subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
struct AudioThumbnail::MinMaxValue
MinMaxValue() noexcept
values[0] = 0;
values[1] = 0;
inline void set (const int8 newMin, const int8 newMax) noexcept
values[0] = newMin;
values[1] = newMax;
inline int8 getMinValue() const noexcept { return values[0]; }
inline int8 getMaxValue() const noexcept { return values[1]; }
inline void setFloat (Range<float> newRange) noexcept
// Workaround for an ndk armeabi compiler bug which crashes on signed saturation
Range<float> limitedRange (jlimit (-1.0f, 1.0f, newRange.getStart()),
jlimit (-1.0f, 1.0f, newRange.getEnd()));
values[0] = (int8) (limitedRange.getStart() * 127.0f);
values[1] = (int8) (limitedRange.getEnd() * 127.0f);
values[0] = (int8) jlimit (-128, 127, roundToInt (newRange.getStart() * 127.0f));
values[1] = (int8) jlimit (-128, 127, roundToInt (newRange.getEnd() * 127.0f));
if (values[0] == values[1])
if (values[1] == 127)
inline bool isNonZero() const noexcept
return values[1] > values[0];
inline int getPeak() const noexcept
return jmax (std::abs ((int) values[0]),
std::abs ((int) values[1]));
inline void read (InputStream& input) { input.read (values, 2); }
inline void write (OutputStream& output) { output.write (values, 2); }
int8 values[2];
class AudioThumbnail::LevelDataSource : public TimeSliceClient
LevelDataSource (AudioThumbnail& thumb, AudioFormatReader* newReader, int64 hash)
: hashCode (hash), owner (thumb), reader (newReader)
LevelDataSource (AudioThumbnail& thumb, InputSource* src)
: hashCode (src->hashCode()), owner (thumb), source (src)
~LevelDataSource() override
owner.cache.getTimeSliceThread().removeTimeSliceClient (this);
enum { timeBeforeDeletingReader = 3000 };
void initialise (int64 samplesFinished)
const ScopedLock sl (readerLock);
numSamplesFinished = samplesFinished;
if (reader != nullptr)
lengthInSamples = reader->lengthInSamples;
numChannels = reader->numChannels;
sampleRate = reader->sampleRate;
if (lengthInSamples <= 0 || isFullyLoaded())
owner.cache.getTimeSliceThread().addTimeSliceClient (this);
void getLevels (int64 startSample, int numSamples, Array<Range<float>>& levels)
const ScopedLock sl (readerLock);
if (reader == nullptr)
if (reader != nullptr)
lastReaderUseTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
owner.cache.getTimeSliceThread().addTimeSliceClient (this);
if (reader != nullptr)
if (levels.size() < (int) reader->numChannels)
levels.insertMultiple (0, {}, (int) reader->numChannels - levels.size());
reader->readMaxLevels (startSample, numSamples, levels.getRawDataPointer(), (int) reader->numChannels);
lastReaderUseTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
void releaseResources()
const ScopedLock sl (readerLock);
int useTimeSlice() override
if (isFullyLoaded())
if (reader != nullptr && source != nullptr)
if (Time::getMillisecondCounter() > lastReaderUseTime + timeBeforeDeletingReader)
return 200;
return -1;
bool justFinished = false;
const ScopedLock sl (readerLock);
if (reader != nullptr)
if (! readNextBlock())
return 0;
justFinished = true;
if (justFinished)
owner.cache.storeThumb (owner, hashCode);
return 200;
bool isFullyLoaded() const noexcept
return numSamplesFinished >= lengthInSamples;
inline int sampleToThumbSample (const int64 originalSample) const noexcept
return (int) (originalSample / owner.samplesPerThumbSample);
int64 lengthInSamples = 0, numSamplesFinished = 0;
double sampleRate = 0;
unsigned int numChannels = 0;
int64 hashCode = 0;
AudioThumbnail& owner;
std::unique_ptr<InputSource> source;
std::unique_ptr<AudioFormatReader> reader;
CriticalSection readerLock;
std::atomic<uint32> lastReaderUseTime { 0 };
void createReader()
if (reader == nullptr && source != nullptr)
if (auto* audioFileStream = source->createInputStream())
reader.reset (owner.formatManagerToUse.createReaderFor (std::unique_ptr<InputStream> (audioFileStream)));
bool readNextBlock()
jassert (reader != nullptr);
if (! isFullyLoaded())
auto numToDo = (int) jmin (256 * (int64) owner.samplesPerThumbSample, lengthInSamples - numSamplesFinished);
if (numToDo > 0)
auto startSample = numSamplesFinished;
auto firstThumbIndex = sampleToThumbSample (startSample);
auto lastThumbIndex = sampleToThumbSample (startSample + numToDo);
auto numThumbSamps = lastThumbIndex - firstThumbIndex;
HeapBlock<MinMaxValue> levelData ((unsigned int) numThumbSamps * numChannels);
HeapBlock<MinMaxValue*> levels (numChannels);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) numChannels; ++i)
levels[i] = levelData + i * numThumbSamps;
HeapBlock<Range<float>> levelsRead (numChannels);
for (int i = 0; i < numThumbSamps; ++i)
reader->readMaxLevels ((firstThumbIndex + i) * owner.samplesPerThumbSample,
owner.samplesPerThumbSample, levelsRead, (int) numChannels);
for (int j = 0; j < (int) numChannels; ++j)
levels[j][i].setFloat (levelsRead[j]);
const ScopedUnlock su (readerLock);
owner.setLevels (levels, firstThumbIndex, (int) numChannels, numThumbSamps);
numSamplesFinished += numToDo;
lastReaderUseTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
return isFullyLoaded();
class AudioThumbnail::ThumbData
ThumbData (int numThumbSamples)
ensureSize (numThumbSamples);
inline MinMaxValue* getData (int thumbSampleIndex) noexcept
jassert (thumbSampleIndex < data.size());
return data.getRawDataPointer() + thumbSampleIndex;
int getSize() const noexcept
return data.size();
void getMinMax (int startSample, int endSample, MinMaxValue& result) const noexcept
if (startSample >= 0)
endSample = jmin (endSample, data.size() - 1);
int8 mx = -128;
int8 mn = 127;
while (startSample <= endSample)
auto& v = data.getReference (startSample);
if (v.getMinValue() < mn) mn = v.getMinValue();
if (v.getMaxValue() > mx) mx = v.getMaxValue();
if (mn <= mx)
result.set (mn, mx);
result.set (1, 0);
void write (const MinMaxValue* values, int startIndex, int numValues)
if (startIndex + numValues > data.size())
ensureSize (startIndex + numValues);
auto* dest = getData (startIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
dest[i] = values[i];
void resetPeak() noexcept
peakLevel = -1;
int getPeak() noexcept
if (peakLevel < 0)
for (auto& s : data)
auto peak = s.getPeak();
if (peak > peakLevel)
peakLevel = peak;
return peakLevel;
Array<MinMaxValue> data;
int peakLevel = -1;
void ensureSize (int thumbSamples)
auto extraNeeded = thumbSamples - data.size();
if (extraNeeded > 0)
data.insertMultiple (-1, MinMaxValue(), extraNeeded);
class AudioThumbnail::CachedWindow
CachedWindow() {}
void invalidate()
cacheNeedsRefilling = true;
void drawChannel (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
const double startTime, const double endTime,
const int channelNum, const float verticalZoomFactor,
const double rate, const int numChans, const int sampsPerThumbSample,
LevelDataSource* levelData, const OwnedArray<ThumbData>& chans)
if (refillCache (area.getWidth(), startTime, endTime, rate,
numChans, sampsPerThumbSample, levelData, chans)
&& isPositiveAndBelow (channelNum, numChannelsCached))
auto clip = g.getClipBounds().getIntersection (area.withWidth (jmin (numSamplesCached, area.getWidth())));
if (! clip.isEmpty())
auto topY = (float) area.getY();
auto bottomY = (float) area.getBottom();
auto midY = (topY + bottomY) * 0.5f;
auto vscale = verticalZoomFactor * (bottomY - topY) / 256.0f;
auto* cacheData = getData (channelNum, clip.getX() - area.getX());
RectangleList<float> waveform;
waveform.ensureStorageAllocated (clip.getWidth());
auto x = (float) clip.getX();
for (int w = clip.getWidth(); --w >= 0;)
if (cacheData->isNonZero())
auto top = jmax (midY - cacheData->getMaxValue() * vscale - 0.3f, topY);
auto bottom = jmin (midY - cacheData->getMinValue() * vscale + 0.3f, bottomY);
waveform.addWithoutMerging (Rectangle<float> (x, top, 1.0f, bottom - top));
x += 1.0f;
g.fillRectList (waveform);
Array<MinMaxValue> data;
double cachedStart = 0, cachedTimePerPixel = 0;
int numChannelsCached = 0, numSamplesCached = 0;
bool cacheNeedsRefilling = true;
bool refillCache (int numSamples, double startTime, double endTime,
double rate, int numChans, int sampsPerThumbSample,
LevelDataSource* levelData, const OwnedArray<ThumbData>& chans)
auto timePerPixel = (endTime - startTime) / numSamples;
if (numSamples <= 0 || timePerPixel <= 0.0 || rate <= 0)
return false;
if (numSamples == numSamplesCached
&& numChannelsCached == numChans
&& startTime == cachedStart
&& timePerPixel == cachedTimePerPixel
&& ! cacheNeedsRefilling)
return ! cacheNeedsRefilling;
numSamplesCached = numSamples;
numChannelsCached = numChans;
cachedStart = startTime;
cachedTimePerPixel = timePerPixel;
cacheNeedsRefilling = false;
ensureSize (numSamples);
if (timePerPixel * rate <= sampsPerThumbSample && levelData != nullptr)
auto sample = roundToInt (startTime * rate);
Array<Range<float>> levels;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
auto nextSample = roundToInt ((startTime + timePerPixel) * rate);
if (sample >= 0)
if (sample >= levelData->lengthInSamples)
for (int chan = 0; chan < numChannelsCached; ++chan)
*getData (chan, i) = MinMaxValue();
levelData->getLevels (sample, jmax (1, nextSample - sample), levels);
auto totalChans = jmin (levels.size(), numChannelsCached);
for (int chan = 0; chan < totalChans; ++chan)
getData (chan, i)->setFloat (levels.getReference (chan));
startTime += timePerPixel;
sample = nextSample;
numSamplesCached = i;
jassert (chans.size() == numChannelsCached);
for (int channelNum = 0; channelNum < numChannelsCached; ++channelNum)
ThumbData* channelData = chans.getUnchecked (channelNum);
MinMaxValue* cacheData = getData (channelNum, 0);
auto timeToThumbSampleFactor = rate / (double) sampsPerThumbSample;
startTime = cachedStart;
auto sample = roundToInt (startTime * timeToThumbSampleFactor);
for (int i = numSamples; --i >= 0;)
auto nextSample = roundToInt ((startTime + timePerPixel) * timeToThumbSampleFactor);
channelData->getMinMax (sample, nextSample, *cacheData);
startTime += timePerPixel;
sample = nextSample;
return true;
MinMaxValue* getData (const int channelNum, const int cacheIndex) noexcept
jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channelNum, numChannelsCached) && isPositiveAndBelow (cacheIndex, data.size()));
return data.getRawDataPointer() + channelNum * numSamplesCached
+ cacheIndex;
void ensureSize (const int numSamples)
auto itemsRequired = numSamples * numChannelsCached;
if (data.size() < itemsRequired)
data.insertMultiple (-1, MinMaxValue(), itemsRequired - data.size());
AudioThumbnail::AudioThumbnail (const int originalSamplesPerThumbnailSample,
AudioFormatManager& formatManager,
AudioThumbnailCache& cacheToUse)
: formatManagerToUse (formatManager),
cache (cacheToUse),
window (new CachedWindow()),
samplesPerThumbSample (originalSamplesPerThumbnailSample)
void AudioThumbnail::clear()
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
void AudioThumbnail::clearChannelData()
totalSamples = numSamplesFinished = 0;
numChannels = 0;
sampleRate = 0;
void AudioThumbnail::reset (int newNumChannels, double newSampleRate, int64 totalSamplesInSource)
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
numChannels = newNumChannels;
sampleRate = newSampleRate;
totalSamples = totalSamplesInSource;
createChannels (1 + (int) (totalSamplesInSource / samplesPerThumbSample));
void AudioThumbnail::createChannels (const int length)
while (channels.size() < numChannels)
channels.add (new ThumbData (length));
bool AudioThumbnail::loadFrom (InputStream& rawInput)
BufferedInputStream input (rawInput, 4096);
if (input.readByte() != 'j' || input.readByte() != 'a' || input.readByte() != 't' || input.readByte() != 'm')
return false;
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
samplesPerThumbSample = input.readInt();
totalSamples = input.readInt64(); // Total number of source samples.
numSamplesFinished = input.readInt64(); // Number of valid source samples that have been read into the thumbnail.
int32 numThumbnailSamples = input.readInt(); // Number of samples in the thumbnail data.
numChannels = input.readInt(); // Number of audio channels.
sampleRate = input.readInt(); // Source sample rate.
input.skipNextBytes (16); // (reserved)
createChannels (numThumbnailSamples);
for (int i = 0; i < numThumbnailSamples; ++i)
for (int chan = 0; chan < numChannels; ++chan)
channels.getUnchecked(chan)->getData(i)->read (input);
return true;
void AudioThumbnail::saveTo (OutputStream& output) const
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
const int numThumbnailSamples = channels.size() == 0 ? 0 : channels.getUnchecked(0)->getSize();
output.write ("jatm", 4);
output.writeInt (samplesPerThumbSample);
output.writeInt64 (totalSamples);
output.writeInt64 (numSamplesFinished);
output.writeInt (numThumbnailSamples);
output.writeInt (numChannels);
output.writeInt ((int) sampleRate);
output.writeInt64 (0);
output.writeInt64 (0);
for (int i = 0; i < numThumbnailSamples; ++i)
for (int chan = 0; chan < numChannels; ++chan)
channels.getUnchecked(chan)->getData(i)->write (output);
bool AudioThumbnail::setDataSource (LevelDataSource* newSource)
numSamplesFinished = 0;
auto wasSuccessful = [&] { return sampleRate > 0 && totalSamples > 0; };
if (cache.loadThumb (*this, newSource->hashCode) && isFullyLoaded())
source.reset (newSource); // (make sure this isn't done before loadThumb is called)
source->lengthInSamples = totalSamples;
source->sampleRate = sampleRate;
source->numChannels = (unsigned int) numChannels;
source->numSamplesFinished = numSamplesFinished;
return wasSuccessful();
source.reset (newSource);
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
source->initialise (numSamplesFinished);
totalSamples = source->lengthInSamples;
sampleRate = source->sampleRate;
numChannels = (int32) source->numChannels;
createChannels (1 + (int) (totalSamples / samplesPerThumbSample));
return wasSuccessful();
bool AudioThumbnail::setSource (InputSource* const newSource)
return newSource != nullptr && setDataSource (new LevelDataSource (*this, newSource));
void AudioThumbnail::setReader (AudioFormatReader* newReader, int64 hash)
if (newReader != nullptr)
setDataSource (new LevelDataSource (*this, newReader, hash));
int64 AudioThumbnail::getHashCode() const
return source == nullptr ? 0 : source->hashCode;
void AudioThumbnail::addBlock (int64 startSample, const AudioBuffer<float>& incoming,
int startOffsetInBuffer, int numSamples)
jassert (startSample >= 0
&& startOffsetInBuffer >= 0
&& startOffsetInBuffer + numSamples <= incoming.getNumSamples());
auto firstThumbIndex = (int) (startSample / samplesPerThumbSample);
auto lastThumbIndex = (int) ((startSample + numSamples + (samplesPerThumbSample - 1)) / samplesPerThumbSample);
auto numToDo = lastThumbIndex - firstThumbIndex;
if (numToDo > 0)
auto numChans = jmin (channels.size(), incoming.getNumChannels());
const HeapBlock<MinMaxValue> thumbData (numToDo * numChans);
const HeapBlock<MinMaxValue*> thumbChannels (numChans);
for (int chan = 0; chan < numChans; ++chan)
auto* sourceData = incoming.getReadPointer (chan, startOffsetInBuffer);
auto* dest = thumbData + numToDo * chan;
thumbChannels [chan] = dest;
for (int i = 0; i < numToDo; ++i)
auto start = i * samplesPerThumbSample;
dest[i].setFloat (FloatVectorOperations::findMinAndMax (sourceData + start, jmin (samplesPerThumbSample, numSamples - start)));
setLevels (thumbChannels, firstThumbIndex, numChans, numToDo);
void AudioThumbnail::setLevels (const MinMaxValue* const* values, int thumbIndex, int numChans, int numValues)
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
for (int i = jmin (numChans, channels.size()); --i >= 0;)
channels.getUnchecked(i)->write (values[i], thumbIndex, numValues);
auto start = thumbIndex * (int64) samplesPerThumbSample;
auto end = (thumbIndex + numValues) * (int64) samplesPerThumbSample;
if (numSamplesFinished >= start && end > numSamplesFinished)
numSamplesFinished = end;
totalSamples = jmax (numSamplesFinished, totalSamples.load());
int AudioThumbnail::getNumChannels() const noexcept
return numChannels;
double AudioThumbnail::getTotalLength() const noexcept
return sampleRate > 0 ? ((double) totalSamples / sampleRate) : 0.0;
bool AudioThumbnail::isFullyLoaded() const noexcept
return numSamplesFinished >= totalSamples - samplesPerThumbSample;
double AudioThumbnail::getProportionComplete() const noexcept
return jlimit (0.0, 1.0, (double) numSamplesFinished / (double) jmax ((int64) 1, totalSamples.load()));
int64 AudioThumbnail::getNumSamplesFinished() const noexcept
return numSamplesFinished;
float AudioThumbnail::getApproximatePeak() const
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
int peak = 0;
for (auto* c : channels)
peak = jmax (peak, c->getPeak());
return (float) jlimit (0, 127, peak) / 127.0f;
void AudioThumbnail::getApproximateMinMax (double startTime, double endTime, int channelIndex,
float& minValue, float& maxValue) const noexcept
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
MinMaxValue result;
auto* data = channels [channelIndex];
if (data != nullptr && sampleRate > 0)
auto firstThumbIndex = (int) ((startTime * sampleRate) / samplesPerThumbSample);
auto lastThumbIndex = (int) (((endTime * sampleRate) + samplesPerThumbSample - 1) / samplesPerThumbSample);
data->getMinMax (jmax (0, firstThumbIndex), lastThumbIndex, result);
minValue = result.getMinValue() / 128.0f;
maxValue = result.getMaxValue() / 128.0f;
void AudioThumbnail::drawChannel (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area, double startTime,
double endTime, int channelNum, float verticalZoomFactor)
const ScopedLock sl (lock);
window->drawChannel (g, area, startTime, endTime, channelNum, verticalZoomFactor,
sampleRate, numChannels, samplesPerThumbSample, source.get(), channels);
void AudioThumbnail::drawChannels (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area, double startTimeSeconds,
double endTimeSeconds, float verticalZoomFactor)
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i)
auto y1 = roundToInt ((i * area.getHeight()) / numChannels);
auto y2 = roundToInt (((i + 1) * area.getHeight()) / numChannels);
drawChannel (g, { area.getX(), area.getY() + y1, area.getWidth(), y2 - y1 },
startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds, i, verticalZoomFactor);
} // namespace juce