subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE examples.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet
of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project.
name: MPEDemo
version: 1.0.0
vendor: JUCE
website: http://juce.com
description: Simple MPE synthesiser application.
dependencies: juce_audio_basics, juce_audio_devices, juce_audio_formats,
juce_audio_processors, juce_audio_utils, juce_core,
juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics,
juce_gui_basics, juce_gui_extra
exporters: xcode_mac, vs2019, linux_make, androidstudio, xcode_iphone
type: Component
mainClass: MPEDemo
useLocalCopy: 1
#pragma once
class ZoneColourPicker
ZoneColourPicker() {}
Colour getColourForMidiChannel (int midiChannel) noexcept
if (legacyModeEnabled)
return Colours::white;
if (zoneLayout.getLowerZone().isUsingChannelAsMemberChannel (midiChannel))
return getColourForZone (true);
if (zoneLayout.getUpperZone().isUsingChannelAsMemberChannel (midiChannel))
return getColourForZone (false);
return Colours::transparentBlack;
Colour getColourForZone (bool isLowerZone) const noexcept
if (legacyModeEnabled)
return Colours::white;
if (isLowerZone)
return Colours::blue;
return Colours::red;
void setZoneLayout (MPEZoneLayout layout) noexcept { zoneLayout = layout; }
void setLegacyModeEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) noexcept { legacyModeEnabled = shouldBeEnabled; }
MPEZoneLayout zoneLayout;
bool legacyModeEnabled = false;
class NoteComponent : public Component
NoteComponent (const MPENote& n, Colour colourToUse)
: note (n), colour (colourToUse)
void update (const MPENote& newNote, Point<float> newCentre)
note = newNote;
centre = newCentre;
setBounds (getSquareAroundCentre (jmax (getNoteOnRadius(), getNoteOffRadius(), getPressureRadius()))
.getUnion (getTextRectangle())
.expanded (3));
void paint (Graphics& g) override
if (note.keyState == MPENote::keyDown || note.keyState == MPENote::keyDownAndSustained)
drawPressedNoteCircle (g, colour);
else if (note.keyState == MPENote::sustained)
drawSustainedNoteCircle (g, colour);
drawNoteLabel (g, colour);
MPENote note;
Colour colour;
Point<float> centre;
void drawPressedNoteCircle (Graphics& g, Colour zoneColour)
g.setColour (zoneColour.withAlpha (0.3f));
g.fillEllipse (translateToLocalBounds (getSquareAroundCentre (getNoteOnRadius())));
g.setColour (zoneColour);
g.drawEllipse (translateToLocalBounds (getSquareAroundCentre (getPressureRadius())), 2.0f);
void drawSustainedNoteCircle (Graphics& g, Colour zoneColour)
g.setColour (zoneColour);
Path circle, dashedCircle;
circle.addEllipse (translateToLocalBounds (getSquareAroundCentre (getNoteOffRadius())));
float dashLengths[] = { 3.0f, 3.0f };
PathStrokeType (2.0, PathStrokeType::mitered).createDashedStroke (dashedCircle, circle, dashLengths, 2);
g.fillPath (dashedCircle);
void drawNoteLabel (Graphics& g, Colour /**zoneColour*/)
auto textBounds = translateToLocalBounds (getTextRectangle()).getSmallestIntegerContainer();
g.drawText ("+", textBounds, Justification::centred);
g.drawText (MidiMessage::getMidiNoteName (note.initialNote, true, true, 3), textBounds, Justification::centredBottom);
g.setFont (Font (22.0f, Font::bold));
g.drawText (String (note.midiChannel), textBounds, Justification::centredTop);
Rectangle<float> getSquareAroundCentre (float radius) const noexcept
return Rectangle<float> (radius * 2.0f, radius * 2.0f).withCentre (centre);
Rectangle<float> translateToLocalBounds (Rectangle<float> r) const noexcept
return r - getPosition().toFloat();
Rectangle<float> getTextRectangle() const noexcept
return Rectangle<float> (30.0f, 50.0f).withCentre (centre);
float getNoteOnRadius() const noexcept { return note.noteOnVelocity .asUnsignedFloat() * maxNoteRadius; }
float getNoteOffRadius() const noexcept { return note.noteOffVelocity.asUnsignedFloat() * maxNoteRadius; }
float getPressureRadius() const noexcept { return note.pressure .asUnsignedFloat() * maxNoteRadius; }
const float maxNoteRadius = 100.0f;
class Visualiser : public Component,
public MPEInstrument::Listener,
private AsyncUpdater
Visualiser (ZoneColourPicker& zoneColourPicker)
: colourPicker (zoneColourPicker)
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillAll (Colours::black);
auto noteDistance = float (getWidth()) / 128;
for (auto i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
auto x = noteDistance * (float) i;
auto noteHeight = int (MidiMessage::isMidiNoteBlack (i) ? 0.7 * getHeight() : getHeight());
g.setColour (MidiMessage::isMidiNoteBlack (i) ? Colours::white : Colours::grey);
g.drawLine (x, 0.0f, x, (float) noteHeight);
if (i > 0 && i % 12 == 0)
g.setColour (Colours::grey);
auto octaveNumber = (i / 12) - 2;
g.drawText ("C" + String (octaveNumber), (int) x - 15, getHeight() - 30, 30, 30, Justification::centredBottom);
void noteAdded (MPENote newNote) override
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
activeNotes.add (newNote);
void notePressureChanged (MPENote note) override { noteChanged (note); }
void notePitchbendChanged (MPENote note) override { noteChanged (note); }
void noteTimbreChanged (MPENote note) override { noteChanged (note); }
void noteKeyStateChanged (MPENote note) override { noteChanged (note); }
void noteChanged (MPENote changedNote)
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
for (auto& note : activeNotes)
if (note.noteID == changedNote.noteID)
note = changedNote;
void noteReleased (MPENote finishedNote) override
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
for (auto i = activeNotes.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (activeNotes.getReference(i).noteID == finishedNote.noteID)
activeNotes.remove (i);
const MPENote* findActiveNote (int noteID) const noexcept
for (auto& note : activeNotes)
if (note.noteID == noteID)
return ¬e;
return nullptr;
NoteComponent* findNoteComponent (int noteID) const noexcept
for (auto& noteComp : noteComponents)
if (noteComp->note.noteID == noteID)
return noteComp;
return nullptr;
void handleAsyncUpdate() override
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
for (auto i = noteComponents.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (findActiveNote (noteComponents.getUnchecked(i)->note.noteID) == nullptr)
noteComponents.remove (i);
for (auto& note : activeNotes)
if (findNoteComponent (note.noteID) == nullptr)
addAndMakeVisible (noteComponents.add (new NoteComponent (note, colourPicker.getColourForMidiChannel(note.midiChannel))));
for (auto& noteComp : noteComponents)
if (auto* noteInfo = findActiveNote (noteComp->note.noteID))
noteComp->update (*noteInfo, getCentrePositionForNote (*noteInfo));
Point<float> getCentrePositionForNote (MPENote note) const
auto n = float (note.initialNote) + float (note.totalPitchbendInSemitones);
auto x = (float) getWidth() * n / 128;
auto y = (float) getHeight() * (1 - note.timbre.asUnsignedFloat());
return { x, y };
OwnedArray<NoteComponent> noteComponents;
CriticalSection lock;
Array<MPENote> activeNotes;
ZoneColourPicker& colourPicker;
class MPESetupComponent : public Component,
public ChangeBroadcaster
class Listener
virtual ~Listener() {}
virtual void zoneChanged (bool isLower, int numMemberChans, int perNotePb, int masterPb) = 0;
virtual void allZonesCleared() = 0;
virtual void legacyModeChanged (bool legacyModeEnabled, int pitchbendRange, Range<int> channelRange) = 0;
virtual void voiceStealingEnabledChanged (bool voiceStealingEnabled) = 0;
virtual void numberOfVoicesChanged (int numberOfVoices) = 0;
void addListener (Listener* listenerToAdd) { listeners.add (listenerToAdd); }
void removeListener (Listener* listenerToRemove) { listeners.remove (listenerToRemove); }
addAndMakeVisible (isLowerZoneButton);
isLowerZoneButton.setToggleState (true, NotificationType::dontSendNotification);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (memberChannels, memberChannelsLabel, 0, 16, defaultMemberChannels);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (masterPitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRangeLabel, 0, 96, defaultMasterPitchbendRange);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (notePitchbendRange, notePitchbendRangeLabel, 0, 96, defaultNotePitchbendRange);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (legacyStartChannel, legacyStartChannelLabel, 1, 16, 1, false);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (legacyEndChannel, legacyEndChannelLabel, 1, 16, 16, false);
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (legacyPitchbendRange, legacyPitchbendRangeLabel, 0, 96, 2, false);
addAndMakeVisible (setZoneButton);
setZoneButton.onClick = [this] { setZoneButtonClicked(); };
addAndMakeVisible (clearAllZonesButton);
clearAllZonesButton.onClick = [this] { clearAllZonesButtonClicked(); };
addAndMakeVisible (legacyModeEnabledToggle);
legacyModeEnabledToggle.onClick = [this] { legacyModeEnabledToggleClicked(); };
addAndMakeVisible (voiceStealingEnabledToggle);
voiceStealingEnabledToggle.onClick = [this] { voiceStealingEnabledToggleClicked(); };
initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (numberOfVoices, numberOfVoicesLabel, 1, 20, 15);
void resized() override
Rectangle<int> r (proportionOfWidth (0.65f), 15, proportionOfWidth (0.25f), 3000);
auto h = 24;
auto hspace = 6;
auto hbigspace = 18;
isLowerZoneButton.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
memberChannels.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
notePitchbendRange.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
masterPitchbendRange.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h));
legacyStartChannel .setBounds (isLowerZoneButton .getBounds());
legacyEndChannel .setBounds (memberChannels .getBounds());
legacyPitchbendRange.setBounds (notePitchbendRange.getBounds());
r.removeFromTop (hbigspace);
auto buttonLeft = proportionOfWidth (0.5f);
setZoneButton.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h).withLeft (buttonLeft));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
clearAllZonesButton.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h).withLeft (buttonLeft));
r.removeFromTop (hbigspace);
auto toggleLeft = proportionOfWidth (0.25f);
legacyModeEnabledToggle.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h).withLeft (toggleLeft));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
voiceStealingEnabledToggle.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h).withLeft (toggleLeft));
r.removeFromTop (hspace);
numberOfVoices.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (h));
void initialiseComboBoxWithConsecutiveIntegers (ComboBox& comboBox, Label& labelToAttach,
int firstValue, int numValues, int valueToSelect,
bool makeVisible = true)
for (auto i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
comboBox.addItem (String (i + firstValue), i + 1);
comboBox.setSelectedId (valueToSelect - firstValue + 1);
labelToAttach.attachToComponent (&comboBox, true);
if (makeVisible)
addAndMakeVisible (comboBox);
addChildComponent (comboBox);
if (&comboBox == &numberOfVoices)
comboBox.onChange = [this] { numberOfVoicesChanged(); };
else if (&comboBox == &legacyPitchbendRange)
comboBox.onChange = [this] { if (legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState()) legacyModePitchbendRangeChanged(); };
else if (&comboBox == &legacyStartChannel || &comboBox == &legacyEndChannel)
comboBox.onChange = [this] { if (legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState()) legacyModeChannelRangeChanged(); };
void setZoneButtonClicked()
auto isLowerZone = isLowerZoneButton.getToggleState();
auto numMemberChannels = memberChannels.getText().getIntValue();
auto perNotePb = notePitchbendRange.getText().getIntValue();
auto masterPb = masterPitchbendRange.getText().getIntValue();
if (isLowerZone)
zoneLayout.setLowerZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePb, masterPb);
zoneLayout.setUpperZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePb, masterPb);
listeners.call ([&] (Listener& l) { l.zoneChanged (isLowerZone, numMemberChannels, perNotePb, masterPb); });
void clearAllZonesButtonClicked()
listeners.call ([] (Listener& l) { l.allZonesCleared(); });
void legacyModeEnabledToggleClicked()
auto legacyModeEnabled = legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState();
isLowerZoneButton .setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
memberChannels .setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
notePitchbendRange .setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
masterPitchbendRange.setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
setZoneButton .setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
clearAllZonesButton .setVisible (! legacyModeEnabled);
legacyStartChannel .setVisible (legacyModeEnabled);
legacyEndChannel .setVisible (legacyModeEnabled);
legacyPitchbendRange.setVisible (legacyModeEnabled);
if (areLegacyModeParametersValid())
listeners.call ([&] (Listener& l) { l.legacyModeChanged (legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState(),
getLegacyModeChannelRange()); });
void voiceStealingEnabledToggleClicked()
auto newState = voiceStealingEnabledToggle.getToggleState();
listeners.call ([=] (Listener& l) { l.voiceStealingEnabledChanged (newState); });
void numberOfVoicesChanged()
listeners.call ([this] (Listener& l) { l.numberOfVoicesChanged (numberOfVoices.getText().getIntValue()); });
void legacyModePitchbendRangeChanged()
jassert (legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState() == true);
listeners.call ([this] (Listener& l) { l.legacyModeChanged (true,
getLegacyModeChannelRange()); });
void legacyModeChannelRangeChanged()
jassert (legacyModeEnabledToggle.getToggleState() == true);
if (areLegacyModeParametersValid())
listeners.call ([this] (Listener& l) { l.legacyModeChanged (true,
getLegacyModeChannelRange()); });
bool areLegacyModeParametersValid() const
return legacyStartChannel.getText().getIntValue() <= legacyEndChannel.getText().getIntValue();
void handleInvalidLegacyModeParameters() const
AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon,
"Invalid legacy mode channel layout",
"Cannot set legacy mode start/end channel:\n"
"The end channel must not be less than the start channel!",
"Got it");
Range<int> getLegacyModeChannelRange() const
return { legacyStartChannel.getText().getIntValue(),
legacyEndChannel.getText().getIntValue() + 1 };
MPEZoneLayout zoneLayout;
ComboBox memberChannels, masterPitchbendRange, notePitchbendRange;
ToggleButton isLowerZoneButton { "Lower zone" };
Label memberChannelsLabel { {}, "Nr. of member channels:" };
Label masterPitchbendRangeLabel { {}, "Master pitchbend range (semitones):" };
Label notePitchbendRangeLabel { {}, "Note pitchbend range (semitones):" };
TextButton setZoneButton { "Set zone" };
TextButton clearAllZonesButton { "Clear all zones" };
ComboBox legacyStartChannel, legacyEndChannel, legacyPitchbendRange;
Label legacyStartChannelLabel { {}, "First channel:" };
Label legacyEndChannelLabel { {}, "Last channel:" };
Label legacyPitchbendRangeLabel { {}, "Pitchbend range (semitones):"};
ToggleButton legacyModeEnabledToggle { "Enable Legacy Mode" };
ToggleButton voiceStealingEnabledToggle { "Enable synth voice stealing" };
ComboBox numberOfVoices;
Label numberOfVoicesLabel { {}, "Number of synth voices"};
ListenerList<Listener> listeners;
const int defaultMemberChannels = 15,
defaultMasterPitchbendRange = 2,
defaultNotePitchbendRange = 48;
class ZoneLayoutComponent : public Component,
public MPESetupComponent::Listener
ZoneLayoutComponent (const ZoneColourPicker& zoneColourPicker)
: colourPicker (zoneColourPicker)
void paint (Graphics& g) override
paintBackground (g);
if (legacyModeEnabled)
paintLegacyMode (g);
paintZones (g);
void zoneChanged (bool isLowerZone, int numMemberChannels,
int perNotePitchbendRange, int masterPitchbendRange) override
if (isLowerZone)
zoneLayout.setLowerZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange);
zoneLayout.setUpperZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange);
void allZonesCleared() override
void legacyModeChanged (bool legacyModeShouldBeEnabled, int pitchbendRange, Range<int> channelRange) override
legacyModeEnabled = legacyModeShouldBeEnabled;
legacyModePitchbendRange = pitchbendRange;
legacyModeChannelRange = channelRange;
void voiceStealingEnabledChanged (bool) override { /* not interested in this change */ }
void numberOfVoicesChanged (int) override { /* not interested in this change */ }
void paintBackground (Graphics& g)
g.setColour (Colours::black);
auto channelWidth = getChannelRectangleWidth();
for (auto i = 0; i < numMidiChannels; ++i)
auto x = float (i) * channelWidth;
Rectangle<int> channelArea ((int) x, 0, (int) channelWidth, getHeight());
g.drawLine ({ x, 0.0f, x, float (getHeight()) });
g.drawText (String (i + 1), channelArea.reduced (4, 4), Justification::topLeft, false);
void paintZones (Graphics& g)
auto channelWidth = getChannelRectangleWidth();
Array<MPEZoneLayout::Zone> activeZones;
if (zoneLayout.getLowerZone().isActive()) activeZones.add (zoneLayout.getLowerZone());
if (zoneLayout.getUpperZone().isActive()) activeZones.add (zoneLayout.getUpperZone());
for (auto zone : activeZones)
auto zoneColour = colourPicker.getColourForZone (zone.isLowerZone());
auto xPos = zone.isLowerZone() ? 0 : zone.getLastMemberChannel() - 1;
Rectangle<int> zoneRect { int (channelWidth * (float) xPos), 20,
int (channelWidth * (float) (zone.numMemberChannels + 1)), getHeight() - 20 };
g.setColour (zoneColour);
g.drawRect (zoneRect, 3);
auto masterRect = zone.isLowerZone() ? zoneRect.removeFromLeft ((int) channelWidth) : zoneRect.removeFromRight ((int) channelWidth);
g.setColour (zoneColour.withAlpha (0.3f));
g.fillRect (masterRect);
g.setColour (zoneColour.contrasting());
g.drawText ("<>" + String (zone.masterPitchbendRange), masterRect.reduced (4), Justification::top, false);
g.drawText ("<>" + String (zone.perNotePitchbendRange), masterRect.reduced (4), Justification::bottom, false);
void paintLegacyMode (Graphics& g)
auto startChannel = legacyModeChannelRange.getStart() - 1;
auto numChannels = legacyModeChannelRange.getEnd() - startChannel - 1;
Rectangle<int> zoneRect (int (getChannelRectangleWidth() * (float) startChannel), 0,
int (getChannelRectangleWidth() * (float) numChannels), getHeight());
zoneRect.removeFromTop (20);
g.setColour (Colours::white);
g.drawRect (zoneRect, 3);
g.drawText ("LGCY", zoneRect.reduced (4, 4), Justification::topLeft, false);
g.drawText ("<>" + String (legacyModePitchbendRange), zoneRect.reduced (4, 4), Justification::bottomLeft, false);
float getChannelRectangleWidth() const noexcept
return (float) getWidth() / (float) numMidiChannels;
MPEZoneLayout zoneLayout;
const ZoneColourPicker& colourPicker;
bool legacyModeEnabled = false;
int legacyModePitchbendRange = 48;
Range<int> legacyModeChannelRange = { 1, 17 };
const int numMidiChannels = 16;
class MPEDemoSynthVoice : public MPESynthesiserVoice
MPEDemoSynthVoice() {}
void noteStarted() override
jassert (currentlyPlayingNote.isValid());
jassert (currentlyPlayingNote.keyState == MPENote::keyDown
|| currentlyPlayingNote.keyState == MPENote::keyDownAndSustained);
level .setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.pressure.asUnsignedFloat());
frequency.setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.getFrequencyInHertz());
timbre .setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.timbre.asUnsignedFloat());
phase = 0.0;
auto cyclesPerSample = frequency.getNextValue() / currentSampleRate;
phaseDelta = MathConstants<double>::twoPi * cyclesPerSample;
tailOff = 0.0;
void noteStopped (bool allowTailOff) override
jassert (currentlyPlayingNote.keyState == MPENote::off);
if (allowTailOff)
// start a tail-off by setting this flag. The render callback will pick up on
// this and do a fade out, calling clearCurrentNote() when it's finished.
if (tailOff == 0.0) // we only need to begin a tail-off if it's not already doing so - the
// stopNote method could be called more than once.
tailOff = 1.0;
// we're being told to stop playing immediately, so reset everything..
phaseDelta = 0.0;
void notePressureChanged() override
level.setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.pressure.asUnsignedFloat());
void notePitchbendChanged() override
frequency.setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.getFrequencyInHertz());
void noteTimbreChanged() override
timbre.setTargetValue (currentlyPlayingNote.timbre.asUnsignedFloat());
void noteKeyStateChanged() override {}
void setCurrentSampleRate (double newRate) override
if (currentSampleRate != newRate)
noteStopped (false);
currentSampleRate = newRate;
level .reset (currentSampleRate, smoothingLengthInSeconds);
timbre .reset (currentSampleRate, smoothingLengthInSeconds);
frequency.reset (currentSampleRate, smoothingLengthInSeconds);
virtual void renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<float>& outputBuffer,
int startSample,
int numSamples) override
if (phaseDelta != 0.0)
if (tailOff > 0.0)
while (--numSamples >= 0)
auto currentSample = getNextSample() * (float) tailOff;
for (auto i = outputBuffer.getNumChannels(); --i >= 0;)
outputBuffer.addSample (i, startSample, currentSample);
tailOff *= 0.99;
if (tailOff <= 0.005)
phaseDelta = 0.0;
while (--numSamples >= 0)
auto currentSample = getNextSample();
for (auto i = outputBuffer.getNumChannels(); --i >= 0;)
outputBuffer.addSample (i, startSample, currentSample);
using MPESynthesiserVoice::renderNextBlock;
float getNextSample() noexcept
auto levelDb = (level.getNextValue() - 1.0) * maxLevelDb;
auto amplitude = pow (10.0f, 0.05f * levelDb) * maxLevel;
// timbre is used to blend between a sine and a square.
auto f1 = std::sin (phase);
auto f2 = copysign (1.0, f1);
auto a2 = timbre.getNextValue();
auto a1 = 1.0 - a2;
auto nextSample = float (amplitude * ((a1 * f1) + (a2 * f2)));
auto cyclesPerSample = frequency.getNextValue() / currentSampleRate;
phaseDelta = MathConstants<double>::twoPi * cyclesPerSample;
phase = std::fmod (phase + phaseDelta, MathConstants<double>::twoPi);
return nextSample;
SmoothedValue<double> level, timbre, frequency;
double phase = 0.0;
double phaseDelta = 0.0;
double tailOff = 0.0;
const double maxLevel = 0.05;
const double maxLevelDb = 31.0;
const double smoothingLengthInSeconds = 0.01;
class MPEDemo : public Component,
private AudioIODeviceCallback,
private MidiInputCallback,
private MPESetupComponent::Listener
: audioSetupComp (audioDeviceManager, 0, 0, 0, 256, true, true, true, false),
zoneLayoutComp (colourPicker),
visualiserComp (colourPicker)
audioDeviceManager.initialise (0, 2, nullptr, true, {}, nullptr);
audioDeviceManager.addMidiInputDeviceCallback ({}, this);
audioDeviceManager.addAudioCallback (this);
addAndMakeVisible (audioSetupComp);
addAndMakeVisible (MPESetupComp);
addAndMakeVisible (zoneLayoutComp);
addAndMakeVisible (visualiserViewport);
visualiserViewport.setScrollBarsShown (false, true);
visualiserViewport.setViewedComponent (&visualiserComp, false);
visualiserViewport.setViewPositionProportionately (0.5, 0.0);
MPESetupComp.addListener (&zoneLayoutComp);
MPESetupComp.addListener (this);
visualiserInstrument.addListener (&visualiserComp);
synth.setVoiceStealingEnabled (false);
for (auto i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
synth.addVoice (new MPEDemoSynthVoice());
setSize (880, 720);
~MPEDemo() override
audioDeviceManager.removeMidiInputDeviceCallback ({}, this);
audioDeviceManager.removeAudioCallback (this);
void resized() override
auto visualiserCompWidth = 2800;
auto visualiserCompHeight = 300;
auto zoneLayoutCompHeight = 60;
auto audioSetupCompRelativeWidth = 0.55f;
auto r = getLocalBounds();
visualiserViewport.setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (visualiserCompHeight));
visualiserComp .setBounds ({ visualiserCompWidth,
visualiserViewport.getHeight() - visualiserViewport.getScrollBarThickness() });
zoneLayoutComp.setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (zoneLayoutCompHeight));
audioSetupComp.setBounds (r.removeFromLeft (proportionOfWidth (audioSetupCompRelativeWidth)));
MPESetupComp .setBounds (r);
void audioDeviceIOCallback (const float** /*inputChannelData*/, int /*numInputChannels*/,
float** outputChannelData, int numOutputChannels,
int numSamples) override
AudioBuffer<float> buffer (outputChannelData, numOutputChannels, numSamples);
MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, numSamples);
synth.renderNextBlock (buffer, incomingMidi, 0, numSamples);
void audioDeviceAboutToStart (AudioIODevice* device) override
auto sampleRate = device->getCurrentSampleRate();
midiCollector.reset (sampleRate);
synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (sampleRate);
void audioDeviceStopped() override {}
void handleIncomingMidiMessage (MidiInput* /*source*/,
const MidiMessage& message) override
visualiserInstrument.processNextMidiEvent (message);
midiCollector.addMessageToQueue (message);
void zoneChanged (bool isLowerZone, int numMemberChannels,
int perNotePitchbendRange, int masterPitchbendRange) override
auto* midiOutput = audioDeviceManager.getDefaultMidiOutput();
if (midiOutput != nullptr)
if (isLowerZone)
midiOutput->sendBlockOfMessagesNow (MPEMessages::setLowerZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange));
midiOutput->sendBlockOfMessagesNow (MPEMessages::setUpperZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange));
if (isLowerZone)
zoneLayout.setLowerZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange);
zoneLayout.setUpperZone (numMemberChannels, perNotePitchbendRange, masterPitchbendRange);
visualiserInstrument.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
synth.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
colourPicker.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
void allZonesCleared() override
auto* midiOutput = audioDeviceManager.getDefaultMidiOutput();
if (midiOutput != nullptr)
midiOutput->sendBlockOfMessagesNow (MPEMessages::clearAllZones());
visualiserInstrument.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
synth.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
colourPicker.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
void legacyModeChanged (bool legacyModeShouldBeEnabled, int pitchbendRange, Range<int> channelRange) override
colourPicker.setLegacyModeEnabled (legacyModeShouldBeEnabled);
if (legacyModeShouldBeEnabled)
synth.enableLegacyMode (pitchbendRange, channelRange);
visualiserInstrument.enableLegacyMode (pitchbendRange, channelRange);
synth.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
visualiserInstrument.setZoneLayout (zoneLayout);
void voiceStealingEnabledChanged (bool voiceStealingEnabled) override
synth.setVoiceStealingEnabled (voiceStealingEnabled);
void numberOfVoicesChanged (int numberOfVoices) override
if (numberOfVoices < synth.getNumVoices())
synth.reduceNumVoices (numberOfVoices);
while (synth.getNumVoices() < numberOfVoices)
synth.addVoice (new MPEDemoSynthVoice());
// if this PIP is running inside the demo runner, we'll use the shared device manager instead
AudioDeviceManager audioDeviceManager;
AudioDeviceManager& audioDeviceManager { getSharedAudioDeviceManager (0, 2) };
MPEZoneLayout zoneLayout;
ZoneColourPicker colourPicker;
AudioDeviceSelectorComponent audioSetupComp;
MPESetupComponent MPESetupComp;
ZoneLayoutComponent zoneLayoutComp;
Visualiser visualiserComp;
Viewport visualiserViewport;
MPEInstrument visualiserInstrument;
MPESynthesiser synth;
MidiMessageCollector midiCollector;