getTextFromValue (currentValue.getValue()));
valueBox.reset (lf.createSliderTextBox (owner));
owner.addAndMakeVisible (valueBox.get());
valueBox->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
valueBox->setAccessible (false);
valueBox->setText (previousTextBoxContent, dontSendNotification);
valueBox->setTooltip (owner.getTooltip());
valueBox->onTextChange = [this] { textChanged(); };
if (style == LinearBar || style == LinearBarVertical)
valueBox->addMouseListener (&owner, false);
valueBox->setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::ParentCursor);
if (style == IncDecButtons)
incButton.reset (lf.createSliderButton (owner, true));
decButton.reset (lf.createSliderButton (owner, false));
auto tooltip = owner.getTooltip();
auto setupButton = [&] (Button& b, bool isIncrement)
owner.addAndMakeVisible (b);
b.onClick = [this, isIncrement] { incrementOrDecrement (isIncrement ? incDecInterval : -incDecInterval); };
if (incDecButtonMode != incDecButtonsNotDraggable)
b.addMouseListener (&owner, false);
b.setRepeatSpeed (300, 100, 20);
b.setTooltip (tooltip);
b.setAccessible (false);
setupButton (*incButton, true);
setupButton (*decButton, false);
owner.setComponentEffect (lf.getSliderEffect (owner));
void showPopupMenu()
PopupMenu m;
m.setLookAndFeel (&owner.getLookAndFeel());
m.addItem (1, TRANS ("Velocity-sensitive mode"), true, isVelocityBased);
if (isRotary())
PopupMenu rotaryMenu;
rotaryMenu.addItem (2, TRANS ("Use circular dragging"), true, style == Rotary);
rotaryMenu.addItem (3, TRANS ("Use left-right dragging"), true, style == RotaryHorizontalDrag);
rotaryMenu.addItem (4, TRANS ("Use up-down dragging"), true, style == RotaryVerticalDrag);
rotaryMenu.addItem (5, TRANS ("Use left-right/up-down dragging"), true, style == RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag);
m.addSubMenu (TRANS ("Rotary mode"), rotaryMenu);
m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (sliderMenuCallback, &owner));
static void sliderMenuCallback (int result, Slider* slider)
if (slider != nullptr)
switch (result)
case 1: slider->setVelocityBasedMode (! slider->getVelocityBasedMode()); break;
case 2: slider->setSliderStyle (Rotary); break;
case 3: slider->setSliderStyle (RotaryHorizontalDrag); break;
case 4: slider->setSliderStyle (RotaryVerticalDrag); break;
case 5: slider->setSliderStyle (RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag); break;
default: break;
int getThumbIndexAt (const MouseEvent& e)
if (isTwoValue() || isThreeValue())
auto mousePos = isVertical() ? e.position.y : e.position.x;
auto normalPosDistance = std::abs (getLinearSliderPos (currentValue.getValue()) - mousePos);
auto minPosDistance = std::abs (getLinearSliderPos (valueMin.getValue()) + (isVertical() ? 0.1f : -0.1f) - mousePos);
auto maxPosDistance = std::abs (getLinearSliderPos (valueMax.getValue()) + (isVertical() ? -0.1f : 0.1f) - mousePos);
if (isTwoValue())
return maxPosDistance <= minPosDistance ? 2 : 1;
if (normalPosDistance >= minPosDistance && maxPosDistance >= minPosDistance)
return 1;
if (normalPosDistance >= maxPosDistance)
return 2;
return 0;
void handleRotaryDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
auto dx = e.position.x - (float) sliderRect.getCentreX();
auto dy = e.position.y - (float) sliderRect.getCentreY();
if (dx * dx + dy * dy > 25.0f)
auto angle = std::atan2 ((double) dx, (double) -dy);
while (angle < 0.0)
angle += MathConstants<double>::twoPi;
if (rotaryParams.stopAtEnd && e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown())
if (std::abs (angle - lastAngle) > MathConstants<double>::pi)
if (angle >= lastAngle)
angle -= MathConstants<double>::twoPi;
angle += MathConstants<double>::twoPi;
if (angle >= lastAngle)
angle = jmin (angle, (double) jmax (rotaryParams.startAngleRadians, rotaryParams.endAngleRadians));
angle = jmax (angle, (double) jmin (rotaryParams.startAngleRadians, rotaryParams.endAngleRadians));
while (angle < rotaryParams.startAngleRadians)
angle += MathConstants<double>::twoPi;
if (angle > rotaryParams.endAngleRadians)
if (smallestAngleBetween (angle, rotaryParams.startAngleRadians)
<= smallestAngleBetween (angle, rotaryParams.endAngleRadians))
angle = rotaryParams.startAngleRadians;
angle = rotaryParams.endAngleRadians;
auto proportion = (angle - rotaryParams.startAngleRadians) / (rotaryParams.endAngleRadians - rotaryParams.startAngleRadians);
valueWhenLastDragged = owner.proportionOfLengthToValue (jlimit (0.0, 1.0, proportion));
lastAngle = angle;
void handleAbsoluteDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
auto mousePos = (isHorizontal() || style == RotaryHorizontalDrag) ? e.position.x : e.position.y;
double newPos = 0;
if (style == RotaryHorizontalDrag
|| style == RotaryVerticalDrag
|| style == IncDecButtons
|| ((style == LinearHorizontal || style == LinearVertical || style == LinearBar || style == LinearBarVertical || style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical)
&& ! snapsToMousePos))
auto mouseDiff = (style == RotaryHorizontalDrag
|| style == LinearHorizontal
|| style == LinearBar
|| style == TwoValueHorizontal
|| (style == IncDecButtons && incDecDragDirectionIsHorizontal()))
? e.position.x - mouseDragStartPos.x
: mouseDragStartPos.y - e.position.y;
newPos = owner.valueToProportionOfLength (valueOnMouseDown)
+ mouseDiff * (1.0 / pixelsForFullDragExtent);
if (style == IncDecButtons)
incButton->setState (mouseDiff < 0 ? Button::buttonNormal : Button::buttonDown);
decButton->setState (mouseDiff > 0 ? Button::buttonNormal : Button::buttonDown);
else if (style == RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag)
auto mouseDiff = (e.position.x - mouseDragStartPos.x)
+ (mouseDragStartPos.y - e.position.y);
newPos = owner.valueToProportionOfLength (valueOnMouseDown)
+ mouseDiff * (1.0 / pixelsForFullDragExtent);
newPos = (mousePos - (float) sliderRegionStart) / (double) sliderRegionSize;
if (isVertical())
newPos = 1.0 - newPos;
newPos = (isRotary() && ! rotaryParams.stopAtEnd) ? newPos - std::floor (newPos)
: jlimit (0.0, 1.0, newPos);
valueWhenLastDragged = owner.proportionOfLengthToValue (newPos);
void handleVelocityDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
bool hasHorizontalStyle =
(isHorizontal() || style == RotaryHorizontalDrag
|| (style == IncDecButtons && incDecDragDirectionIsHorizontal()));
auto mouseDiff = style == RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag
? (e.position.x - mousePosWhenLastDragged.x) + (mousePosWhenLastDragged.y - e.position.y)
: (hasHorizontalStyle ? e.position.x - mousePosWhenLastDragged.x
: e.position.y - mousePosWhenLastDragged.y);
auto maxSpeed = jmax (200.0, (double) sliderRegionSize);
auto speed = jlimit (0.0, maxSpeed, (double) std::abs (mouseDiff));
if (speed != 0.0)
speed = 0.2 * velocityModeSensitivity
* (1.0 + std::sin (MathConstants<double>::pi * (1.5 + jmin (0.5, velocityModeOffset
+ jmax (0.0, (double) (speed - velocityModeThreshold))
/ maxSpeed))));
if (mouseDiff < 0)
speed = -speed;
if (isVertical() || style == RotaryVerticalDrag
|| (style == IncDecButtons && ! incDecDragDirectionIsHorizontal()))
speed = -speed;
auto newPos = owner.valueToProportionOfLength (valueWhenLastDragged) + speed;
newPos = (isRotary() && ! rotaryParams.stopAtEnd) ? newPos - std::floor (newPos)
: jlimit (0.0, 1.0, newPos);
valueWhenLastDragged = owner.proportionOfLengthToValue (newPos);
e.source.enableUnboundedMouseMovement (true, false);
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e)
incDecDragged = false;
useDragEvents = false;
mouseDragStartPos = mousePosWhenLastDragged = e.position;
if (owner.isEnabled())
if (e.mods.isPopupMenu() && menuEnabled)
else if (canDoubleClickToValue()
&& (singleClickModifiers != ModifierKeys() && e.mods.withoutMouseButtons() == singleClickModifiers))
else if (normRange.end > normRange.start)
useDragEvents = true;
if (valueBox != nullptr)
valueBox->hideEditor (true);
sliderBeingDragged = getThumbIndexAt (e);
minMaxDiff = static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()) - static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue());
if (! isTwoValue())
lastAngle = rotaryParams.startAngleRadians
+ (rotaryParams.endAngleRadians - rotaryParams.startAngleRadians)
* owner.valueToProportionOfLength (currentValue.getValue());
valueWhenLastDragged = (sliderBeingDragged == 2 ? valueMax
: (sliderBeingDragged == 1 ? valueMin
: currentValue)).getValue();
valueOnMouseDown = valueWhenLastDragged;
if (showPopupOnDrag || showPopupOnHover)
if (popupDisplay != nullptr)
currentDrag = std::make_unique<ScopedDragNotification> (owner);
mouseDrag (e);
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
if (useDragEvents && normRange.end > normRange.start
&& ! ((style == LinearBar || style == LinearBarVertical)
&& e.mouseWasClicked() && valueBox != nullptr && valueBox->isEditable()))
DragMode dragMode = notDragging;
if (style == Rotary)
handleRotaryDrag (e);
if (style == IncDecButtons && ! incDecDragged)
if (e.getDistanceFromDragStart() < 10 || ! e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown())
incDecDragged = true;
mouseDragStartPos = e.position;
if (isAbsoluteDragMode (e.mods) || (normRange.end - normRange.start) / sliderRegionSize < normRange.interval)
dragMode = absoluteDrag;
handleAbsoluteDrag (e);
dragMode = velocityDrag;
handleVelocityDrag (e);
valueWhenLastDragged = jlimit (normRange.start, normRange.end, valueWhenLastDragged);
if (sliderBeingDragged == 0)
setValue (owner.snapValue (valueWhenLastDragged, dragMode),
sendChangeOnlyOnRelease ? dontSendNotification : sendNotificationSync);
else if (sliderBeingDragged == 1)
setMinValue (owner.snapValue (valueWhenLastDragged, dragMode),
sendChangeOnlyOnRelease ? dontSendNotification : sendNotificationAsync, true);
if (e.mods.isShiftDown())
setMaxValue (getMinValue() + minMaxDiff, dontSendNotification, true);
minMaxDiff = static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()) - static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue());
else if (sliderBeingDragged == 2)
setMaxValue (owner.snapValue (valueWhenLastDragged, dragMode),
sendChangeOnlyOnRelease ? dontSendNotification : sendNotificationAsync, true);
if (e.mods.isShiftDown())
setMinValue (getMaxValue() - minMaxDiff, dontSendNotification, true);
minMaxDiff = static_cast<double> (valueMax.getValue()) - static_cast<double> (valueMin.getValue());
mousePosWhenLastDragged = e.position;
void mouseUp()
if (owner.isEnabled()
&& useDragEvents
&& (normRange.end > normRange.start)
&& (style != IncDecButtons || incDecDragged))
if (sendChangeOnlyOnRelease && valueOnMouseDown != static_cast<double> (currentValue.getValue()))
triggerChangeMessage (sendNotificationAsync);
if (style == IncDecButtons)
incButton->setState (Button::buttonNormal);
decButton->setState (Button::buttonNormal);
else if (popupDisplay != nullptr)
popupDisplay->startTimer (200);
void mouseMove()
// this is a workaround for a bug where the popup display being dismissed triggers
// a mouse move causing it to never be hidden
auto shouldShowPopup = showPopupOnHover
&& (Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() - lastPopupDismissal) > 250;
if (shouldShowPopup
// && ! isTwoValue()
// && ! isThreeValue()
if (owner.isMouseOver (true))
if (popupDisplay == nullptr)
if (popupDisplay != nullptr && popupHoverTimeout != -1)
popupDisplay->startTimer (popupHoverTimeout);
void mouseExit()
void showPopupDisplay()
if (style == IncDecButtons)
if (popupDisplay == nullptr)
popupDisplay.reset (new PopupDisplayComponent (owner, parentForPopupDisplay == nullptr));
if (parentForPopupDisplay != nullptr)
parentForPopupDisplay->addChildComponent (popupDisplay.get());
popupDisplay->addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
| ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses
| ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks);
if (style == SliderStyle::TwoValueHorizontal
|| style == SliderStyle::TwoValueVertical)
//updatePopupDisplay (sliderBeingDragged == 2 ? getMaxValue()
// : getMinValue());
updatePopupDisplay (getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
else if (style == SliderStyle::ThreeValueHorizontal
|| style == SliderStyle::ThreeValueVertical)
//updatePopupDisplay (sliderBeingDragged == 2 ? getMaxValue()
// : getMinValue());
updatePopupDisplay (getMinValue(), getValue(), getMaxValue());
updatePopupDisplay (getValue());
popupDisplay->setVisible (true);
void updatePopupDisplay (double valueToShow)
if (popupDisplay != nullptr)
popupDisplay->updatePosition (owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow));
void updatePopupDisplay (double valueToShow, double valueToShow2)
if (popupDisplay != nullptr)
popupDisplay->updatePosition (owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow) + String("\n") + owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow2));
void updatePopupDisplay (double valueToShow, double valueToShow2, double valueToShow3)
if (popupDisplay != nullptr)
popupDisplay->updatePosition (owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow)
+ String("\n") + owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow2)
+ String("\n") + owner.getTextFromValue (valueToShow3)
bool canDoubleClickToValue() const
return doubleClickToValue
&& style != IncDecButtons
&& normRange.start <= doubleClickReturnValue
&& normRange.end >= doubleClickReturnValue;
void mouseDoubleClick()
if (canDoubleClickToValue())
ScopedDragNotification drag (owner);
setValue (doubleClickReturnValue, sendNotificationSync);
double getMouseWheelDelta (double value, double wheelAmount)
if (style == IncDecButtons)
return normRange.interval * wheelAmount;
auto proportionDelta = wheelAmount * 0.15;
auto currentPos = owner.valueToProportionOfLength (value);
auto newPos = currentPos + proportionDelta;
newPos = (isRotary() && ! rotaryParams.stopAtEnd) ? newPos - std::floor (newPos)
: jlimit (0.0, 1.0, newPos);
return owner.proportionOfLengthToValue (newPos) - value;
bool mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel)
if (scrollWheelEnabled
&& style != TwoValueHorizontal
&& style != TwoValueVertical)
// sometimes duplicate wheel events seem to be sent, so since we're going to
// bump the value by a minimum of the interval, avoid doing this twice..
if (e.eventTime != lastMouseWheelTime)
lastMouseWheelTime = e.eventTime;
if (normRange.end > normRange.start && ! e.mods.isAnyMouseButtonDown())
if (valueBox != nullptr)
valueBox->hideEditor (false);
auto value = static_cast<double> (currentValue.getValue());
auto delta = getMouseWheelDelta (value, (std::abs (wheel.deltaX) > std::abs (wheel.deltaY)
? -wheel.deltaX : wheel.deltaY)
* (wheel.isReversed ? -1.0f : 1.0f));
if (delta != 0.0)
auto newValue = value + jmax (normRange.interval, std::abs (delta)) * (delta < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
ScopedDragNotification drag (owner);
setValue (owner.snapValue (newValue, notDragging), sendNotificationSync);
return true;
return false;
void modifierKeysChanged (const ModifierKeys& modifiers)
if (style != IncDecButtons && style != Rotary && isAbsoluteDragMode (modifiers))
bool isAbsoluteDragMode (ModifierKeys mods) const
return isVelocityBased == (userKeyOverridesVelocity && mods.testFlags (modifierToSwapModes));
void restoreMouseIfHidden()
for (auto& ms : Desktop::getInstance().getMouseSources())
if (ms.isUnboundedMouseMovementEnabled())
ms.enableUnboundedMouseMovement (false);
auto pos = sliderBeingDragged == 2 ? getMaxValue()
: (sliderBeingDragged == 1 ? getMinValue()
: static_cast<double> (currentValue.getValue()));
Point<float> mousePos;
if (isRotary())
mousePos = ms.getLastMouseDownPosition();
auto delta = (float) (pixelsForFullDragExtent * (owner.valueToProportionOfLength (valueOnMouseDown)
- owner.valueToProportionOfLength (pos)));
if (style == RotaryHorizontalDrag) mousePos += Point<float> (-delta, 0.0f);
else if (style == RotaryVerticalDrag) mousePos += Point<float> (0.0f, delta);
else mousePos += Point<float> (delta / -2.0f, delta / 2.0f);
mousePos = owner.getScreenBounds().reduced (4).toFloat().getConstrainedPoint (mousePos);
mouseDragStartPos = mousePosWhenLastDragged = owner.getLocalPoint (nullptr, mousePos);
valueOnMouseDown = valueWhenLastDragged;
auto pixelPos = (float) getLinearSliderPos (pos);
mousePos = owner.localPointToGlobal (Point<float> (isHorizontal() ? pixelPos : ((float) owner.getWidth() / 2.0f),
isVertical() ? pixelPos : ((float) owner.getHeight() / 2.0f)));
const_cast <MouseInputSource&> (ms).setScreenPosition (mousePos);
void paint (Graphics& g, LookAndFeel& lf)
if (style != IncDecButtons)
if (isRotary())
auto sliderPos = (float) owner.valueToProportionOfLength (lastCurrentValue);
jassert (sliderPos >= 0 && sliderPos <= 1.0f);
lf.drawRotarySlider (g,
sliderRect.getX(), sliderRect.getY(),
sliderRect.getWidth(), sliderRect.getHeight(),
sliderPos, rotaryParams.startAngleRadians,
rotaryParams.endAngleRadians, owner);
lf.drawLinearSlider (g,
sliderRect.getX(), sliderRect.getY(),
sliderRect.getWidth(), sliderRect.getHeight(),
getLinearSliderPos (lastCurrentValue),
getLinearSliderPos (lastValueMin),
getLinearSliderPos (lastValueMax),
style, owner);
if ((style == LinearBar || style == LinearBarVertical) && valueBox == nullptr)
g.setColour (owner.findColour (Slider::textBoxOutlineColourId));
g.drawRect (0, 0, owner.getWidth(), owner.getHeight(), 1);
void resized (LookAndFeel& lf)
auto layout = lf.getSliderLayout (owner);
sliderRect = layout.sliderBounds;
if (valueBox != nullptr)
valueBox->setBounds (layout.textBoxBounds);
if (isHorizontal())
sliderRegionStart = layout.sliderBounds.getX();
sliderRegionSize = layout.sliderBounds.getWidth();
else if (isVertical())
sliderRegionStart = layout.sliderBounds.getY();
sliderRegionSize = layout.sliderBounds.getHeight();
else if (style == IncDecButtons)
void resizeIncDecButtons()
auto buttonRect = sliderRect;
if (textBoxPos == TextBoxLeft || textBoxPos == TextBoxRight)
buttonRect.expand (-2, 0);
buttonRect.expand (0, -2);
incDecButtonsSideBySide = buttonRect.getWidth() > buttonRect.getHeight();
if (incDecButtonsSideBySide)
decButton->setBounds (buttonRect.removeFromLeft (buttonRect.getWidth() / 2));
decButton->setConnectedEdges (Button::ConnectedOnRight);
incButton->setConnectedEdges (Button::ConnectedOnLeft);
decButton->setBounds (buttonRect.removeFromBottom (buttonRect.getHeight() / 2));
decButton->setConnectedEdges (Button::ConnectedOnTop);
incButton->setConnectedEdges (Button::ConnectedOnBottom);
incButton->setBounds (buttonRect);
Slider& owner;
SliderStyle style;
ListenerList<Slider::Listener> listeners;
Value currentValue, valueMin, valueMax;
double lastCurrentValue = 0, lastValueMin = 0, lastValueMax = 0;
NormalisableRange<double> normRange { 0.0, 10.0 };
double doubleClickReturnValue = 0;
double valueWhenLastDragged = 0, valueOnMouseDown = 0, lastAngle = 0;
double velocityModeSensitivity = 1.0, velocityModeOffset = 0, minMaxDiff = 0;
int velocityModeThreshold = 1;
double incDecInterval = 1;
RotaryParameters rotaryParams;
Point<float> mouseDragStartPos, mousePosWhenLastDragged;
int sliderRegionStart = 0, sliderRegionSize = 1;
int sliderBeingDragged = -1;
int pixelsForFullDragExtent = 250;
Time lastMouseWheelTime;
Rectangle<int> sliderRect;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedDragNotification> currentDrag;
TextEntryBoxPosition textBoxPos;
String textSuffix;
int numDecimalPlaces = 7;
bool overrideDecimalPlaces = false;
int textBoxWidth = 80, textBoxHeight = 20;
IncDecButtonMode incDecButtonMode = incDecButtonsNotDraggable;
ModifierKeys::Flags modifierToSwapModes = ModifierKeys::ctrlAltCommandModifiers;
bool editableText = true;
bool doubleClickToValue = false;
bool isVelocityBased = false;
bool userKeyOverridesVelocity = true;
bool incDecButtonsSideBySide = false;
bool sendChangeOnlyOnRelease = false;
bool showPopupOnDrag = false;
bool showPopupOnHover = false;
bool menuEnabled = false;
bool useDragEvents = false;
bool incDecDragged = false;
bool scrollWheelEnabled = true;
bool snapsToMousePos = true;
int popupHoverTimeout = 2000;
double lastPopupDismissal = 0.0;
ModifierKeys singleClickModifiers;
std::unique_ptr<Label> valueBox;
std::unique_ptr<Button> incButton, decButton;
struct PopupDisplayComponent : public BubbleComponent,
public Timer
PopupDisplayComponent (Slider& s, bool isOnDesktop)
: owner (s),
font (s.getLookAndFeel().getSliderPopupFont (s))
if (isOnDesktop)
setTransform (AffineTransform::scale (Component::getApproximateScaleFactorForComponent (&s)));
setAlwaysOnTop (true);
setAllowedPlacement (owner.getLookAndFeel().getSliderPopupPlacement (s));
setLookAndFeel (&s.getLookAndFeel());
~PopupDisplayComponent() override
if (owner.pimpl != nullptr)
owner.pimpl->lastPopupDismissal = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes();
void paintContent (Graphics& g, int w, int h) override
g.setFont (font);
g.setColour (owner.findColour (TooltipWindow::textColourId, true));
g.drawFittedText (text, Rectangle<int> (w, h), Justification::centred, 1);
void getContentSize (int& w, int& h) override
w = font.getStringWidth (text) + 18;
h = (int) (font.getHeight() * 1.6f);
auto style = owner.getSliderStyle();
auto scale = (style == TwoValueHorizontal || style == TwoValueVertical) ? 2 : (style == ThreeValueHorizontal || style == ThreeValueVertical) ? 3 : 1;
h *= scale;
w /= scale;
void updatePosition (const String& newText)
text = newText;
BubbleComponent::setPosition (&owner);
void timerCallback() override
Slider& owner;
Font font;
String text;
std::unique_ptr<PopupDisplayComponent> popupDisplay;
Component* parentForPopupDisplay = nullptr;
static double smallestAngleBetween (double a1, double a2) noexcept
return jmin (std::abs (a1 - a2),
std::abs (a1 + MathConstants<double>::twoPi - a2),
std::abs (a2 + MathConstants<double>::twoPi - a1));
Slider::ScopedDragNotification::ScopedDragNotification (Slider& s)
: sliderBeingDragged (s)
init (LinearHorizontal, TextBoxLeft);
Slider::Slider (const String& name) : Component (name)
init (LinearHorizontal, TextBoxLeft);
Slider::Slider (SliderStyle style, TextEntryBoxPosition textBoxPos)
init (style, textBoxPos);
void Slider::init (SliderStyle style, TextEntryBoxPosition textBoxPos)
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (true);
pimpl.reset (new Pimpl (*this, style, textBoxPos));
Slider::~Slider() {}
void Slider::addListener (Listener* l) { pimpl->listeners.add (l); }
void Slider::removeListener (Listener* l) { pimpl->listeners.remove (l); }
Slider::SliderStyle Slider::getSliderStyle() const noexcept { return pimpl->style; }
void Slider::setSliderStyle (SliderStyle newStyle) { pimpl->setSliderStyle (newStyle); }
void Slider::setRotaryParameters (RotaryParameters p) noexcept
// make sure the values are sensible..
jassert (p.startAngleRadians >= 0 && p.endAngleRadians >= 0);
jassert (p.startAngleRadians < MathConstants<float>::pi * 4.0f
&& p.endAngleRadians < MathConstants<float>::pi * 4.0f);
pimpl->rotaryParams = p;
void Slider::setRotaryParameters (float startAngleRadians, float endAngleRadians, bool stopAtEnd) noexcept
setRotaryParameters ({ startAngleRadians, endAngleRadians, stopAtEnd });
Slider::RotaryParameters Slider::getRotaryParameters() const noexcept
return pimpl->rotaryParams;
void Slider::setVelocityBasedMode (bool vb) { pimpl->isVelocityBased = vb; }
bool Slider::getVelocityBasedMode() const noexcept { return pimpl->isVelocityBased; }
bool Slider::getVelocityModeIsSwappable() const noexcept { return pimpl->userKeyOverridesVelocity; }
int Slider::getVelocityThreshold() const noexcept { return pimpl->velocityModeThreshold; }
double Slider::getVelocitySensitivity() const noexcept { return pimpl->velocityModeSensitivity; }
double Slider::getVelocityOffset() const noexcept { return pimpl->velocityModeOffset; }
void Slider::setVelocityModeParameters (double sensitivity, int threshold,
double offset, bool userCanPressKeyToSwapMode,
ModifierKeys::Flags modifierToSwapModes)
jassert (threshold >= 0);
jassert (sensitivity > 0);
jassert (offset >= 0);
pimpl->setVelocityModeParameters (sensitivity, threshold, offset,
userCanPressKeyToSwapMode, modifierToSwapModes);
double Slider::getSkewFactor() const noexcept { return pimpl->normRange.skew; }
bool Slider::isSymmetricSkew() const noexcept { return pimpl->normRange.symmetricSkew; }
void Slider::setSkewFactor (double factor, bool symmetricSkew)
pimpl->normRange.skew = factor;
pimpl->normRange.symmetricSkew = symmetricSkew;
void Slider::setSkewFactorFromMidPoint (double sliderValueToShowAtMidPoint)
pimpl->normRange.setSkewForCentre (sliderValueToShowAtMidPoint);
int Slider::getMouseDragSensitivity() const noexcept { return pimpl->pixelsForFullDragExtent; }
void Slider::setMouseDragSensitivity (int distanceForFullScaleDrag)
jassert (distanceForFullScaleDrag > 0);
pimpl->pixelsForFullDragExtent = distanceForFullScaleDrag;
void Slider::setIncDecButtonsMode (IncDecButtonMode mode) { pimpl->setIncDecButtonsMode (mode); }
Slider::TextEntryBoxPosition Slider::getTextBoxPosition() const noexcept { return pimpl->textBoxPos; }
int Slider::getTextBoxWidth() const noexcept { return pimpl->textBoxWidth; }
int Slider::getTextBoxHeight() const noexcept { return pimpl->textBoxHeight; }
void Slider::setTextBoxStyle (TextEntryBoxPosition newPosition, bool isReadOnly, int textEntryBoxWidth, int textEntryBoxHeight)
pimpl->setTextBoxStyle (newPosition, isReadOnly, textEntryBoxWidth, textEntryBoxHeight);
bool Slider::isTextBoxEditable() const noexcept { return pimpl->editableText; }
void Slider::setTextBoxIsEditable (const bool shouldBeEditable) { pimpl->setTextBoxIsEditable (shouldBeEditable); }
void Slider::showTextBox() { pimpl->showTextBox(); }
void Slider::hideTextBox (bool discardCurrentEditorContents) { pimpl->hideTextBox (discardCurrentEditorContents); }
void Slider::setChangeNotificationOnlyOnRelease (bool onlyNotifyOnRelease)
pimpl->sendChangeOnlyOnRelease = onlyNotifyOnRelease;
bool Slider::getSliderSnapsToMousePosition() const noexcept { return pimpl->snapsToMousePos; }
void Slider::setSliderSnapsToMousePosition (bool shouldSnapToMouse) { pimpl->snapsToMousePos = shouldSnapToMouse; }
void Slider::setPopupDisplayEnabled (bool showOnDrag, bool showOnHover, Component* parent, int hoverTimeout)
pimpl->showPopupOnDrag = showOnDrag;
pimpl->showPopupOnHover = showOnHover;
pimpl->parentForPopupDisplay = parent;
pimpl->popupHoverTimeout = hoverTimeout;
Component* Slider::getCurrentPopupDisplay() const noexcept { return pimpl->popupDisplay.get(); }
void Slider::colourChanged() { lookAndFeelChanged(); }
void Slider::lookAndFeelChanged() { pimpl->lookAndFeelChanged (getLookAndFeel()); }
void Slider::enablementChanged() { repaint(); pimpl->updateTextBoxEnablement(); }
Range<double> Slider::getRange() const noexcept { return { pimpl->normRange.start, pimpl->normRange.end }; }
double Slider::getMaximum() const noexcept { return pimpl->normRange.end; }
double Slider::getMinimum() const noexcept { return pimpl->normRange.start; }
double Slider::getInterval() const noexcept { return pimpl->normRange.interval; }
void Slider::setIncDecModeInterval(double ival) { pimpl->incDecInterval = ival; }
double Slider::getIncDecModeInterval() const noexcept { return pimpl->incDecInterval; }
void Slider::setRange (double newMin, double newMax, double newInt) { pimpl->setRange (newMin, newMax, newInt); }
void Slider::setRange (Range<double> newRange, double newInt) { pimpl->setRange (newRange.getStart(), newRange.getEnd(), newInt); }
void Slider::setNormalisableRange (NormalisableRange<double> newRange) { pimpl->setNormalisableRange (newRange); }
double Slider::getValue() const { return pimpl->getValue(); }
Value& Slider::getValueObject() noexcept { return pimpl->currentValue; }
Value& Slider::getMinValueObject() noexcept { return pimpl->valueMin; }
Value& Slider::getMaxValueObject() noexcept { return pimpl->valueMax; }
void Slider::setValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification)
pimpl->setValue (newValue, notification);
double Slider::getMinValue() const { return pimpl->getMinValue(); }
double Slider::getMaxValue() const { return pimpl->getMaxValue(); }
void Slider::setMinValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification, bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues)
pimpl->setMinValue (newValue, notification, allowNudgingOfOtherValues);
void Slider::setMaxValue (double newValue, NotificationType notification, bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues)
pimpl->setMaxValue (newValue, notification, allowNudgingOfOtherValues);
void Slider::setMinAndMaxValues (double newMinValue, double newMaxValue, NotificationType notification)
pimpl->setMinAndMaxValues (newMinValue, newMaxValue, notification);
void Slider::setDoubleClickReturnValue (bool isDoubleClickEnabled, double valueToSetOnDoubleClick, ModifierKeys mods)
pimpl->doubleClickToValue = isDoubleClickEnabled;
pimpl->doubleClickReturnValue = valueToSetOnDoubleClick;
pimpl->singleClickModifiers = mods;
double Slider::getDoubleClickReturnValue() const noexcept { return pimpl->doubleClickReturnValue; }
bool Slider::isDoubleClickReturnEnabled() const noexcept { return pimpl->doubleClickToValue; }
void Slider::updateText()
void Slider::setTextValueSuffix (const String& suffix)
pimpl->setTextValueSuffix (suffix);
String Slider::getTextValueSuffix() const
return pimpl->textSuffix;
String Slider::getTextFromValue (double v)
auto getText = [this] (double val)
if (textFromValueFunction != nullptr)
return textFromValueFunction (val);
if (getNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay() > 0)
return String (val, getNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay());
return String (roundToInt (val));
return getText (v) + getTextValueSuffix();
double Slider::getValueFromText (const String& text)
auto t = text.trimStart();
if (t.endsWith (getTextValueSuffix()))
t = t.substring (0, t.length() - getTextValueSuffix().length());
if (valueFromTextFunction != nullptr)
return valueFromTextFunction (t);
while (t.startsWithChar ('+'))
t = t.substring (1).trimStart();
return t.initialSectionContainingOnly ("0123456789.,-")
double Slider::proportionOfLengthToValue (double proportion)
return pimpl->normRange.convertFrom0to1 (proportion);
double Slider::valueToProportionOfLength (double value)
return pimpl->normRange.convertTo0to1 (value);
double Slider::snapValue (double attemptedValue, DragMode)
return attemptedValue;
int Slider::getNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay() const noexcept { return pimpl->numDecimalPlaces; }
void Slider::setNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay (int decimalPlacesToDisplay)
pimpl->numDecimalPlaces = decimalPlacesToDisplay;
int Slider::getThumbBeingDragged() const noexcept { return pimpl->sliderBeingDragged; }
void Slider::startedDragging() {}
void Slider::stoppedDragging() {}
void Slider::valueChanged() {}
void Slider::setPopupMenuEnabled (bool menuEnabled) { pimpl->menuEnabled = menuEnabled; }
void Slider::setScrollWheelEnabled (bool enabled) { pimpl->scrollWheelEnabled = enabled; }
bool Slider::isScrollWheelEnabled() const noexcept { return pimpl->scrollWheelEnabled; }
bool Slider::isHorizontal() const noexcept { return pimpl->isHorizontal(); }
bool Slider::isVertical() const noexcept { return pimpl->isVertical(); }
bool Slider::isRotary() const noexcept { return pimpl->isRotary(); }
bool Slider::isBar() const noexcept { return pimpl->isBar(); }
bool Slider::isTwoValue() const noexcept { return pimpl->isTwoValue(); }
bool Slider::isThreeValue() const noexcept { return pimpl->isThreeValue(); }
float Slider::getPositionOfValue (double value) const { return pimpl->getPositionOfValue (value); }
void Slider::paint (Graphics& g) { pimpl->paint (g, getLookAndFeel()); }
void Slider::resized() { pimpl->resized (getLookAndFeel()); }
void Slider::focusOfChildComponentChanged (FocusChangeType) { repaint(); }
void Slider::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { pimpl->mouseDown (e); }
void Slider::mouseUp (const MouseEvent&) { pimpl->mouseUp(); }
void Slider::mouseMove (const MouseEvent&) { pimpl->mouseMove(); }
void Slider::mouseExit (const MouseEvent&) { pimpl->mouseExit(); }
// If popup display is enabled and set to show on mouse hover, this makes sure
// it is shown when dragging the mouse over a slider and releasing
void Slider::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent&) { pimpl->mouseMove(); }
void Slider::modifierKeysChanged (const ModifierKeys& modifiers)
if (isEnabled())
pimpl->modifierKeysChanged (modifiers);
void Slider::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
if (isEnabled())
pimpl->mouseDrag (e);
void Slider::mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent&)
if (isEnabled())
void Slider::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel)
if (! (isEnabled() && pimpl->mouseWheelMove (e, wheel)))
Component::mouseWheelMove (e, wheel);
class SliderAccessibilityHandler : public AccessibilityHandler
explicit SliderAccessibilityHandler (Slider& sliderToWrap)
: AccessibilityHandler (sliderToWrap,
AccessibilityHandler::Interfaces { std::make_unique<ValueInterface> (sliderToWrap) }),
slider (sliderToWrap)
String getHelp() const override { return slider.getTooltip(); }
class ValueInterface : public AccessibilityValueInterface
explicit ValueInterface (Slider& sliderToWrap)
: slider (sliderToWrap),
useMaxValue (slider.isTwoValue())
bool isReadOnly() const override { return false; }
double getCurrentValue() const override
return useMaxValue ? slider.getMaximum()
: slider.getValue();
void setValue (double newValue) override
Slider::ScopedDragNotification drag (slider);
if (useMaxValue)
slider.setMaxValue (newValue, sendNotificationSync);
slider.setValue (newValue, sendNotificationSync);
String getCurrentValueAsString() const override { return slider.getTextFromValue (getCurrentValue()); }
void setValueAsString (const String& newValue) override { setValue (slider.getValueFromText (newValue)); }
AccessibleValueRange getRange() const override
return { { slider.getMinimum(), slider.getMaximum() },
getStepSize() };
double getStepSize() const
auto interval = slider.getInterval();
return interval != 0.0 ? interval
: slider.getRange().getLength() * 0.05;
Slider& slider;
const bool useMaxValue;
Slider& slider;
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityHandler> Slider::createAccessibilityHandler()
return std::make_unique<SliderAccessibilityHandler> (*this);
} // namespace juce