subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
808 lines
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808 lines
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
namespace MidiFileHelpers
static void writeVariableLengthInt (OutputStream& out, uint32 v)
auto buffer = v & 0x7f;
while ((v >>= 7) != 0)
buffer <<= 8;
buffer |= ((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
for (;;)
out.writeByte ((char) buffer);
if (buffer & 0x80)
buffer >>= 8;
template <typename Value>
struct Optional
Optional() = default;
Optional (const Value& v)
: value (v), valid (true) {}
Value value = Value();
bool valid = false;
template <typename Integral>
struct ReadTrait;
template <>
struct ReadTrait<uint32> { static constexpr auto read = ByteOrder::bigEndianInt; };
template <>
struct ReadTrait<uint16> { static constexpr auto read = ByteOrder::bigEndianShort; };
template <typename Integral>
Optional<Integral> tryRead (const uint8*& data, size_t& remaining)
using Trait = ReadTrait<Integral>;
constexpr auto size = sizeof (Integral);
if (remaining < size)
return {};
const Optional<Integral> result { Trait::read (data) };
data += size;
remaining -= size;
return result;
struct HeaderDetails
size_t bytesRead = 0;
short timeFormat = 0;
short fileType = 0;
short numberOfTracks = 0;
static Optional<HeaderDetails> parseMidiHeader (const uint8* const initialData,
const size_t maxSize)
auto* data = initialData;
auto remaining = maxSize;
auto ch = tryRead<uint32> (data, remaining);
if (! ch.valid)
return {};
if (ch.value != ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("MThd"))
auto ok = false;
if (ch.value == ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("RIFF"))
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
ch = tryRead<uint32> (data, remaining);
if (! ch.valid)
return {};
if (ch.value == ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("MThd"))
ok = true;
if (! ok)
return {};
const auto bytesRemaining = tryRead<uint32> (data, remaining);
if (! bytesRemaining.valid || bytesRemaining.value > remaining)
return {};
const auto optFileType = tryRead<uint16> (data, remaining);
if (! optFileType.valid || 2 < optFileType.value)
return {};
const auto optNumTracks = tryRead<uint16> (data, remaining);
if (! optNumTracks.valid || (optFileType.value == 0 && optNumTracks.value != 1))
return {};
const auto optTimeFormat = tryRead<uint16> (data, remaining);
if (! optTimeFormat.valid)
return {};
HeaderDetails result;
result.fileType = (short) optFileType.value;
result.timeFormat = (short) optTimeFormat.value;
result.numberOfTracks = (short) optNumTracks.value;
result.bytesRead = maxSize - remaining;
return { result };
static double convertTicksToSeconds (double time,
const MidiMessageSequence& tempoEvents,
int timeFormat)
if (timeFormat < 0)
return time / (-(timeFormat >> 8) * (timeFormat & 0xff));
double lastTime = 0, correctedTime = 0;
auto tickLen = 1.0 / (timeFormat & 0x7fff);
auto secsPerTick = 0.5 * tickLen;
auto numEvents = tempoEvents.getNumEvents();
for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)
auto& m = tempoEvents.getEventPointer(i)->message;
auto eventTime = m.getTimeStamp();
if (eventTime >= time)
correctedTime += (eventTime - lastTime) * secsPerTick;
lastTime = eventTime;
if (m.isTempoMetaEvent())
secsPerTick = tickLen * m.getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote();
while (i + 1 < numEvents)
auto& m2 = tempoEvents.getEventPointer(i + 1)->message;
if (m2.getTimeStamp() != eventTime)
if (m2.isTempoMetaEvent())
secsPerTick = tickLen * m2.getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote();
return correctedTime + (time - lastTime) * secsPerTick;
template <typename MethodType>
static void findAllMatchingEvents (const OwnedArray<MidiMessageSequence>& tracks,
MidiMessageSequence& results,
MethodType method)
for (auto* track : tracks)
auto numEvents = track->getNumEvents();
for (int j = 0; j < numEvents; ++j)
auto& m = track->getEventPointer(j)->message;
if ((m.*method)())
results.addEvent (m);
static MidiMessageSequence readTrack (const uint8* data, int size)
double time = 0;
uint8 lastStatusByte = 0;
MidiMessageSequence result;
while (size > 0)
const auto delay = MidiMessage::readVariableLengthValue (data, (int) size);
if (! delay.isValid())
data += delay.bytesUsed;
size -= delay.bytesUsed;
time += delay.value;
if (size <= 0)
int messSize = 0;
const MidiMessage mm (data, size, messSize, lastStatusByte, time);
if (messSize <= 0)
size -= messSize;
data += messSize;
result.addEvent (mm);
auto firstByte = *(mm.getRawData());
if ((firstByte & 0xf0) != 0xf0)
lastStatusByte = firstByte;
return result;
MidiFile::MidiFile() : timeFormat ((short) (unsigned short) 0xe728) {}
MidiFile::~MidiFile() {}
MidiFile::MidiFile (const MidiFile& other) : timeFormat (other.timeFormat)
tracks.addCopiesOf (other.tracks);
MidiFile& MidiFile::operator= (const MidiFile& other)
tracks.addCopiesOf (other.tracks);
timeFormat = other.timeFormat;
return *this;
MidiFile::MidiFile (MidiFile&& other)
: tracks (std::move (other.tracks)),
timeFormat (other.timeFormat)
MidiFile& MidiFile::operator= (MidiFile&& other)
tracks = std::move (other.tracks);
timeFormat = other.timeFormat;
return *this;
void MidiFile::clear()
int MidiFile::getNumTracks() const noexcept
return tracks.size();
const MidiMessageSequence* MidiFile::getTrack (int index) const noexcept
return tracks[index];
void MidiFile::addTrack (const MidiMessageSequence& trackSequence)
tracks.add (new MidiMessageSequence (trackSequence));
short MidiFile::getTimeFormat() const noexcept
return timeFormat;
void MidiFile::setTicksPerQuarterNote (int ticks) noexcept
timeFormat = (short) ticks;
void MidiFile::setSmpteTimeFormat (int framesPerSecond, int subframeResolution) noexcept
timeFormat = (short) (((-framesPerSecond) << 8) | subframeResolution);
void MidiFile::findAllTempoEvents (MidiMessageSequence& results) const
MidiFileHelpers::findAllMatchingEvents (tracks, results, &MidiMessage::isTempoMetaEvent);
void MidiFile::findAllTimeSigEvents (MidiMessageSequence& results) const
MidiFileHelpers::findAllMatchingEvents (tracks, results, &MidiMessage::isTimeSignatureMetaEvent);
void MidiFile::findAllKeySigEvents (MidiMessageSequence& results) const
MidiFileHelpers::findAllMatchingEvents (tracks, results, &MidiMessage::isKeySignatureMetaEvent);
double MidiFile::getLastTimestamp() const
double t = 0.0;
for (auto* ms : tracks)
t = jmax (t, ms->getEndTime());
return t;
bool MidiFile::readFrom (InputStream& sourceStream,
bool createMatchingNoteOffs,
int* fileType)
MemoryBlock data;
const int maxSensibleMidiFileSize = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
// (put a sanity-check on the file size, as midi files are generally small)
if (! sourceStream.readIntoMemoryBlock (data, maxSensibleMidiFileSize))
return false;
auto size = data.getSize();
auto d = static_cast<const uint8*> (data.getData());
const auto optHeader = MidiFileHelpers::parseMidiHeader (d, size);
if (! optHeader.valid)
return false;
const auto header = optHeader.value;
timeFormat = header.timeFormat;
d += header.bytesRead;
size -= (size_t) header.bytesRead;
for (int track = 0; track < header.numberOfTracks; ++track)
const auto optChunkType = MidiFileHelpers::tryRead<uint32> (d, size);
if (! optChunkType.valid)
return false;
const auto optChunkSize = MidiFileHelpers::tryRead<uint32> (d, size);
if (! optChunkSize.valid)
return false;
const auto chunkSize = optChunkSize.value;
if (size < chunkSize)
return false;
if (optChunkType.value == ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("MTrk"))
readNextTrack (d, (int) chunkSize, createMatchingNoteOffs);
size -= chunkSize;
d += chunkSize;
const auto successful = (size == 0);
if (successful && fileType != nullptr)
*fileType = header.fileType;
return successful;
void MidiFile::readNextTrack (const uint8* data, int size, bool createMatchingNoteOffs)
auto sequence = MidiFileHelpers::readTrack (data, size);
// sort so that we put all the note-offs before note-ons that have the same time
std::stable_sort (sequence.list.begin(), sequence.list.end(),
[] (const MidiMessageSequence::MidiEventHolder* a,
const MidiMessageSequence::MidiEventHolder* b)
auto t1 = a->message.getTimeStamp();
auto t2 = b->message.getTimeStamp();
if (t1 < t2) return true;
if (t2 < t1) return false;
return a->message.isNoteOff() && b->message.isNoteOn();
if (createMatchingNoteOffs)
addTrack (sequence);
void MidiFile::convertTimestampTicksToSeconds()
MidiMessageSequence tempoEvents;
findAllTempoEvents (tempoEvents);
findAllTimeSigEvents (tempoEvents);
if (timeFormat != 0)
for (auto* ms : tracks)
for (int j = ms->getNumEvents(); --j >= 0;)
auto& m = ms->getEventPointer(j)->message;
m.setTimeStamp (MidiFileHelpers::convertTicksToSeconds (m.getTimeStamp(), tempoEvents, timeFormat));
bool MidiFile::writeTo (OutputStream& out, int midiFileType) const
jassert (midiFileType >= 0 && midiFileType <= 2);
if (! out.writeIntBigEndian ((int) ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("MThd"))) return false;
if (! out.writeIntBigEndian (6)) return false;
if (! out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) midiFileType)) return false;
if (! out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) tracks.size())) return false;
if (! out.writeShortBigEndian (timeFormat)) return false;
for (auto* ms : tracks)
if (! writeTrack (out, *ms))
return false;
return true;
bool MidiFile::writeTrack (OutputStream& mainOut, const MidiMessageSequence& ms) const
MemoryOutputStream out;
int lastTick = 0;
uint8 lastStatusByte = 0;
bool endOfTrackEventWritten = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ms.getNumEvents(); ++i)
auto& mm = ms.getEventPointer(i)->message;
if (mm.isEndOfTrackMetaEvent())
endOfTrackEventWritten = true;
auto tick = roundToInt (mm.getTimeStamp());
auto delta = jmax (0, tick - lastTick);
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (out, (uint32) delta);
lastTick = tick;
auto* data = mm.getRawData();
auto dataSize = mm.getRawDataSize();
auto statusByte = data[0];
if (statusByte == lastStatusByte
&& (statusByte & 0xf0) != 0xf0
&& dataSize > 1
&& i > 0)
else if (statusByte == 0xf0) // Write sysex message with length bytes.
out.writeByte ((char) statusByte);
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (out, (uint32) dataSize);
out.write (data, (size_t) dataSize);
lastStatusByte = statusByte;
if (! endOfTrackEventWritten)
out.writeByte (0); // (tick delta)
auto m = MidiMessage::endOfTrack();
out.write (m.getRawData(), (size_t) m.getRawDataSize());
if (! mainOut.writeIntBigEndian ((int) ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("MTrk"))) return false;
if (! mainOut.writeIntBigEndian ((int) out.getDataSize())) return false;
mainOut << out;
return true;
struct MidiFileTest : public UnitTest
: UnitTest ("MidiFile", UnitTestCategories::midi)
void runTest() override
beginTest ("ReadTrack respects running status");
const auto sequence = parseSequence ([] (OutputStream& os)
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 100);
writeBytes (os, { 0x90, 0x40, 0x40 });
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 200);
writeBytes (os, { 0x40, 0x40 });
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 300);
writeBytes (os, { 0xff, 0x2f, 0x00 });
expectEquals (sequence.getNumEvents(), 3);
expect (sequence.getEventPointer (0)->message.isNoteOn());
expect (sequence.getEventPointer (1)->message.isNoteOn());
expect (sequence.getEventPointer (2)->message.isEndOfTrackMetaEvent());
beginTest ("ReadTrack returns available messages if input is truncated");
const auto sequence = parseSequence ([] (OutputStream& os)
// Incomplete delta time
writeBytes (os, { 0xff });
expectEquals (sequence.getNumEvents(), 0);
const auto sequence = parseSequence ([] (OutputStream& os)
// Complete delta with no following event
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 0xffff);
expectEquals (sequence.getNumEvents(), 0);
const auto sequence = parseSequence ([] (OutputStream& os)
// Complete delta with malformed following event
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 0xffff);
writeBytes (os, { 0x90, 0x40 });
expectEquals (sequence.getNumEvents(), 1);
expect (sequence.getEventPointer (0)->message.isNoteOff());
expectEquals (sequence.getEventPointer (0)->message.getNoteNumber(), 0x40);
expectEquals (sequence.getEventPointer (0)->message.getVelocity(), (uint8) 0x00);
beginTest ("Header parsing works");
// No data
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream&) {});
expect (! header.valid);
// Invalid initial byte
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 0xff });
expect (! header.valid);
// Type block, but no header data
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd' });
expect (! header.valid);
// We (ll-formed header, but track type is 0 and channels != 1
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 1 });
expect (! header.valid);
// Well-formed header, but track type is 5
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 5, 0, 16, 0, 1 });
expect (! header.valid);
// Well-formed header
const auto header = parseHeader ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 16, 0, 1 });
expect (header.valid);
expectEquals (header.value.fileType, (short) 1);
expectEquals (header.value.numberOfTracks, (short) 16);
expectEquals (header.value.timeFormat, (short) 1);
expectEquals ((int) header.value.bytesRead, 14);
beginTest ("Read from stream");
// Empty input
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream&) {});
expect (! file.valid);
// Malformed header
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd' });
expect (! file.valid);
// Header, no channels
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 });
expect (file.valid);
expectEquals (file.value.getNumTracks(), 0);
// Header, one malformed channel
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 });
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'r', '?' });
expect (! file.valid);
// Header, one channel with malformed message
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 });
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'r', 'k', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0xff });
expect (file.valid);
expectEquals (file.value.getNumTracks(), 1);
expectEquals (file.value.getTrack (0)->getNumEvents(), 0);
// Header, one channel with incorrect length message
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 });
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'r', 'k', 0x0f, 0, 0, 0, 0xff });
expect (! file.valid);
// Header, one channel, all well-formed
const auto file = parseFile ([] (OutputStream& os)
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 });
writeBytes (os, { 'M', 'T', 'r', 'k', 0, 0, 0, 4 });
MidiFileHelpers::writeVariableLengthInt (os, 0x0f);
writeBytes (os, { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 });
expect (file.valid);
expectEquals (file.value.getNumTracks(), 1);
auto& track = *file.value.getTrack (0);
expectEquals (track.getNumEvents(), 1);
expect (track.getEventPointer (0)->message.isNoteOff());
expectEquals (track.getEventPointer (0)->message.getTimeStamp(), (double) 0x0f);
template <typename Fn>
static MidiMessageSequence parseSequence (Fn&& fn)
MemoryOutputStream os;
fn (os);
return MidiFileHelpers::readTrack (reinterpret_cast<const uint8*> (os.getData()),
(int) os.getDataSize());
template <typename Fn>
static MidiFileHelpers::Optional<MidiFileHelpers::HeaderDetails> parseHeader (Fn&& fn)
MemoryOutputStream os;
fn (os);
return MidiFileHelpers::parseMidiHeader (reinterpret_cast<const uint8*> (os.getData()),
template <typename Fn>
static MidiFileHelpers::Optional<MidiFile> parseFile (Fn&& fn)
MemoryOutputStream os;
fn (os);
MemoryInputStream is (os.getData(), os.getDataSize(), false);
MidiFile mf;
int fileType = 0;
if (mf.readFrom (is, true, &fileType))
return mf;
return {};
static void writeBytes (OutputStream& os, const std::vector<uint8>& bytes)
for (const auto& byte : bytes)
os.writeByte ((char) byte);
static MidiFileTest midiFileTests;
} // namespace juce