subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
: instrument (new MPEInstrument)
instrument->addListener (this);
MPESynthesiserBase::MPESynthesiserBase (MPEInstrument* inst)
: instrument (inst)
jassert (instrument != nullptr);
instrument->addListener (this);
MPEZoneLayout MPESynthesiserBase::getZoneLayout() const noexcept
return instrument->getZoneLayout();
void MPESynthesiserBase::setZoneLayout (MPEZoneLayout newLayout)
instrument->setZoneLayout (newLayout);
void MPESynthesiserBase::enableLegacyMode (int pitchbendRange, Range<int> channelRange)
instrument->enableLegacyMode (pitchbendRange, channelRange);
bool MPESynthesiserBase::isLegacyModeEnabled() const noexcept
return instrument->isLegacyModeEnabled();
Range<int> MPESynthesiserBase::getLegacyModeChannelRange() const noexcept
return instrument->getLegacyModeChannelRange();
void MPESynthesiserBase::setLegacyModeChannelRange (Range<int> channelRange)
instrument->setLegacyModeChannelRange (channelRange);
int MPESynthesiserBase::getLegacyModePitchbendRange() const noexcept
return instrument->getLegacyModePitchbendRange();
void MPESynthesiserBase::setLegacyModePitchbendRange (int pitchbendRange)
instrument->setLegacyModePitchbendRange (pitchbendRange);
void MPESynthesiserBase::setPressureTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse)
instrument->setPressureTrackingMode (modeToUse);
void MPESynthesiserBase::setPitchbendTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse)
instrument->setPitchbendTrackingMode (modeToUse);
void MPESynthesiserBase::setTimbreTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse)
instrument->setTimbreTrackingMode (modeToUse);
void MPESynthesiserBase::handleMidiEvent (const MidiMessage& m)
instrument->processNextMidiEvent (m);
template <typename floatType>
void MPESynthesiserBase::renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<floatType>& outputAudio,
const MidiBuffer& inputMidi,
int startSample,
int numSamples)
// you must set the sample rate before using this!
jassert (sampleRate != 0);
const ScopedLock sl (noteStateLock);
auto prevSample = startSample;
const auto endSample = startSample + numSamples;
for (auto it = inputMidi.findNextSamplePosition (startSample); it != inputMidi.cend(); ++it)
const auto metadata = *it;
if (metadata.samplePosition >= endSample)
const auto smallBlockAllowed = (prevSample == startSample && ! subBlockSubdivisionIsStrict);
const auto thisBlockSize = smallBlockAllowed ? 1 : minimumSubBlockSize;
if (metadata.samplePosition >= prevSample + thisBlockSize)
renderNextSubBlock (outputAudio, prevSample, metadata.samplePosition - prevSample);
prevSample = metadata.samplePosition;
handleMidiEvent (metadata.getMessage());
if (prevSample < endSample)
renderNextSubBlock (outputAudio, prevSample, endSample - prevSample);
// explicit instantiation for supported float types:
template void MPESynthesiserBase::renderNextBlock<float> (AudioBuffer<float>&, const MidiBuffer&, int, int);
template void MPESynthesiserBase::renderNextBlock<double> (AudioBuffer<double>&, const MidiBuffer&, int, int);
void MPESynthesiserBase::setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (const double newRate)
if (sampleRate != newRate)
const ScopedLock sl (noteStateLock);
sampleRate = newRate;
void MPESynthesiserBase::setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (int numSamples, bool shouldBeStrict) noexcept
jassert (numSamples > 0); // it wouldn't make much sense for this to be less than 1
minimumSubBlockSize = numSamples;
subBlockSubdivisionIsStrict = shouldBeStrict;
class MpeSynthesiserBaseTests : public UnitTest
enum class CallbackKind { process, midi };
struct StartAndLength
StartAndLength (int s, int l) : start (s), length (l) {}
int start = 0;
int length = 0;
std::tuple<const int&, const int&> tie() const noexcept { return std::tie (start, length); }
bool operator== (const StartAndLength& other) const noexcept { return tie() == other.tie(); }
bool operator!= (const StartAndLength& other) const noexcept { return tie() != other.tie(); }
bool operator< (const StartAndLength& other) const noexcept { return tie() < other.tie(); }
struct Events
std::vector<StartAndLength> blocks;
std::vector<MidiMessage> messages;
std::vector<CallbackKind> order;
class MockSynthesiser : public MPESynthesiserBase
Events events;
void handleMidiEvent (const MidiMessage& m) override
events.messages.emplace_back (m);
events.order.emplace_back (CallbackKind::midi);
using MPESynthesiserBase::renderNextSubBlock;
void renderNextSubBlock (AudioBuffer<float>&,
int startSample,
int numSamples) override
events.blocks.push_back ({ startSample, numSamples });
events.order.emplace_back (CallbackKind::process);
static MidiBuffer makeTestBuffer (const int bufferLength)
MidiBuffer result;
for (int i = 0; i != bufferLength; ++i)
result.addEvent ({}, i);
return result;
: UnitTest ("MPE Synthesiser Base", UnitTestCategories::midi) {}
void runTest() override
const auto sumBlockLengths = [] (const std::vector<StartAndLength>& b)
const auto addBlock = [] (int acc, const StartAndLength& info) { return acc + info.length; };
return std::accumulate (b.begin(), b.end(), 0, addBlock);
beginTest ("Rendering sparse subblocks works");
const int blockSize = 512;
const auto midi = [&] { MidiBuffer b; b.addEvent ({}, blockSize / 2); return b; }();
AudioBuffer<float> audio (1, blockSize);
const auto processEvents = [&] (int start, int length)
MockSynthesiser synth;
synth.setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (1, false);
synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (44100);
synth.renderNextBlock (audio, midi, start, length);
return synth.events;
const auto e = processEvents (0, blockSize);
expect (e.blocks.size() == 2);
expect (e.messages.size() == 1);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == blockSize);
expect (e.order == std::vector<CallbackKind> { CallbackKind::process,
CallbackKind::process });
beginTest ("Rendering subblocks processes only contained midi events");
const int blockSize = 512;
const auto midi = makeTestBuffer (blockSize);
AudioBuffer<float> audio (1, blockSize);
const auto processEvents = [&] (int start, int length)
MockSynthesiser synth;
synth.setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (1, false);
synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (44100);
synth.renderNextBlock (audio, midi, start, length);
return synth.events;
const int subBlockLength = 0;
const auto e = processEvents (0, subBlockLength);
expect (e.blocks.size() == 0);
expect (e.messages.size() == 0);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == subBlockLength);
const int subBlockLength = 0;
const auto e = processEvents (1, subBlockLength);
expect (e.blocks.size() == 0);
expect (e.messages.size() == 0);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == subBlockLength);
const int subBlockLength = 1;
const auto e = processEvents (1, subBlockLength);
expect (e.blocks.size() == 1);
expect (e.messages.size() == 1);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == subBlockLength);
expect (e.order == std::vector<CallbackKind> { CallbackKind::midi,
CallbackKind::process });
const auto e = processEvents (0, blockSize);
expect (e.blocks.size() == blockSize);
expect (e.messages.size() == blockSize);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == blockSize);
expect (e.order.front() == CallbackKind::midi);
beginTest ("Subblocks respect their minimum size");
const int blockSize = 512;
const auto midi = makeTestBuffer (blockSize);
AudioBuffer<float> audio (1, blockSize);
const auto blockLengthsAreValid = [] (const std::vector<StartAndLength>& info, int minLength, bool strict)
if (info.size() <= 1)
return true;
const auto lengthIsValid = [&] (const StartAndLength& s) { return minLength <= s.length; };
const auto begin = strict ? info.begin() : std::next (info.begin());
// The final block is allowed to be shorter than the minLength
return std::all_of (begin, std::prev (info.end()), lengthIsValid);
for (auto strict : { false, true })
for (auto subblockSize : { 1, 16, 32, 64, 1024 })
MockSynthesiser synth;
synth.setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (subblockSize, strict);
synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (44100);
synth.renderNextBlock (audio, midi, 0, blockSize);
const auto& e = synth.events;
expectWithinAbsoluteError (float (e.blocks.size()),
std::ceil ((float) blockSize / (float) subblockSize),
expect (e.messages.size() == blockSize);
expect (std::is_sorted (e.blocks.begin(), e.blocks.end()));
expect (sumBlockLengths (e.blocks) == blockSize);
expect (blockLengthsAreValid (e.blocks, subblockSize, strict));
MockSynthesiser synth;
synth.setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (32, true);
synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (44100);
synth.renderNextBlock (audio, MidiBuffer{}, 0, 16);
expect (synth.events.blocks == std::vector<StartAndLength> { { 0, 16 } });
expect (synth.events.order == std::vector<CallbackKind> { CallbackKind::process });
expect (synth.events.messages.empty());
MpeSynthesiserBaseTests mpeSynthesiserBaseTests;
} // namespace juce