subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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793 lines
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
template <typename CharPointerType>
class OSCPatternMatcherImpl
using CharPtr = CharPointerType;
static bool match (CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (pattern == patternEnd)
return matchTerminator (target, targetEnd);
auto c = pattern.getAndAdvance();
switch (c)
case '?': return matchAnyChar (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
case '*': return matchAnyOrNoChars (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
case '{': return matchInsideStringSet (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
case '[': return matchInsideCharSet (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
default: return matchChar (c, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
static bool matchTerminator (CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
return target == targetEnd;
static bool matchChar (juce_wchar c, CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (target == targetEnd || c != target.getAndAdvance())
return false;
return match (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
static bool matchAnyChar (CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (target == targetEnd)
return false;
return match (pattern, patternEnd, ++target, targetEnd);
static bool matchAnyOrNoChars (CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (target == targetEnd)
return pattern == patternEnd;
if (match (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd))
return true;
return matchAnyOrNoChars (pattern, patternEnd, ++target, targetEnd);
static bool matchInsideStringSet (CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (pattern == patternEnd)
return false;
// Note: In case this code is ever moved into the more generic CharPointerFunctions,
// the next two lines probably will not compile as soon as this class is used with a
// Char template type parameter that is not the same type as String::Char.
StringArray set;
String currentElement;
while (pattern != patternEnd)
auto c = pattern.getAndAdvance();
switch (c)
case '}':
set.add (currentElement);
return matchStringSet (set, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
case ',':
set.add (currentElement);
currentElement += c;
return false;
static bool matchStringSet (const StringArray& set, CharPtr pattern,
CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (set.size() == 0)
return match (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
for (auto& str : set)
if (str.getCharPointer().compareUpTo (target, str.length()) == 0)
if (match (pattern, patternEnd, target + str.length(), targetEnd))
return true;
return false;
static bool matchInsideCharSet (CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd,
CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (pattern == patternEnd)
return false;
Array<juce_wchar> set;
bool setIsNegated = false;
while (pattern != patternEnd)
auto c = pattern.getAndAdvance();
switch (c)
case ']':
return matchCharSet (set, setIsNegated, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
case '-':
if (! addCharRangeToSet (set, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd))
return false;
case '!':
if (set.size() == 0 && setIsNegated == false)
setIsNegated = true;
// else = special case: fall through to default and treat '!' as a non-special character.
set.add (c);
return false;
static bool matchCharSet (const Array<juce_wchar>& set, bool setIsNegated,
CharPtr pattern, CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (set.size() == 0)
return match (pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
if (target == targetEnd)
return false;
return setIsNegated ? matchCharSetNegated (set, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd)
: matchCharSetNotNegated (set, pattern, patternEnd, target, targetEnd);
static bool matchCharSetNegated (const Array<juce_wchar>& set, CharPtr pattern,
CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
for (auto c : set)
if (*target == c)
return false;
return match (pattern, patternEnd, target + 1, targetEnd);
static bool matchCharSetNotNegated (const Array<juce_wchar>& set, CharPtr pattern,
CharPtr patternEnd, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
for (auto c : set)
if (*target == c)
if (match (pattern, patternEnd, target + 1, targetEnd))
return true;
return false;
static bool addCharRangeToSet (Array<juce_wchar>& set, CharPtr pattern,
CharPtr /*patternEnd*/, CharPtr target, CharPtr targetEnd)
if (target == targetEnd)
return false;
auto rangeStart = set.getLast();
auto rangeEnd = pattern.getAndAdvance();
if (rangeEnd == ']')
set.add ('-'); // special case: '-' has no special meaning at the end.
return true;
if (rangeEnd == ',' || rangeEnd == '{' || rangeEnd == '}' || set.size() == 0)
return false;
while (rangeEnd > rangeStart)
set.add (++rangeStart);
return true;
static bool matchOscPattern (const String& pattern, const String& target)
return OSCPatternMatcherImpl<String::CharPointerType>::match (pattern.getCharPointer(),
template <typename OSCAddressType> struct OSCAddressTokeniserTraits;
template <> struct OSCAddressTokeniserTraits<OSCAddress> { static const char* getDisallowedChars() { return " #*,?/[]{}"; } };
template <> struct OSCAddressTokeniserTraits<OSCAddressPattern> { static const char* getDisallowedChars() { return " #/"; } };
template <typename OSCAddressType>
struct OSCAddressTokeniser
using Traits = OSCAddressTokeniserTraits<OSCAddressType>;
static bool isPrintableASCIIChar (juce_wchar c) noexcept
return c >= ' ' && c <= '~';
static bool isDisallowedChar (juce_wchar c) noexcept
return CharPointer_ASCII (Traits::getDisallowedChars()).indexOf (c, false) >= 0;
static bool containsOnlyAllowedPrintableASCIIChars (const String& string) noexcept
for (auto charPtr = string.getCharPointer(); ! charPtr.isEmpty();)
auto c = charPtr.getAndAdvance();
if (! isPrintableASCIIChar (c) || isDisallowedChar (c))
return false;
return true;
static StringArray tokenise (const String& address)
if (address.isEmpty())
throw OSCFormatError ("OSC format error: address string cannot be empty.");
if (! address.startsWithChar ('/'))
throw OSCFormatError ("OSC format error: address string must start with a forward slash.");
StringArray oscSymbols;
oscSymbols.addTokens (address, "/", StringRef());
oscSymbols.removeEmptyStrings (false);
for (auto& token : oscSymbols)
if (! containsOnlyAllowedPrintableASCIIChars (token))
throw OSCFormatError ("OSC format error: encountered characters not allowed in address string.");
return oscSymbols;
} // namespace
OSCAddress::OSCAddress (const String& address)
: oscSymbols (OSCAddressTokeniser<OSCAddress>::tokenise (address)),
asString (address.trimCharactersAtEnd ("/"))
OSCAddress::OSCAddress (const char* address)
: oscSymbols (OSCAddressTokeniser<OSCAddress>::tokenise (String (address))),
asString (String (address).trimCharactersAtEnd ("/"))
bool OSCAddress::operator== (const OSCAddress& other) const noexcept
return asString == other.asString;
bool OSCAddress::operator!= (const OSCAddress& other) const noexcept
return ! operator== (other);
String OSCAddress::toString() const noexcept
return asString;
OSCAddressPattern::OSCAddressPattern (const String& address)
: oscSymbols (OSCAddressTokeniser<OSCAddressPattern>::tokenise (address)),
asString (address.trimCharactersAtEnd ("/")),
wasInitialisedWithWildcards (asString.containsAnyOf ("*?{}[]"))
OSCAddressPattern::OSCAddressPattern (const char* address)
: oscSymbols (OSCAddressTokeniser<OSCAddressPattern>::tokenise (String (address))),
asString (String (address).trimCharactersAtEnd ("/")),
wasInitialisedWithWildcards (asString.containsAnyOf ("*?{}[]"))
bool OSCAddressPattern::operator== (const OSCAddressPattern& other) const noexcept
return asString == other.asString;
bool OSCAddressPattern::operator!= (const OSCAddressPattern& other) const noexcept
return ! operator== (other);
bool OSCAddressPattern::matches (const OSCAddress& address) const noexcept
if (! containsWildcards())
return asString == address.asString;
if (oscSymbols.size() != address.oscSymbols.size())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < oscSymbols.size(); ++i)
if (! matchOscPattern (oscSymbols[i], address.oscSymbols[i]))
return false;
return true;
String OSCAddressPattern::toString() const noexcept
return asString;
class OSCAddressTests : public UnitTest
: UnitTest ("OSCAddress class", UnitTestCategories::osc)
void runTest()
beginTest ("construction and parsing");
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress (""), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("noleadingslash"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar "), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar#"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar*"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar,"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar?"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar["), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar]"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar{"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar}andsomemorechars"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress (String::fromUTF8 ("/nonasciicharacter\xc3\xbc""blabla")), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/nonprintableasciicharacter\t"), OSCFormatError);
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a/bcd/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/abcd/efgh/ijkLMNOPq/666r/s"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/allowedprintablecharacters!$%&()+-.^_`|~"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/additonalslashes//will///be////ignored"));
beginTest ("conversion to/from String");
OSCAddress address ("/this/is/a/very/long/address/");
expectEquals (address.toString(), String ("/this/is/a/very/long/address"));
static OSCAddressTests OSCAddressUnitTests;
class OSCAddressPatternTests : public UnitTest
: UnitTest ("OSCAddressPattern class", UnitTestCategories::osc)
void runTest()
beginTest ("construction and parsing");
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern (""), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern ("noleadingslash"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern ("/notallowedchar "), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern ("/notallowedchar#andsomemorechars"), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern (String::fromUTF8 ("/nonasciicharacter\xc3\xbc""blabla")), OSCFormatError);
expectThrowsType (OSCAddressPattern ("/nonprintableasciicharacter\t"), OSCFormatError);
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/a"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/a/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/a/bcd/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/abcd/efgh/ijkLMNOPq/666r/s"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/allowedprintablecharacters!$%&()+-.:;<=>@^_`|~"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/additonalslashes//will///be////ignored"));
beginTest ("construction and parsing - with wildcards");
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/foo/b?r/"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/?????"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/foo/b*r"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/**"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/?/b/*c"));
beginTest ("construction and parsing - with match expressions");
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/{}"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/{foo}"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/{foo,bar,baz}"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/[]"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/[abcde]"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/[a-e]"));
expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddressPattern ("/foo/[a-z]x{foo,bar}/*BAZ42/"));
/* Note: If malformed expressions are used, e.g. "bracenotclosed{" or "{a-e}" or "[-foo]",
this should not throw at construction time. Instead it should simply fail any pattern match later.
So there is no need to test for those.
The reason is that we do not actually parse the expressions now, but only during matching.
beginTest ("equality comparison");
OSCAddressPattern lhs ("/test/1");
OSCAddressPattern rhs ("/test/1");
expect (lhs == rhs);
expect (! (lhs != rhs));
OSCAddressPattern lhs ("/test/1");
OSCAddressPattern rhs ("/test/1/");
expect (lhs == rhs);
expect (! (lhs != rhs));
OSCAddressPattern lhs ("/test/1");
OSCAddressPattern rhs ("/test/2");
expect (! (lhs == rhs));
expect (lhs != rhs);
beginTest ("basic string matching");
/* Note: The actual expression matching is tested in OSCPatternMatcher, so here we just
do some basic tests and check if the matching works with multi-part addresses.
OSCAddressPattern pattern ("/foo/bar");
expect (! pattern.containsWildcards());
OSCAddress address ("/foo/bar");
expect (pattern.matches (address));
OSCAddressPattern pattern ("/foo/bar/");
expect (! pattern.containsWildcards());
OSCAddress address ("/foo/bar");
expect (pattern.matches (address));
OSCAddressPattern pattern ("/");
expect (! pattern.containsWildcards());
OSCAddress address ("/");
expect (pattern.matches (address));
OSCAddressPattern pattern ("/foo/bar");
expect (! pattern.containsWildcards());
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/foo/baz")));
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/foo/bar/baz")));
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/foo")));
beginTest ("string matching with wildcards");
OSCAddressPattern pattern ("/*/*put/slider[0-9]");
expect (pattern.containsWildcards());
expect (pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/mypatch/input/slider0")));
expect (pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/myotherpatch/output/slider9")));
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/myotherpatch/output/slider10")));
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/output/slider9")));
expect (! pattern.matches (OSCAddress ("/myotherpatch/output/slider9/position")));
beginTest ("conversion to/from String");
OSCAddressPattern ap ("/this/is/a/very/long/address/");
expectEquals (ap.toString(), String ("/this/is/a/very/long/address"));
OSCAddressPattern ap ("/*/*put/{fader,slider,knob}[0-9]/ba?/");
expectEquals (ap.toString(), String ("/*/*put/{fader,slider,knob}[0-9]/ba?"));
static OSCAddressPatternTests OSCAddressPatternUnitTests;
class OSCPatternMatcherTests : public UnitTest
: UnitTest ("OSCAddress class / pattern matching", UnitTestCategories::osc)
void runTest()
beginTest ("basic string matching");
expect (matchOscPattern ("", ""));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("", "x"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("x", ""));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo", "foo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo", "bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("ooooo", "oooooo"));
beginTest ("string matching with '?' wildcard");
expect (matchOscPattern ("?", "x"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("?", ""));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("?", "xx"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("b?r", "br"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("b?r", "bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("b?r", "baar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f???o", "fabco"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("f???o", "fabo"));
beginTest ("string matching with '*' wildcard");
expect (matchOscPattern ("*", ""));
expect (matchOscPattern ("*", "x"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("*", "foo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("*c", "aaaaaaabc"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("*c", "aaaaaaabbbcccc"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("*c", "aaaaaaabbbcccca"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("c*", "ccccbbbbaaaa"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("c*", "accccbbbaaaa"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f*o", "fo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f*o", "fuo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f*o", "fuvwxyzo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("*reallyreallylongstringstringstring", "reallyreallylongstringstringstrNOT"
beginTest ("string matching with '{..., ...}' pattern");
expect (matchOscPattern ("{}", ""));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("{}", "x"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("{abcde}", "abcde"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("{abcde,f}", "f"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("{abcde,f}", "ff"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("a{bcd}e", "abcde"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("a{bcd,bce}e", "abcde"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("a{bce,bcf}e", "abcde"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("a{bce,bcf}e", "ae"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("a{bce,,bcf}e", "ae"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("a{bcd,bcd,bcd}e", "abcde"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("aaa{bc,def,ghij,klmnopqrstu}eee", "aaaghijeee"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("{a,b,c}bcde", "abcde"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("{abc}bcde", "abcde"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("bcde{a,b,c}", "bcdea"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("bcde{abc}", "bcdea"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f{o,}o", "fo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f{,,,,,}o", "fo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo{b,ba,bar}x", "foobarx"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("a{bc,de}fg{hij,klm}{n}{}", "adefghijn"));
// should fail gracefully in case of wrong syntax:
expect (! matchOscPattern ("not{closing", "notclosing"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("not}opening", "notopening"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("{{nested}}", "nested"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("{a-c}bcde", "abcde"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("bcde{a-c}", "abcde"));
beginTest ("string matching with '[...]' pattern");
// using [] for a set of chars:
expect (matchOscPattern ("[]", ""));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("[]", "x"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "abcde"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "a"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "b"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "c"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "d"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "e"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("[abcde]", "f"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("f[oo]", "fo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("f[oo]", "foo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[rxz]foo", "foobarfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[rxz]foo", "foobaxfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[rxz]foo", "foobazfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[rxz]foo", "foobasfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[abc]foo[defgh]foo[i]foo[]foo", "foobfoohfooifoofoo"));
// using [] for a range of chars:
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[r-z]foo", "foobarfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[r-z]foo", "foobaxfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[r-z]foo", "foobazfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[r-z]foo", "foobasfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[r-z]foo", "foobaRfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[1-8]bar", "foo0bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[1-8]bar", "foo1bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[1-8]bar", "foo6bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[1-8]bar", "foo8bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[1-8]bar", "foo9bar"));
// special case: '-' does not have a special meaning if it is at the end of the set.
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[abc-]bar", "fooabar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[abc-]bar", "foo-bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[-]bar", "foo-bar"));
// mixing both set and range:
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]b[a-b]r", "fooabar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]b[a-a]r", "foobbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]b[aaaa-aaaa-aaaa]r", "foodbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooebar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foogbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooibar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foojbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fookbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foolbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooobar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foopbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooubar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooybar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foozbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foo0bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foo1bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foo5bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foo8bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "foo9bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooCbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooDbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooEbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooFbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooGbar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]bar", "fooXbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]ba[Rr]", "fooZbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]ba[Rr]", "foobar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ae-iko-uz1-8D-FX]ba[Rr]", "fooFXbar"));
// using [!...] for a negated set or range of chars:
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!rxz]foo", "foobarfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!rxz]foo", "foobaxfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!rxz]foo", "foobazfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[!rxz]foo", "foobasfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!r-z]foo", "foobarfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!r-z]foo", "foobaxfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!r-z]foo", "foobazfoo"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("fooba[!r-z]foo", "foobasfoo"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("fooba[!r-z]foo", "foobaRfoo"));
// special case: '!' does not have a special meaning if it is not the first char in the set.
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ab!c]bar", "fooabar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[ab!c]bar", "foo!bar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[ab!c]bar", "fooxbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[!!]bar", "foo!bar"));
expect (matchOscPattern ("foo[!!]bar", "fooxbar"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("foo[!!]bar", "foobar"));
// should fail gracefully in case of wrong syntax:
expect (! matchOscPattern ("notclosin[g", "notclosing"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("n]otopening", "notopening"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("[[nested]]", "nested"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("norangestar[-t]", "norangestart"));
expect (! matchOscPattern ("norangestar[-t]", "norangestar-"));
beginTest ("string matching combining patterns");
expect (matchOscPattern ("*ea*ll[y-z0-9X-Zvwx]??m[o-q]l[e]x{fat,mat,pat}te{}r*?", "reallycomplexpattern"));
static OSCPatternMatcherTests OSCPatternMatcherUnitTests;
} // namespace juce